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We've done exactly what will destroy us.... i was reading the post of our piyaaray gursikh veers and bhain, bhai charnjit singh ji, bhai parminder singh ji, and bibi rena kaur ji...

perhaps EVERY single PERSON on this board should read this post, made by noonespecial veerji.... sadly, we've done exactly what we shouldn't have:


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Hey Japmans,

Your perception is just that--its your own way of looking at how things are.

Just because in your mind, it seems that the world is burning and everyone hates each other, it does not make it so.

For one example, lets look at Sikhsangat.com, you might not think so, but other people on this board find things to be totally constructive and relatively positive. They have the ability to look at the board and at things in general holistically, balancing the good and the bad and coming to a rational conclusion. Most people don't get thrown off by one or two jerks causing arguments, they look at the good too, and then they realize, that on the whole, SIKHSANGAT.COM is a very good and productive atmosphere for Sikh Youth.

In the above paragraph, I commented on Sikhsangat.com specifically, but it also applies as well to the panth as a whole. We will see fighting and destruction if we really look for it, and we will also find peace and tranquility if we look for it as well. It all depends on the type of Sangat we keep.

Lets not be thrown off by a few trouble makers. They are in the minority. Most people don't cause fights - they are good and they recognize the panthic good.

-Japnaam Singh

PS. There is a distinct difference between healthy argument/debate and petty fighting.

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veer thanks for replying...

the thing i'm jus trying to get across is that the posts that get all the attention these days are revolviing around arguements and they're all relatively petty...

i don't know what caused me to do it, but i started reading that thread from beginning to end again, the one about the accident.... it's so sad that those first few weeks after the accident, you couldn't find a single trace of hate, enmity on this website, or alotta others for that matter..

to be honest, sometimes it feels like "who needs to die next so that we can love each other without exception"... all would clearly be an exaggeration, but if you look at the posts that recieve thew most attention, it's clearly the ones that have the argeuments that recieve the attention... i know before i could be blamed for causing arguements cuz i generally don't think the same way a fair share of the memebrs here, so i stopped posting for a hwile, i didn't wanna be the cause of arguements.. but it's not ending and it's honestly hurting me.

i knew rena kaur kinda well.. i mean, clearly not as well as some others on this board, but she meant alot to me, and definitely still does mean alot to me.. it's painful to see that 6 months after the accident, we're just as we were as if nothing happened at all... as if no accident hapepned..as if our panth didn't lose three gems... it's incredibly sad that we're always arguing

and now the motive behind my title: BECAUSE people love to see the arguements, i made my title as such... i was HOPING it would catch attention, and it did, it got quite a lot of views ina few hours, and i

sincerely hope that for the people who saw it, it takes them back to may and makes them remember that people LOST their lives... that they didn't ljus leave for fun... that we were supposed to LEARN something from it...

and NO, i'm not tryinmg to imply that NOONE learnt anything from that accident, but i'm trying to say that we shuldn't loose that feeling of sincere love we actually ahd fro each other at that time... 6 months isn't a long thime.. if this is how fast we disshevel in 6 months... what's going to happen if no one dies for another year... cuz it's almost precedence, that something shocking has to occur for people to come together in our community...

we both know, sadly enough, that gianni jee's passing will not result in the same outpouring of love.. as you stated on your own website "these tributes have all SUCEKD".. and let's be honest, they have, not nearly the asme amount of love and compassion.. so when's the next shockingevent going to have to occur so that we can all feel that love again

I for one, really enjoyed that feeling of love... i hated the feeling of emptiness caused by my attachment... but we alllearna nd move on... hopefully we keep the lessons with us... it just feelslike the BOARD (no... NOT all the people, many of the people, but NOT all the people), haven't taken the lesson forward...

i just wish we weren't just brothers/sisters when we agreed with each other, and arguing with each other to no end for all the other time we have.. what a pity that we spend our time arguing... when we could simply say

"yes, veerji/bhanji, you have a point, but i still feel that the way i'm practising this aspect of sikhi is right for me. if that is what is right for you then power to you veerji/bhanji and i'm glad you've on this path with me"

let's see THAT happen for every single arguement we have

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I respect your sincerity and the genuine innocence you bring when it comes to the topic of unity and togethernes..... but,

You're looking for perfection when there can't be any.

You're looking to live in an ideal world when that isn't possible.

In reality, we have to take the good and the bad... and simply filter the bad out.

Let's ignore it, alienate it, marginalize it and eventually we'll have the good outweigh the bad to a larger extent than is currently true.

Just one last point. Disagreeing isn't "arguing" neccesarily. You have to respect that as well. People MUST disagree and engage in debate in order to move forward in life with stronger and more logical beliefs... The next time you see people disagreeing, just look a little more closely, and a lot of the times, the disagreement won't be bitter, it won't be angry and it won't be hateful. It'll just be an honest disagreement, and nothing more.

Sometimes people can be jerks - JERKS WILL ALWAYS EXIST - we just have to learn how to ignore them.

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!


I agree with Japnaam Singh. No need to despair about bickering or argument Japmans - the few JERKS that are out to cause trouble will always cause trouble - don't need to worry about them - hopefully Guru Jee with do Kirpaa on them soon.

The reason why we don't see many positive posts is that either we are in agreement on nearly all issues on the beauty of Sikhi, or alternatively, that we aren't so spiritually uplifted that we don't understand what Sikhi is about and therefore unable to converse on it (the latter is true for me). Or perhaps the reasons for why the negative posts outweigh the positive posts is that we don't the chance to express our pyaar or respect for the members of the CyberSangat:

I'd take this opportunity now (without hoping to sound Group-Huggy or saracastic): ^_^^_^ to all the Gursikhs out there - i've learnt loads from you and you have been a great inspiration to me in my Sikhi Marag.

But back to the topic, even when there seem to be so many negative posts, we can always interpret them in one of two ways - interpret things in their best light and take positives from the negative, or we can all just despair and be pessimistic ab

out the present and future.

I suggest that we should all take the positive interpretation approach - since, as we are in Kaljug, there will always be things that try to pull us away from the Guru. When tragedies happen, the Sangat always rally together to remember the Pyare GurSikhs - and the pyaar amongst the Sangat grows. However, in Kaljug, it is always difficult to maintain this Pyaar - but we must keep up our sewa and simran, take the postives from this world full of negatives, and with Guru's Kirpaa - the pyaar amongst the Sangat will grow stronger.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

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