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Why are Taksalis against NKJ and Dhandriawala

Guest Sikh1

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23 hours ago, Guest jigsaw_puzzled_singh said:

Both the NKJ and Taksal are wrong un's...in equal measure. The NKJ work with a very sneaky strategy. Their strategy is to use gimmicks to first appeal to the older females in Sikh families....i.e. the mother / wife. This gimmick involves using sound effects / echo effects in order to portray the illusion that something truly profound is being said as well as giving Gurbani a bollywood style sound makeover that will appeal to the sons and daughters of those females. The objective is to get those mothers to introduce their husbands and children to the Gurdwara by telling them that these guys don't do "boring old kirtan". No. These guys have "jazzed it up" so that it will appeal to the yoots dem. And there you have it: a jazzed up illusion that is making them rich. REALLY rich !!   But, you can't beat them with the "rich" stick because they have even adopted the strategy of the 1980's American mega-rich Christian Evangelists by invoking the 'prosperity doctrine'. The NKJ, in their kathas, tell other people not to value possessions and riches but publicly say their own riches are justified because it is Guru's hukum and you can't help poorer people unless you are first in a position of power (i.e. have money). This, my friends, is the strategy of charlatan evangelists being used on impressionable badly educated Sikhs.

sadly, I have to agree with you here. Both parties at fault, but you aint never gonna send your kids to any nkj camps are you?

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Guest PuzzledSingh
1 hour ago, JUSTAJATT said:

sadly, I have to agree with you here. Both parties at fault, but you aint never gonna send your kids to any nkj camps are you?

The question is Would you your kids to nkj camps ?

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34 minutes ago, PuzzledSingh said:

The question is Would you your kids to nkj camps ?

cant say about NKJ, cuz im stranger to that group.... But i will never let my kids to attend a TAKSALI/NIHANG camp.... unless they re-establish their ideologies back from Guru Sahib's period.

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5 hours ago, Amit12 said:

cant say about NKJ, cuz im stranger to that group.... But i will never let my kids to attend a TAKSALI/NIHANG camp.... unless they re-establish their ideologies back from Guru Sahib's period.

This poster has been provided with a video where NKJ leader put his mouth on another kids mouth and called it giving naam.  But he's can't say about NKJ? This poster is here with an agenda to spread his atheist faith he learned from his atheist website. 

This poster has hate toward Taksal and Nihangs.  There is no reason or logic or rationale thought behind what he is saying.  It all hate for taksal and nihangs.

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1 hour ago, Akalifauj said:

This poster has been provided with a video where NKJ leader put his mouth on another kids mouth and called it giving naam.  But he's can't say about NKJ? This poster is here with an agenda to spread his atheist faith he learned from his atheist website. 

This poster has hate toward Taksal and Nihangs.  There is no reason or logic or rationale thought behind what he is saying.  It all hate for taksal and nihangs.

LoL, you're FUN.

I dont comment on people that i dont know about, and i dont believe in rumors.... Share the video again please its not in this thread.

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NKJ needs to have its wings clipped before it becomes an unmanageable behemoth too large, protected, and precious to fall. Taksal are doing what they know and taking a large mallet to undo a tiny screw, lol, which is disappointing because it's counterproductive.

Jagsaw is absolutely spot-on with his analysis of NKJ tactics. I might add my take on their recruitment strategies,  if I have the time, in particular the TYPE of Sikhs they attract to swell their following. Objectively, it really is quite clever albeit cynical. 

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On 12/14/2018 at 10:12 AM, Guest Dhan Dhan DDT said:

1. Guru Sahibaan were not Hindu Kings in previous lives

2. Panj Piare and Char Sahibzade were not Hindu Gods in previous lives

3. Sri Chand Puja by Damdami Taksal is wrong.

4. Sant Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale (Dhumma) work for RSS

5. Dharam Raj does not exist as a real Devta

Prove These allegations FALSE.. One by One. and i'll join you 

i agree they might be wrong on other points. But Prove these wrong please.

If this is what DDT believes in.... then Farewell.

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 How can you say Taksal were wrong to attack NKJ and their supporters?

Where did I say they were wrong in tackling NKJ? I said they needed to find better ways of dealing with the problem, NOT that they endeavoured to tackle the issue in the first place, because at the moment DDT seem to be the only ones with the balls to be taking on the frankly cultish Dhadhrianwala outfit and his various offshoots. But, as I said, you will lose the battle for hearts and minds if NKJ are cast in a sympathetic light as the victims while DDT are painted as aggressors. That's not the best way to go about this issue. You need to rein in your guys and not be caught on camera giving the finger to people in Maharaj's darbar. It's bad enough police entering with shoes and boots, we shouldn't be contributing to the beadbi.

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Guest Past lives
On 12/14/2018 at 4:42 AM, Guest Dhan Dhan DDT said:

How can you say Taksal were wrong to attack NKJ and their supporters?


This is what they, Dhadrianwala and other missionaries are saying:

*No need for those who work night shifts to do Amrit Vela

*Harmandir Sahib sarovar is not Amrit but is just water

*Yatra's to Sri Panja Sahib and Sri Hemkhunt Sahib are futile

*Sikh Panth has gone backwards between 1978-2018

*Damdami Taksal was called Jatha Bhindran before 1977

*Guru Sahibaan were not Hindu Kings in previous lives

*Panj Piare and Char Sahibzade were not Hindu Gods in previous lives

*Guru Gobind Singh was not Dusht Daman in previous life 

*Sant Ji was wrong to threaten to kill 5,000 Hindu's in one hour over the bus

*Havans held at the Holy Ganges River by Damdami Taksal are wrong

*Sri Chand Puja by Damdami Taksal is wrong

*Sant Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale (Dhumma) work for RSS

*Triya Charitar are translations of Hindu stories and not Gurbani

*Sikhs should never matha tek to 2 or 3 Granths placed side by side

*Dharam Raj does not exist as a real Devta

*There are no miracles in Sikhi

*There is no cave where all the shaheeds that Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwale  saw exist



And that's just a few of things I can remember off the top of my head!

So now do you see why it was necessary to attack these NKJ dushts?

This is the proof of the Panj Piare past lives

by Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwale


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Guest Answers
11 hours ago, Amit12 said:

Prove These allegations FALSE.. One by One. and i'll join you 

i agree they might be wrong on other points. But Prove these wrong please.

If this is what DDT believes in.... then Farewell.

1. Bachittar Natak proves that Guru Sahibaan were Hindu Kings in previous lives

2. Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwale proved which Bhagats were reincarnated as the Panj Piare and Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale did katha about which Hindu Devte were reincarnated as the Char Sahibzade

3. Dhan Dhan Baba Sri Chand Ji were the son of Guru Nanak Dev Ji so obviously deserve Sri Chand Puja 

4. Sant Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma are the mukhi of Damdami Taksal and do not work for RSS or Badal

5. Dharam Raj is a real devta as how else would human beings die if he wasn't?

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