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UN agenda 2021 agenda 2030 connection? why are rich billionaries trying to buy up farmland worldwide


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13 hours ago, Premi5 said:


Would like your opinion. 


Just was thinking about the supplements industry , e.g. vitamins and minerals. 

Does GM food and the food we generally consume have enough of most nutrients that we need?

I am sceptical about need for supplements, but since they are big money, then the companies could be working hand-in-hand with the farming companies who would not care about quality of food and the nutrients availale from them

Most food does not have the nutrients in it that it once did. Spinach has I forget, something like 2 to 10 percent the iron it did 100 years ago?

If you read the back of boxes you'll notice even foods that should have measurable amounts of certain vitamins and minerals based on their ingredients do not. 

The main ingredient in most high end vitamins is wheat grass. You can grow and juice your own thankfully. Quality vitamins are easily $100 a month. 

Juicing and consuming fruit is a cheaper tastier way to get nutrients. 

Even cheap vitamins can't hurt if that's where you're at. 

Really even if eating as wholistically as possible these days, a supplement is still not out of the question. 

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9 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Most food does not have the nutrients in it that it once did. Spinach has I forget, something like 2 to 10 percent the iron it did 100 years ago?

If you read the back of boxes you'll notice even foods that should have measurable amounts of certain vitamins and minerals based on their ingredients do not. 

The main ingredient in most high end vitamins is wheat grass. You can grow and juice your own thankfully. Quality vitamins are easily $100 a month. 

Juicing and consuming fruit is a cheaper tastier way to get nutrients. 

Even cheap vitamins can't hurt if that's where you're at. 

Really even if eating as wholistically as possible these days, a supplement is still not out of the question. 

a very important thing to realise is that Roundup actually messes up uptake of vitamins and minerals from crops grown in that soil, it is also persistant in the soil and therefore will affect crops for years it kills off the natural biome in the soil and in your gut . Buy and support organic crops as much as possible and stay away from wheat products of the conventional type as they will cause damage to your body even trigger what people are calling IBS, Cealiac disease and even CRohn's ,ulcerative colitis .
I have signed up to a farm drop of vegetables and fruit  on a weekly basis and supplement this with shopping mostly organic (some indian sabjian you cannot get info) . Buying commercially produced juices  is  pointless as they are mostly devoid of the bioflavanoids necessary to complete vitamin c remember vitamin C is NOT ascorbic acid but a complex of bioflavanoids plus this . Eat the fruit , juice the veg to up the mineral/vits in your diet . Freeze dried wheatgrass/barley grass juices are food supplements to add to your smoothies /juices .

Yes growing and eating herbs and wild greens will help improve your nutrient profile , I grow my own strawberries, herbs and have planted out miniature fruit trees on my patio to have some fresh organic crops of my own . if you have the space evengrowing a window box of herbs to use in your daily diet will help.


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On 1/31/2021 at 4:41 PM, superkaur said:

Could there be a possible link to why bill gates, ambani and other rich billionaires are trying to buy vast farm land? Bill gates has been successful in aquiring vast amounts of farm land in america just recently. Ambani plans to doe the same in india hence the huge protests and push back by small farmers.

The UN agenda 21 and 2030 claims for a sustainable future things will need to be done differently. Is this all part of the agenda? That the UN other bodies are involved in trying to oppress the common man across the word

simple ... what is the last bastion of resistance farming and feeding your own , if you cannot do this because some billionaire has bough all available arable land , and controls all water supplies how will you resist compliance ?

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38 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

a very important thing to realise is that Roundup actually messes up uptake of vitamins and minerals from crops grown in that soil, it is also persistant in the soil and therefore will affect crops for years it kills off the natural biome in the soil and in your gut . Buy and support organic crops as much as possible and stay away from wheat products of the conventional type as they will cause damage to your body even trigger what people are calling IBS, Cealiac disease and even CRohn's ,ulcerative colitis .
I have signed up to a farm drop of vegetables and fruit  on a weekly basis and supplement this with shopping mostly organic (some indian sabjian you cannot get info) . Buying commercially produced juices  is  pointless as they are mostly devoid of the bioflavanoids necessary to complete vitamin c remember vitamin C is NOT ascorbic acid but a complex of bioflavanoids plus this . Eat the fruit , juice the veg to up the mineral/vits in your diet . Freeze dried wheatgrass/barley grass juices are food supplements to add to your smoothies /juices .

Yes growing and eating herbs and wild greens will help improve your nutrient profile , I grow my own strawberries, herbs and have planted out miniature fruit trees on my patio to have some fresh organic crops of my own . if you have the space evengrowing a window box of herbs to use in your daily diet will help.


Love it. 

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important points to consider :

Pasteur got it wrong and admitted it on his deathbed : 'Bechamp was right ; the terrain is everything' in other words microrobes, viruses can DO NOTHING in the presence of a strong immune system .

AYurvedic principles tries hard to assist the awry immune system to get back into balance by diet, herbs and exercise
Chinese traditional medicine and meridian therapy  also do the same - diet herbs and exercise
Homeopathy also works on bringing immune sytem into pinpoint focus - diet , homeopathic meds and exercise

Petrochemical sponsored Chemical drugs however DO NOT their philosphy is 'removal of symptoms' is cure whether by creating opposing symptoms  , cutting out 'faulty' organs or burning with radioactive materials (leading to toxic environment in body and further disease generation). A woman having her womb cut out purely because of troubling pains/extra bleeding symptoms is extreme and should be considered last not first option as is the case in most cases. This is barbaric considering lifestyle review and changing diet, exercise levels could be enough to resume optimum function of the body again.

Please look up the history of the AMA , J D Rockefeller and the Flexner Report  and you will understand how we are at the place we are at right now . USA relied on homeopathic/naturopathic  medicine so much it was a sixty/forty split at the turn of the previous century but Rockefeller put paid to that ; interesting fact is he and his family maintained health treatment by homeopathy  (fake vs real medicine?) up until this day.

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On 2/3/2021 at 11:50 AM, jkvlondon said:

. Buy and support organic crops as much as possible and stay away from wheat products of the conventional type as they will cause damage to your body even trigger what people are calling IBS, Cealiac disease and even CRohn's ,ulcerative colitis .
I have signed up to a farm drop of vegetables and fruit  on a weekly basis and supplement this with shopping mostly organic (some indian sabjian you cannot get info) . Buying commercially produced juices  is  pointless as they are mostly devoid of the bioflavanoids necessary to complete vitamin c remember vitamin C is NOT ascorbic acid but a complex of bioflavanoids plus this . Eat the fruit , juice the veg to up the mineral/vits in your diet . Freeze dried wheatgrass/barley grass juices are food supplements to add to your smoothies /juices .

Yes growing and eating herbs and wild greens will help improve your nutrient profile , I grow my own strawberries, herbs and have planted out miniature fruit trees on my patio to have some fresh organic crops of my own . if you have the space evengrowing a window box of herbs to use in your daily diet will help.


Any idea how much we can trust what is labelled 'organic'? I am sceptical about how 'pure' they would be, would they not have been affected by spread of pesticides etc in the soil ?

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14 hours ago, Premi5 said:

Any idea how much we can trust what is labelled 'organic'? I am sceptical about how 'pure' they would be, would they not have been affected by spread of pesticides etc in the soil ?

The company that runs the delivery service I subscribe to riverford.co.uk supports smaller farmers here in Uk , Ireland , France and Spain who have been checked out by the farmer who is running the service so he knows if they are actually doing the right thing. , you can look up exactly which farmers are growing your food . Guy Singh Watson is the person who started this company out of his family's farm start.

for example the dairy side : https://www.riverford.co.uk/growers/riverford-dairy

Unfortunately the USDA  'organic ' label is compromised as they have relaxed the requirements  under pressure by big Farming. When in doubt leave it out. Before I was with a local Essex Organic farm within 20 miles  but they signed up with a national delivery service which drove up cost further rather than keep it similar priced . This farm was visitable and open about their day to day operations via newletters like Guy Singh Watson's outfit

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