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peacemaker urpoint about tying ur ur hair on ur head is flawed i think. most dhari;s arent even that long so cant reli get in the way. covering ur head is a great sign of respect bravery and dedication to god. so i dont think u acn put the two together!. i understand if ur in the army or hardcore factory work u may have to tie it but i just dont think it looks 'right'. wierd indeed. one of my friends uses hair pins and hair spray. i cudnt believe it when i saw his sorting his dhari out lol!

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Another reason for dhari to not be tucked in is if most of the sikhs had there dhari not tucked in it would create a good example for people that have a hard time keeping there kesh or the ones who trim there dhari(it would help them alot to see if that person can do so can i). But the sad thing is that many of the singhs in panjab and overseas try to look like monay rather than look like a pakka sikh.

When i was in panjab, i had my relatives telling me so many times to tie my dhari blink.gif , i was like <admin-profanity filter activated>. I dont tie my dhari in australia, where sikhs are like 30,000-40,000 what makes you think that i will tie it in panjab.

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Guest peacemaker

So this is why this site has no monay Sikh members who actively post. They are all scared off or are in the closet about it. Oh, forgive me for using monay and Sikh in the same sentence. What was I thinking! rolleyes.gif

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So this is why this site has no monay Sikh members who actively post. They are all scared off or are in the closet about it. Oh, forgive me for using monay and Sikh in the same sentence. What was I thinking! rolleyes.gif


Any validity in your point gets lost when the style of reply is akin to going into a corner sulking and blurting out the first insulting words that come to mind. Don’t always assume things about the tone of the post you have read and re-read or clarify if necessary.

I may differ in views with you. Sometimes I think you’re off your rocker and I’m sure you think the same. However, you seem like a considerate and passionate person, but because all of us don’t know better, the manner of your post will come across to some as hotheaded and brings the level of discussion on the forum way down.

No one has the ultimate truth here. Express your opinion, strongly if you wish, but always eloquently and respectfully.

Sorry for the interruption.

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Guest peacemaker
However, you seem like a considerate and passionate person, but because all of us don't know better, the manner of your post will come across to some as hotheaded and brings the level of discussion on the forum way down.

If you have an issue with all of my posts over the years, which you seem to do, then please private message me. I was replying to the previous member's post. You're talking about the whole kitten caboodle here and that is something which I will not tolerate, given the way in which you have chosen to approach me.

I feel like you're taking a cheap shot at me and embarrassing me. It is unfair, my friend, and undeserved. Quite frankly, this smells like hippopotamus crap to me.

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So this is why this site has no monay Sikh members who actively post. They are all scared off or are in the closet about it. Oh, forgive me for using monay and Sikh in the same sentence. What was I thinking! rolleyes.gif

No one has the ultimate truth here. Express your opinion, strongly if you wish, but always eloquently and respectfully.

vah vah, meh odeh naal agreeing karda :)

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I also personally do not like tying beard up however to keep it neat, best way i have found it to be is by tying a tatee for a little while in the morning.

So after having shower and tying dastaar in the morning, i will tie a tatee before dhari dries. Its basically a small piece of fabric tied sort of around dhari and knotted over the head. I will leave this on while I do my Nitnem and take it off straight after and find it keeps dhari neat and tidy. Best thing is I dont use no gel/fixo oil etc (been there done all that).


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I was replying to this thread, and have noticed a similar style in other posts of yours. However, I was not referring to ‘all of your posts’. I have not read all of your posts. I do recall many of your posts with which I agree. In some threads I think you’re a lone voice of reason especially when it comes to tolerance and acceptance with social issues. I disagree with, or to put it mildly, don’t understand your views with respect to the integrity of the definition of a sikh.

I appreciate how clearly and honestly you expressed yourself in reply to me. Perhaps you know others here. Regardless, my intention is not to embarrass you, but to get to the crux of an issue. I am sorry for any embarrassment caused.

With respect to pm’ing you. You have replied to others above and suggested that they are “scaring others”. You often post suggesting that others are ‘fanatics’. Making that suggestion to a Sikh that is the modern day equivalent of calling a black person a n**** in the 50s. There are shameful windows of time when the language and thought of a society incorporates an ignorant hatred which is exposed by later generations.

You choose this approach on the forum, not in a pm. But you prefer a pm for yourself.

Visions of hippos aside, I appreciate your honesty in your reply above. I hope to continue to see many of your constructive posts that call for acceptance and tolerance.

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