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Since its 25th of December interesting facts on Jesus Christ


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15 minutes ago, Redoptics said:

Christianity is just regurgitation of previous religions , and Jesus is a regurgitation of previous deities Horus etc.



Please move to appropriate forum, didnt know where to post, thank you.

Jesus was a real Bhagat though. Baba Harman Singh ji (a Sant) got Darshan of him along with Muhammed Sahib and another Rishi.

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25 minutes ago, Redoptics said:

I think there was a guy called Jesus, but I don't think he was a 'Bhagat' too many conflicting issues. Like the video suggests.

Yeah I understand the issues with the video, I'm not saying Jesus was the son of God or anything but I read a bit of the biography of Sant Baba Harnaam Singh ji and it seems that Jesus was a Bhagat. I'll just put the text below.

One day Baba Ji was in deep meditation when Jesus Christ, Mohammed Sahib and Bhrigu Rishi Ji together, appeared before him.Their faces were radiant and had spiritually bright auras around their heads. After blessing Baba Ji with this vision Hazrat Mohammed Sahib Ji spoke, ‘‘You are blessed and truly fortunate to whom Guru Nanak Dev Ji has shown the direct and easy method to attain enlightenment of Almighty God especially in this age of kalyug. The followers of the Great Guru Nanak Dev are not deriving the full benefit of his teachings.” After this, Bhrigu Rishi Ji spoke, ”In our times, we had to undergo hard penance and rigorous spiritual austerities in order to achieve enlightenment The whole life of a man was spent in meditation and making offerings to God and even then, union with God was hard to achieve The true nectar of naam which great Guru Nanak Dev Ji has brought for his Sikhs is remarkable; even we could not obtain this boon of naam. No doubt we amassed great spiritual and miraculous powers through rigorous meditation and penance, including powers to curse or bless anyone, but we were still deprived of the nectar of naam.” Jesus Christ just said simply, ”It is my inner desire that my followers one day adopt the path shown by great Guru Nanak Dev Ji.” Saying these words, all three prophets disappeared.

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13 minutes ago, RajKaregaKhalsa1 said:

Yeah I understand the issues with the video, I'm not saying Jesus was the son of God or anything but I read a bit of the biography of Sant Baba Harnaam Singh ji and it seems that Jesus was a Bhagat. I'll just put the text below.

One day Baba Ji was in deep meditation when Jesus Christ, Mohammed Sahib and Bhrigu Rishi Ji together, appeared before him.Their faces were radiant and had spiritually bright auras around their heads. After blessing Baba Ji with this vision Hazrat Mohammed Sahib Ji spoke, ‘‘You are blessed and truly fortunate to whom Guru Nanak Dev Ji has shown the direct and easy method to attain enlightenment of Almighty God especially in this age of kalyug. The followers of the Great Guru Nanak Dev are not deriving the full benefit of his teachings.” After this, Bhrigu Rishi Ji spoke, ”In our times, we had to undergo hard penance and rigorous spiritual austerities in order to achieve enlightenment The whole life of a man was spent in meditation and making offerings to God and even then, union with God was hard to achieve The true nectar of naam which great Guru Nanak Dev Ji has brought for his Sikhs is remarkable; even we could not obtain this boon of naam. No doubt we amassed great spiritual and miraculous powers through rigorous meditation and penance, including powers to curse or bless anyone, but we were still deprived of the nectar of naam.” Jesus Christ just said simply, ”It is my inner desire that my followers one day adopt the path shown by great Guru Nanak Dev Ji.” Saying these words, all three prophets disappeared.

Mohammad was a pedo, Guru Nanak Ji got enlightenment from Vaheguru,  not these fake prophets. Again from my understanding.

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2 minutes ago, Redoptics said:

Mohammad was a pedo, Guru Nanak Ji got enlightenment from Vaheguru,  not these fake prophets. Again from my understanding.

Bro Sant Seva Singh ji wrote this, these are the experiences of Sant Baba Harnaam Singh hi Rampurkere wale

 We can't say bad things about the leaders of other Dharam

Yh Guru Sahib was enlighted by Waheguru ji, I was just sharing the Sakhi

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1 hour ago, Redoptics said:

Christianity is just regurgitation of previous religions , and Jesus is a regurgitation of previous deities Horus etc.



Please move to appropriate forum, didnt know where to post, thank you.

Jesus was the chosen one and is the saviour of the white man. 

As Sikhs we see all religions as good that can help people find God. So we should not criticise other faiths. 

Jesus was a true prophet and messiah

Amen and may jesus bless you.


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6 minutes ago, RajKaregaKhalsa1 said:

Bro Sant Seva Singh ji wrote this, these are the experiences of Sant Baba Harnaam Singh hi Rampurkere wale

 We can't say bad things about the leaders of other Dharam

Yh Guru Sahib was enlighted by Waheguru ji, I was just sharing the Sakhi

Did not mean to offend,  but we have to be real, Guru Nanak Ji was teaching everone else about the wrongs of their religion,  we must not forget this.

I have seen so many times Guru's said all religons are correct,  this is an incorrect assumption,  in my personal opinion.

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4 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:

Jesus was rhe chosen one and is the saviour of the white man. 

As Sikhs we see all religions as good that can help people find God. So we should not criticise other faiths. 

Jesus was a true prophet and messiah

Amen and may jesus bless you. 

Jesus Christ is the symbol of sun worship, 'the light of the world' the 'arisen saviour', please do some research.

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Im sure someone called jesus existed but his identity today and Christianity is a mish mash of various pagan religions and cultures. It's hard to tell who the actual Jesus was. Jesus identity has changed over time, bits have been  added and other bits removed. The historical church fathers crafted and created the identity of Jesus as well.

Back in those days the image of the cross was degrading and used as an insult.  One of the oldest depictions of Jesus is a sketch on a wall of a man on a cross with a donkeys head drawn probably by the pagans. Thugs, thieves, murderers were hung on crosses so for the early Christians depiction of Jesus on a cross would be a huge insult but over time it has become the most common symbol for Christians.

The Catholic religion is basically paganism but the pagan God's were replaced with Jesus, marry and other Christian figures. Magna Mater was a Greek goddess, the mother of all the God's who was introduced to Rome. A idol of Magna Mater was sailed into rome with huge pomp and celebration. With the rise of Christianity Magna Mater was replaced with mary the "mother of god"   same goddess but different names.  Every year just like Magna Mater a idol of marry is sailed around in the river.  She is paraded around rome and worshiped just like Magna Mater was. 

A lot of the attributes of the previous roman pagan deities were given to the Christian figures when Christianity became the state religion of rome.

The Vatican is covered in pagan symbols like the symbol of the sun the pope even carries one. The gold embellishments, kissing feet of the idols, it's all paganism.

African Christianity is more spiritual because thats what their religion and culture was about before they became Christians.

In the UK Christmas culture was hugely influenced by the royal family, bringing trees into your house, turkey etc the Victorian royals made it popular 

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