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India is getting scared of the rising international power of Panjabis.


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           I already did a topic on this before, lets do one again. I think we all seen India gov throw a hissy fit during Justin Treadue visit. Panjabis are gaining more political power in Canada/Uk, and India can't stomach it since they will speak out against indian crimes. They didn't think kidnapping Jaggi would bring this much attention , but it did because Sikhs politicans are overrepresented in western countries. Also this 2020 referendum joke has rattled india, they've been pressuring Canada/UK to cancel 2020 rallies, but since having peaceful rallies is a given in western countries , India gov can't seem to get it through their thick ape skulls. In the 3rd world sh^thole of India, Mob violence, corrupt cops , torture , kidnappings , corrupt politicians are still a thing in 2018. These monkeys can't even give justice to 84 given all the evidence, not even that, any number of small public cases are usually thrown out if a rich person is at fault . Indian men are also pretty dirty creeps. They all stare at women , especially white women and give off rape alarms. Believe it or not but Haryana is the biggest sh^thole state in India, not Bihar , Rajistan , Up or any other cr@p states , nope ,it's haryanan. Quint did a story on crimes against women in Haryana , they interviewed young kids , teens , old people and adults. And shockingly , all of them said that women are at fault if they get raped. They said, women who wear provocative cloths are asking to be raped. Mind you that,Kids and teens holds these views. It's 2018 and India is still a nasty sh^thole. People still poop in streets, have low iq and have religious violence in 2018. Lets wait another 50 yrs and see if these apes evolved. I'm soo pissed that we Panjabis have to live in this utter nightmare of a country which is worse than many african and middle east hell holes. Our 3 state lobby royally screwed up in 47. 

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
1 minute ago, 13Mirch said:

With all due respect, do you require counselling?

He's a young chap who's figuring out his place in this world. It happens to all of us . Go easy on the kid lol . 

Although @Gagan1995 you sure that you don't have an assignment to be completed or exams to be cleared or career to be made and perhaps you're wasting your time on this forum ? Just asking because it happens to the best of us . Watch our for procrastination dear. 

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Guest AjeetSinghPunjabi
3 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

If Gagan was indeed born in 1995, he's a darn sight more socially and politically aware than other western Sikhs his age, who are mostly brainwashed slaves of whatever currently happens to be the most popular and overriding sentiment in society. At least he's trying to figure things out.

agreed but when I was his age I wasted precious time on internet, including on this site, which could have otherwise been used for more productive things like career , self development etc. Unless Gagan plans to go ahead as a panthic leader or similar, I feel its mostly mental masturbation on his part. No offense

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12 hours ago, 13Mirch said:

With all due respect, do you require counselling?

So , what exactly is your problem with this post ? Is it not totally true?Do you have trouble reading paragraphs ? 

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Indian politicians and patriotic Indians have always viewed anything that questions or threatens the so called "unity" of the country as a threat. That's the reason why minorities have always be suppressed and not given a voice. Its the very reason that sikhs jains and Buddhists are classified as Hindus. In the past and even today the central government have used language like hindi as an attempt to bring the country under one banner which clearly hasn't worked especially in the south where the locals set hindi sign boards on fire. Its the reason why sikhs are suppressed. The more sikhs start learning about their faith the less they will identify themselves with India and as Indians, sikhs are systematically being brainwashed in punjab and driven away from their faith. Most the sikhs who were murdered back in the 70s 80s and 90s were singhs. The government uses hindu national parties like the rss to fade the lines between sikhi and Hinduism in a attempt to weaken sikhi and brainwash sikhs. Media is controlled by the government too and the music videos and lyrics are filth. Alcohol and drug mafia is ran by the government which further weakens sikhi and the youth. Governments around the world makes millions from drugs, alcohol and tobacco. 

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I been seeing a lot of " sikhs " who have a problem with the facts I'm throwing down, not just this post but many others. Anytime, I would mention that Panjabis are under a microscope or the changing demographics of Panjab, some individuals here would find a problem with that. If nobody cares, what is this site even about, I guess I should not talk about it because it makes people uncomfortable. 

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