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EDL supporting Sikhs

Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

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On 8/9/2018 at 3:11 AM, Akalifauj said:

Informing the Sikh sangat which includes the gullible you is a very good step forward on what muslims and Islam is about.  Many young girls and boys may be saved.  

I'm hard on big tera post but I agree with you here man.  Keep it up.

Things getting a bit uncomfortable for you Canadians, is it? Your beloved Trudeau has brought the gandh and strife to your country and your streets, and now you remember there's children to be saved? Too late. 

It's true that saying about prideful people not heeding warnings from friends and benefactors in peace time. Some fools only learn when the trouble reaches their own door, but by then nothing can be done.

So, to all the wannabe revolutionaries on this forum: what will you PERSONALLY do every day of your existence to prevent the malign affects of Islamic encroachment into your lives and your communities? Any concrete plans of action or just the usual keyboard warrior tactics?

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
57 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

Things getting a bit uncomfortable for you Canadians, is it? Your beloved Trudeau has brought the gandh and strife to your country and your streets, and now you remember there's children to be saved? Too late. 


atleast all men and women will be covered from shoulder to toe in one piece garments LOL ?

no more skimpy dresses LOL

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1 hour ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

atleast all men and women will be covered from shoulder to toe in one piece garments LOL ?

no more skimpy dresses LOL

Yeah, I don't know why some Sikhs are getting triggered at the thought of Islamic hegemony in western nations. Don't some of the khattar among us crave a return to a time of a patriarchal religious autocracy, lol? 

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
54 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

Yeah, I don't know why some Sikhs are getting triggered at the thought of Islamic hegemony in western nations. Don't some of the khattar among us crave a return to a time of a patriarchal religious autocracy, lol? 

I don't think most adult non-muslim men are ok with the idea of all their male descendants having to bear a scalpel down there just to be a part of that particular faith. Having said that , patriarchal religious societies don't smell of roses for men either ! Men do get stoned to death for adultery in islamic societies , and I don't even have to tell you the status of homosexuals (they're men too) in islamic societies. Try wearing a sleeveless shirt or shorts somewhere in middle east . 

Forget about a western nation you have been all inhabiting since at most a century now. As much as you want to pander the west , and UK in particular , they are not and will never be your friends. They just know how to conveniently use you as a tool for their goals , and thats what EDL is doing right now. Sad thing is hindus sniff such trickeries quite quickly that our people do ! 

BTW , Why aren't sikhs getting all up in arms over the hindu hegemony in our very homeland ? It is threatening sikh political power in the last political leg we do have -- the sikh demography in punjab ? It seems most sikhs are ok to live in an increasingly hindu hegemony in punjab. Ironically enough, someone like you too who make much noise against islamization is ok with increasingly hinduization of punjab. It would be a mistake to assume they would be friendly towards us just because they belong to the same dharmic group of religions. If that were the cases, jews and muslims would have been at peace , not blood enemies.

As the saying goes in Punjabi "sarik mitti da vi bura". You see it in jewish-muslim and hindu-sikh conflicts. Sibling rivalry I guess 

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13 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

Forget about a western nation you have been all inhabiting since at most a century now. As much as you want to pander the west , and UK in particular , they are not and will never be your friends. They just know how to conveniently use you as a tool for their goals , and thats what EDL is doing right now. Sad thing is hindus sniff such trickeries quite quickly that our people do ! 

BTW , Why aren't sikhs getting all up in arms over the hindu hegemony in our very homeland ? It is threatening sikh political power in the last political leg we do have -- the sikh demography in punjab ? It seems most sikhs are ok to live in an increasingly hindu hegemony in punjab. Ironically enough, someone like you too who make much noise against islamization is ok with increasingly hinduization of punjab. It would be a mistake to assume they would be friendly towards us just because they belong to the same dharmic group of religions. If that were the cases, jews and muslims would have been at peace , not blood enemies.

As the saying goes in Punjabi "sarik mitti da vi bura". You see it in jewish-muslim and hindu-sikh conflicts. Sibling rivalry I guess 

I agree with all of the above to varying degrees. There's quite a few significant realisations that have dawned on me in the past year that cover some of what you've discussed. Honestly, I would hesitate to discuss most of these thoughts on this forum. Some of it is really quite stark and unpalatable for people with a certain mindset. I guess God grants us insight only when we're most capable of tolerating and processing it, and even then one has to retain a sense of perspective. Hence why i keep it light hearted and tongue in cheek. There's no need to get people down, lol.

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

Honestly, I would hesitate to discuss most of these thoughts on this forum

Yup , wise decision . Considering this site is prolly under secret supervision by ... well you never know

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Guest Don't believe them
On 4 August 2018 at 2:14 PM, Big_Tera said:

These people are clearly against muslim grooming and extremism. What is not to like about that.

So what if they dont wear smart shoes, suits and ties. But then the rich dont live in muslim ghettos as they have money to move out. 

These people have to live in mualim dominated areas and have to deal with their aweful behaviour. 

The Edl can be shaped into a party that is fully legit. They just need to sort out their public image. They need to behave better instead of acting like hooligans at their marches. 

This way they can garnish a greater level of support from the wider public. The media likes to potray them as thugs. But I am sure all edl are not like that. 


No they can't be shaped into a fully legit party. It's a racist party like Adolf Hitlers party. 


It it never ends well. You can't take the good bits and ignore the bad bits. The good bits are just there to cover up the sinister real objectives and values of parties like this. 


Its just an enticement to get people to join. Don't be fooled, they don't care about you or Sikhs, only themselves. 

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9 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The EDL are a spent force because Tommy Robinson is no longer part of it. Like in the way UKIP is largely seen with Nigel Farage. In a manner of speaking they are like personality cults. 

However what Tommy has done is made the public aware what is going on in a way no Sikh could. 

The white working class is the majority and he has galvanised them to an extent and made the establishment take notice.

The fact of the matter is that has far more influence in changing public opinion and the media is trying to silence or misalign as much as possible but I have a feeling that his voice will get stronger and stronger, he is relentless. 

A lot of Sikhs who are against the EDL harp on about 70's and 80's and yes I can understand their concerns but however some of our people are still stuck in that era.

It is like the same way some people are stuck in the cold war era.

Things have moved on and those times are no longer the reality for the majority of our people. 

The same thing is happening in the US as well. The media keeps trying to silence Trump but it's not working anymore. Gone are the days where the media can dictate public opinion.

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