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Guest Amardev

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Guest Amardev

Hi All, 

I am just curious about Black Magic has anyone ever come across this or experienced it happening to them ? Does anyone believe in it? Does anyone know how to stop it from happening?


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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 3:21 PM, Guest Amardev said:

Hi All, 

I am just curious about Black Magic has anyone ever come across this or experienced it happening to them ? Does anyone believe in it? Does anyone know how to stop it from happening?


yes snape turned me into a frog,


a rabbit

then a deer, and snape died, his body reincarnated, and finally became with Waheguru,

now he is god, now he made me human,

and now I type this,

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On 10/11/2018 at 3:21 PM, Guest Amardev said:

Hi All, 

I am just curious about Black Magic has anyone ever come across this or experienced it happening to them ? Does anyone believe in it? Does anyone know how to stop it from happening?


From what I know it is apparently real but we shouldn't do it. There is time where some guy was casting a black magic spell on a Gursikh and this spell or whatever would work on most people but didn't on this Gursikh. Apparently it didn't because the Gursikh just did a Mool Mantar da Paath

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49 minutes ago, RajKaregaKhalsa1 said:

From what I know it is apparently real but we shouldn't do it. There is time where some guy was casting a black magic spell on a Gursikh and this spell or whatever would work on most people but didn't on this Gursikh. Apparently it didn't because the Gursikh just did a Mool Mantar da Paath

Yeah its real, but like you said a gursikh will not get affected by it. I remember reading a sakhi of when guru nanak ji traveled to the east of india, assam i think?  and he came across a village of women only who all practiced black magic, think the leader was called nur jehan and the village was called something like kaamroop or roopnagar. they all tried doing magic spells on guru nanak ji but nothing worked ...

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All TV , media, sports, music is black magic. It's all about deception, casting spells on people. and pagan occult practices.

Yea in that village they did a toona and put a black thread around bhai mardana's neck and made him think he was a sheep and the lady tied him up in her house. Then they tried to put the black thread around Guru Nanak Dev Ji but the lady herself turned into the animal. All the villagers were shocked and begged Guru Ji for forgiveness.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I've personally had black magic effect me and my family as well as quite a few of my cousins. 

Me and my family: We had a muslim tantar black magic dug into our tree outside of our house. There's a Sikh Gianni from Kenya whom I know for a fact has some ridh sidh nau nidh type energies with him as he's predicted deaths, illnesses and all that jazz. He used a coconut with nothing inside it, did Ardas quite a few times actually, placed the coconut in the garden then brang it inside and opened it. Me and my family were in a circle and all shocked... I was only 14 when this happened I believe. It had weird looking coins (kind of like 1p look-a-likes) along with all types of daal, multi-coloured threads, Urdu writings. We disposed of it in a river and was told not to look back coming home. The thing that shocked us to our core was we were told a Singh actually placed the magic before we moved into the house along with a Muslim lady in a burka so he couldn't identify her in his mind... I didn't sleep for a week. In terms of bad effects, my dad was a hardcore druggie/alcoholic, he committed adultery against my mum and my mum had a miscarriage before me (I nearly died in the womb too, thank God I'm alive). I used to see this weird hood like black figure in my mum's room (parents did not sleep together) but it went away after Baba cleared the house of the dull energies so grateful. I also would see white ghosts (kind of like Ghostbusters not a lie at all) fly around my room at night. I was also very undereducated and lost 99% of my focus and was essentially in my own world half of the time. 

My dad also once kicked a piece of raw meat he found on the road, this was back in the day and it's caused a lot of chaos (don't know the details have never asked him and never will). I actually see loads of pieces of meat myself nowadays whenever I go to an asian dominated area.

Cousin 1: This takes place in the Gurdwara.. yes you heard me right! My cousins had lost their shoes in the Gurdwara (presuming they got stolen) so they wore somebody's flipflops (a Southall Gurdwara). So when Baba broke the coconut (at there house) open blood oozed out and he saw that somebody put black magic on those slippers and placed them in the Gurdwara so they would never find husbands and never find success. They're both in there 40's now but ones married. 

Cousin 2: This one's a little more intense and I know most won't believe me, even I don't believe this one because I didn't witness it. So the Baba instead of using a coconut used a red cloth and placed some stuff in, did his paath and when he opened it steamy black fumes were coming out, words were coming out, weird objects never seen in the house came out and other stuff (wish I knew it fully). 

Cousin 3: One of my cousins actually lives in a wealthy area so it's not normal for people to visit these kinds of places. So a lady came to the house with a buggy.. presuming she was holding a baby but in fact, they were some black magic articles who knew? At her front door the lady spilled red kumkum sindoor (presuming its energised with bad energies), and had some kind of solution in a pasta jar type thing and poured it all over the cars and left some other weird stuff like a lemon with chillies (I thought that was supposed to clear away the bad energies, oh well). They saw it on CCTV and came to know it was actually her maid who used to do shifts at her house but she stopped for some reason before this. 

The moral of the story is that if it personally happens to you that's the only time you'll fully believe in these kinds of left-hand energies. And the scenario will always be different so please don't judge because some have been through so much mental trauma it's ridiculous, but don't fear these energies, God knows without my mums daily input in her paath where we would be, I don't even think I would have survived with the way my dad was but that's a story for another day. I'm in such a happy place now and my dad's my best friend. 

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5 minutes ago, lostconfussedsingh said:

Wow thanks for sharing this. Never knew that this sort of stuff happens in the gurdwara flip flops 

Honestly, I didn't know that could happen. I thought the energies would vanish in the premises of the Gurdwara (sorry if that's offensive to anyone). That's why I've been told to never take food from anyone because they can mix urine, period blood, ashes and even spit into it and what not and put some spell. It's crazy how this stuff happens but I'll never know the mechanisms around them. I think most of the black magic stuff is either Hindu or Muslim tantar mantar. I'm so grateful it's limited in Sikhism not saying it's not there.. but you certainly won't find the stuff online you'd have to go elsewhere in Punjab. 

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