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World Cup - (Football REALLY is coming home)

Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

Well now. It's difficult to concentrate on anything else right except football. My attention is sometimes sidetracked by the intriguing fight between Prokharkoo84 and Big Tera here but it's not long before I'm thinking of England all day after dreaming about England all night. These are strange times around west London too, when you can tell which south Asian is 'Sikh' and which isn't as they drive past simply by looking to see if there's an England flag or two fixed to the car window. To the Sikhs, England's exploits have really got pulses racing. To Hindus and Muslims...no so much. Interesting feedback from family in Canada too, where matches have been receiving very healthy viewing figures. Even before the first ball was kicked a couple of weeks ago England was by far the most supported country among Canadians, at 18% nationally (Brazil in 2nd place at 12%). What surprised me about that is the fact that Canada is extremely Scottish when it comes to family history in Great Britain and we all know how the Scots feel about England at the World Cup. But here;s where the waters get muddied a little: England is only the 4th most supported country in Vancouver and the rest of British Columbia (behind Brazil, Germany and Mexico) but by far the most supported nation in Alberta (where Ukranian / Russian / German heritage is most prominent). The conclusion I draw from that is that Indians and Chinese in Vancouver don't know sh$t about football, don't care about England, and base their football good wishes on the nationalities of Messi and Ronaldo. But , the stats also tell us something else. The connection between politics and football. Conservative voters in Canada were overwhelmingly fans of England while Liberals mostly supported Portugal and Germany. So that leaves the party of Jagdeep Singh, the main party of the Sikhs in canada; the NDP. Well, of all voters in canada, according to that angus reid survey, it was NDP voters who mostly said that don't care about the world cup and don't support anybody. 

Yes. Canada and Canadian politics is that boring that one has to add football to it to try and make it interesting. I did try. This, my good friends, is the time for every nation on earth to get together and revel in the excitement that football is finally coming home to the land of it's birth. Nobody likes the French. You know that and I know that. And the Belgians should stick to making chocolate and waffles. Croatia should just go back to being lovely little Croatia and the whole world will and shall unite by joining we UK Sikhs in proudly displaying our England flags on our cars, wearing our retro tight fit replica England shirts and rejoicing in the fact that Football REALLY is finally coming home.

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Guest jyot k.

at least sixty percent of Sikhs are Jat - genetically we are closer to Croats than Angrej:


This is why I root for Croatia. Plus I was acquainted with some Croats who were really very good people.  I kind of like the English language so if England wins, I'll be happy too - after all the game of football/soccer originated in England.

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Guest Sajjan Kumar Jat

Lol at the poster above trying to present the dubious Crotian/Jat article as fact.

Less than 50% of Sikhs are associated with Jat ancestry as census figures show.

It is simple Hindutva propaganda to falsely associate Sikhs with being Jat.

Despite 80% of the Jat people being proud Muslims and proud Hindu's who revere the likes of Liaquat Ali Khan and Sajjan Kumar for the simple fact that most Pakistani Punjabi Jat's and most Haryanvi and Delhi police Jat's despise Sikhs (regardless of background).

The weird thing is that given that the primary founders of Pakistan were Muslim Jats like their grooming Mirpuri Jat Muslim brothers (and the previous incumbent Pakistani Prime Minister was a proud Brahmin Muslim (Nawaz Sharif) and most Muslim Kashmiri terrorists in India are proud of their Brahmin caste ... why this notion has crept up amongst east Punjabi's of Brahmin supposedly meaning Hindu (when in fact most Punjabi Brahmins are Muslims like Alama Iqbal and Nawaz Sharif and London terrorist Khuram Butt)?



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10 hours ago, Guest jyot k. said:

at least sixty percent of Sikhs are Jat - genetically we are closer to Croats than Angrej:


This is why I root for Croatia. Plus I was acquainted with some Croats who were really very good people.  I kind of like the English language so if England wins, I'll be happy too - after all the game of football/soccer originated in England.

funnyily enough it originated with lopped off heads being kicked around in China but yes the regulated game is from England ..in-laws Brasilian so it's first choice but then we also support England since the majority of us were born here...

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
9 hours ago, S4NGH said:



I Like :) I like very much. I would like even more if they put an apostrophe in 'it's'.




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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
8 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:


Ranjeetoslav Singhovic 

:) Now that ^ has actually got a really good ring to it. I like it.

Let's break it down though: Victory-Glory son of Singh

(Ranjeet = victorious) (Slav = glory) (Singh = Singh) (Ic = son of)


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52 minutes ago, lostconfussedsingh said:

I will be happy when england lose the game. I will be so happy as i would love to burn the uk flag as i hate the uk by pouring it in oil then setting it alight.

You mean England flag? 

I guess you don’t live in England? Well, those of us that live here are loyal to the country we live in 

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