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EDL supporting Sikhs

Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

I'm very confused.com. The whole thing is so mind-blowingly dumb it's difficult to get my head round it. Lets try and figure it in one great big mega sentence.  Right, take a deep breath aaaand....GO:

British facist groups (EDL, Britain First) preach hate by using child sexual grooming as an excuse and yet at least 4 (possibly more) higher ranking EDL officials are currently in prison for child sex grooming offences,  Tommy Robinson set up a crown fund to fight his court case - got tens of thousands of pounds - and subsequently pleaded guilty to the charge anyway and pocketed the money raised anyway, he is now appealing - yes I kid you not, pleading against a verdict that he pleaded guilty to anyway, thousands of facists including American Presidents have been calling for the release of a convicted prisoner using his stage name and not his real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, even his 'real' name is not his real name as his 3rd real name is Paul White, using his real name Paul White he was arrested at New York airport in 2011 for entering America illegally using somebody else's passport under  a totally different name (yes, neither paul white, Stephen yaxley-lennon, or tommy robinson), Trump puts brown children in jail and in cages for entering America illegally but sings the praises of this white man that broke American laws and entered America illegally, EDL and Britain First use Sikhs as a tool pretending to be our friend, EDL and Britain First are funded by and supported by Canadian facist media group rebel tv, well known international Canadian facists / racists Lauren Southern and Goldy regularly sing the praises of EDL and Britain First whilst simultaneously demonizing Sikhs in Canada and yet there are still multiple Sikhs here on this forum that support them ?   :ghost:  What the hell is going on ?

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

OK, well I'm surprised the EDL supporters here had nothing to add to this thread because they seem to be very vocal normally.  They're almost as quiet as the American 'patriots' justifying locking up brown children in cages on the grounds of the 'rule of law' and yet simultaneously singing the praises of 'Tommy Robinson' who in 2011 broke the law and illegally entered America.  Let's start with a small list of half of the jailed paedophile facists  (and yes mister singh...the below is copy and pasted - I'm not a detective who compiles his own dossier on paedophiles)

Below then, are just some of the men that stand on city High Streets on Saturday shouting "allah is a paedo" and then go home to abuse little girls on a Sunday. Just 'some' of them. There's a lot more:


This 40 year old had been going out with a child since she was 16,. Not any more …


He had already been jailed with another BNP supporter, Andrew Wells, in 2008, over abusing 14 year old girls.


Kristopher Allan  has not only been done for abusing an ex-partner, he had messages, images, and sexual contact involving a 13 year old. He was done for shouting "Allah is a pedo" at demo, a chant which I assume is now going to be amended by the ever  to  "Allan Is A Pedo!"


Michael Cowen, an ever present at EDL rallies jailed for child pornography:



While in jail he can catch up with another of his racist facist friends and reminisce about EDl rallies, Paul O’Brien, who was jailed for 9 years for rape and sexual assault:


Ryan Fleming of National Action revealed to be on the Sex Offenders Register for false imprisonment and sexual abuse against a vulnerable teenager.


James Swindlehurst, a White Man March supporter who was photographed with the North West Infidels, jailed for 20 years for 13 counts of child rape:


EDL and BNP supporter sentenced for child murder: 33 years for him, 8 for his accomplice.


Michael Kinnear, BNP and EDL supporter, jailed for in 2010 for sexually abusing a 7 year old


After release done for child pornography. http://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/morecambe-woman-accused-of-using-seven-year-old-girl-for-worldwide-pornography-1-7364866 

Elliot Jones, EDL supporter and part of the self-styled ‘pedophile squad’ who go around hunting muslim 'paedophiles' jailed for, err, paedphophilia !!

http://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/crime-court/romford_paedophile_squad_jailed_for_grindr_blackmail_1_4156153 10/7/15:

Bob Ewing, ex-BNP and EDL supporter, found guilty of murdering 17 year old Paige Chivers of Blackpool and had an “inappropriate sexual interest” in her.

http://edlnews.co.uk/2015/07/10/bnp-paedophile-robert-ewing-guilty-of-the-murder-of-paige-chivers/ http://edlcriminals.com/2015/07/10/robert-ewing-and-his-far-right-links/

Shaun Jones, Liverpool ‘Scouse Nationalists’ jailed for grooming and raping a 12 year old girl



Robert Ewing, ex-BNP and EDL member charged over missing Blackpool schoolgirl Paige Chivvers and implied sexual activity:


Kane Hutchinson, Newcastle EDL, convicted of serial child abuse


John Broomfield, EDL and British Freedom supporter, ‘making indecent images of children’ and inept mosque attack: http://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/9094012.Former_Swanage_soldier_jailed_for_child_abuse_images/


Mervyn Jones, North Wales Alliance/Combined Ex-Forces, remanded in custody awaiting sentence after being found guilty of rape, attempted rape, indecent assault.




Michael McQueenie, EDL Blackburn, pleaded guilty of two counts of rape of a 14-year-old girl and sexual assault.


Mark ‘Archie’ Sleman, EDL : kidnapping and sexually abusing 10-year-old girl.


Michael Coates AKA Micky Blue Eyes NW Infidels: charged with 2 attempted rapes and other sex offences.


Brett Moses EDL Hull: 12-month prison sentence for sexual grooming.


Matthew Woodward, Deeside EDL: charged with child pornography and soliciting a 13 year old for photographs.


Alan Thomas Ellis, Deeside EDL: convicted of sending texts of a sexual nature to a 14 year old girl.



Stephen Payne SDL supporter: convicted of grooming a 13 year old. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/facebook-pervert-stephen-payne-walks-1736961

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh

I get the impression all the multitude of EDL facist supporting Sikhs on this forum lurk in the background desperately waiting for another story about muslims so they can start posting their usual 'tommy robinson is a hero' bullcrap. In the meantime, they have all gone very very quiet indeed. Where are they ?

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EDL britian first etc  all their supporters are mostly chavs, the sought you would find on jeremy kyle show, most of them have probably never met their biological fathers. I really don't understand why Sikhs would support that trash,  lets be honest a crowd of people can not get any uglier than this . Most of these people look seriously inbred, imagine what it smells like there!  these swines all look like they could do with a good wash 

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Image result for edl supporters

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
57 minutes ago, puzzled said:

EDL britian first etc  all their supporters are mostly chavs, the sought you would find on jeremy kyle show, most of them have probably never met their biological fathers. I really don't understand why Sikhs would support that trash,  lets be honest a crowd of people can not get any uglier than this . Most of these people look seriously inbred, imagine what it smells like there!  these swines all look like they could do with a good wash 

Image result for edl supporters

Image result for edl supporters

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Puzzled,  I wouldn't want to dwell too much on how they 'look'. The reason I'm saying that is because I've spent such a large portion of my life fighting the blackshirts I know that they know that it is one of their major shortcomings. That's why their current new ploy is to place young pretty beautifull faces at the forefront in order to change the image. In that respect they've learned from the Canadian model in the way that they place 'pretty' faces like Lauren Southern and Goldy as the face of the alt-right.  Things have changed and we are now in a very dangerous point. In Southall in the 1970s both my mum and dad fought and defeated these facists using their fists. Whilst they could never have imagined that some in the next generation of UK Sikhs would actually be on the side of the facists I know that even they know that the enemy is now beginning to evolve and a big reason for that is Canada. The far right in Britain is being bank-rolled by  well oiled facist groups from Canada. Even the American Antifa and legendary Southern Poverty Law Center publicly acknowledge that the facist groups from Canada are active in the American alt-right far and beyond what one would expect from a population that size. Canadian facists such as rebel tv and individuals are funding groups such as EDL an Britian First in the UK whilst simultaneously aiding and abetting hate crimes against Sikhs in Canada. This really is the time that everyone united against the blackshirts. Together, we could crush them instantly. But they know that. That's why they help divide us.


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These people are clearly against muslim grooming and extremism. What is not to like about that.

So what if they dont wear smart shoes, suits and ties. But then the rich dont live in muslim ghettos as they have money to move out. 

These people have to live in mualim dominated areas and have to deal with their aweful behaviour. 

The Edl can be shaped into a party that is fully legit. They just need to sort out their public image. They need to behave better instead of acting like hooligans at their marches. 

This way they can garnish a greater level of support from the wider public. The media likes to potray them as thugs. But I am sure all edl are not like that. 


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1 hour ago, Big_Tera said:

These people are clearly against muslim grooming and extremism. What is not to like about that.

So what if they dont wear smart shoes, suits and ties. But then the rich dont live in muslim ghettos as they have money to move out. 

These people have to live in mualim dominated areas and have to deal with their aweful behaviour. 

The Edl can be shaped into a party that is fully legit. They just need to sort out their public image. They need to behave better instead of acting like hooligans at their marches. 

This way they can garnish a greater level of support from the wider public. The media likes to potray them as thugs. But I am sure all edl are not like that. 


A lot of them are actually racists what makes you think they will treat you any different? Can they even tell the difference between sikhs and Muslims     to people like them all brown people are the same.  Britian first did a Christian patrol through a Jewish area of London  headed by that jayda woman. What makes you think they won't march down southall with a massive cross and stand outside the gurdwareh next ? 

Most of these people are ugly to look at racist chavs with yellow teeth and cigarette breath 

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh
2 hours ago, Big_Tera said:

These people are clearly against muslim grooming and extremism. What is not to like about that.

Seeing how you said that even after reading my long list of EDL / Britain First child sex groomers in jail can we assume that they are against Muslim child sex groomers because they want the kiddies to themselves ?

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