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Chakarvarti lifestyle, timeless advice for the homeless?

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19 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I've been thinking a lot lately of how to help people with little to no Maya. 

We usually either ignore or help the homeless with charity. 

But what if instead of doling out x amount of "barely going to help to them", what if we went and asked them to help? Instead of being the problem what if we invite them to help themselves be the solution for others? 

I'm off to a horrible start lol. 

I guess it's two things. First. How do you help them with info alone have access to bathing, laundry, cooking, food, safety, sleeping space etc?

The money to start a giant free bath house or laundry is something I'd love to do but that is major cash. 

So how do people shower with no shower and no dignity? 

You can bath in the river, it's cold usually and that causes problems freezing the skin. 

You can oil yourself but do you have oil?

You can rub yourself with sand or certain dirt textures to sort of "clean" yourself. 

Along these lines how did Purtan Faujs do all these things? Bath, cook, clean, laundry etc. What is the bare minumum required to accomplish these things?

So hypothetically we showed up and talked to some of the more rightous downtrodden and we have a bunch of survival info for them. 

We use this as an opportunity to talk about Degh, Tegh, Fateh and what Sikhi is and who the Guru Sahiban are. We urge them in the same direction as everyone else, to give their Sis to Guru Ji.  

Those that take to it, which we will find in Kalyug, as his enemies are among them. We empower those select individuals to help the others. 

Why not collaborate and combine Chakarvarti wisdom with what the homeless already know to improve their condition without anyones help or approval?

Why not cultivate a Fauj within the homeless?

Once in theory you had health practices and Sikhi spreading within the homless and they have some Sangat could they then start to coordinate their benefits?

All the homeless are eligible for some form of social security or welfare or disability something. Food stamps. What if their Sangat helped make sure everyone got signed up for benefits, many don't as it's hard, and then what if they pooled their benefits? Like if you take ten homeless, who currently have no, or misuse their benefits, and a Singh from within their own community helps them all get benefits, and then focuses those benefits on renting a house now we have bungas. If these bungas served to further ramp up these "by them for them" programs maybe they could be a bridge to reintigrate homeless people into society and Sikhi. 

What are the thoughts. Can we spiritually and physically uplift the homeless with information about Purtan Gursikhi?

The streets could be cleaned much better here. Really it's the city's fault for just not cleaning and denying the homeless any access to bathrooms or water anything. They turn off all the fountains. Public restrooms are all locked and it's been that way for years. They hate the homeless so much even standard citizens can't get a drink of water in public. It's rediculous how filthy the city has become, and they can't blame the homeless any more if the homless start sweeping the streets for everyone and doing better for themselves. Really the homless rely entirely on benevolent shop keepers for bathroom use and water and it's almost entirely the Sikh stores that allow it. The ho eless population here is exploading. Outside of one catholic government subsidized shelter they have nothing really. Some food banks. But no dignity, protection, or chance to really put anything together. They get arrested for loitering, run out the emergency rooms. What little food they get they can't cook. And there is no way for them to stay clean and yet society hates them for being dirty. 

waheguru ji check this out

Living Homeless In Detroit - The Journey | What a crazy experience - YouTube

speaking about the cities and municipal entities, I think it varies

there are the bigger more established cities that just have way too much gand and even hire folks to powerwash the fecal matter off the streets

and I believe most big cities (at least here in CA) do have specified public bathrooms for homeless and even accomodate some disabled folks 

but of course, not all get to use these benefits as either they are unavailable, or many are also mentally ill from the toll homelessness takes on them 

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22 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Wow bro. Way better than what I was watching. Thank you. 

the worse I can imagine is for women enduring monthly menstruation while living in poverty 

hygiene is a huge hit in poverty, and the a big impact on homeless people  

I cant imagine not being able to take two ishnan a day (please dont judge me lol) but often employers dont even look at their appplication forms for jobs and immediately throw them by looking at their physical appearance 

I forgot the name of a organization but two years ago I saw them on CNN providing hygiene centers for folks where they give out free showers in mobile trucks and do laundry for homeless folks trying to look for a job (before interviews) and helped them fill out application forms etc.

this is huge karam, to enable a person to DO kirat and potentially launch a new life for folks and provide for a rozi roti

we can give langar everyday but we can also enable the very downtrodden to regain dignity and self-esteem by doing kirat

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1 minute ago, NaamTiharoJoJape said:

the worse I can imagine is for women enduring monthly menstruation while living in poverty 

hygiene is a huge hit in poverty, and the a big impact on homeless people  

I cant imagine not being able to take two ishnan a day (please dont judge me lol) but often employers dont even look at their appplication forms for jobs and immediately throw them by looking at their physical appearance 

I forgot the name of a organization but two years ago I saw them on CNN providing hygiene centers for folks where they give out free showers and do laundry for homeless folks trying to look for a job (before interviews) and helped them fill out application forms etc.

this is huge karam, to enable a person to DO kirat and potentially launch a new life for folks and provide for a rozi roti

we can give langar everyday but we can also enable the very downtrodden to regain dignity and self-esteem by doing kirat

Amen bro. And the Gurus Langar here...like...this is going to sound bad...but...if the homeless knew about Langar here it'd simply overwhelm the Gurudwara. Especially the much much smaller one located near the bulk majority of the homeless? I couldn't do that to them, tell all the hoardes for blocks the little Bunga should give them Lanagar. 

I've wanted to do Parchar, but my Maya is tied up helping people already, and so I've been thinking.. can't tell them to go to Gurudwara, can't feed them or clean them myself, can't show up empty handed, no advice even and just say hey bro you need Naam. Even though it's true. 

That's what has my wheels turning about how you help them with nothing and talk about Sikhi at the same time? They already know the world society at large isn't going to help them. They have Guru Ji and each other and if you watch them you see the helpers already. The wealth of knowledge, and Seva and goodness that are laying wasted in the streets is amazing. Military training in the streets. Professionals in the streets. Laborers in the streets. 

That's a whole Fauj in the streets that could make Asikhs tremble. 

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1 minute ago, NaamTiharoJoJape said:

too many buildings not enough gurudwaras lol 

I remember bhai jagraj singh once talked bout this

a gurudwara's definition in the new mahaan kosh by Bhai Kahn Singh nabha is a place that offers medical aid and shelter in addition to langar and kirtan/bani/sangat 

we need BUNGAS not buildings as Bhai Jagraj singh said, and this is a little off topic but guru maharaj in a gurudwara MUST have 2+ hajoori singhs at all time (5 is recommended) 

did you hear about the latest beadbi of guru maharaj 

horrible to even glance at 

That's absolutely what I'm vibing with. I almost made a Bunga thread just now to talk about how we need Bungas as individuals, families and a Paanth and that they are what would allow us to do great things with our time and money. And provide such a wonderful amount of education, training, food and medicine, help to each other internally which pays the dividends we can pass on to others externally. 

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8 minutes ago, NaamTiharoJoJape said:

too many buildings not enough gurudwaras lol 

I remember bhai jagraj singh once talked bout this

a gurudwara's definition in the new mahaan kosh by Bhai Kahn Singh nabha is a place that offers medical aid and shelter in addition to langar and kirtan/bani/sangat 

we need BUNGAS not buildings as Bhai Jagraj singh said, and this is a little off topic but guru maharaj in a gurudwara MUST have 2+ hajoori singhs at all time (5 is recommended) 

did you hear about the latest beadbi of guru maharaj 

horrible to even glance at 

I'm not sure I saw that exact instance. Guru Granth Sahib Ji deserves all of our protection and respect. If the world goes upside down we need to form up around Saroops and protect them. And the every day is no different. Maharaja is the only thing we could truly lose in an apocolypse. 

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There's a lot of homeless Punjabis/South Asians as well, especially in areas with a large South Asian population like Southall.

There used to be homeless Punjabis sleeping under that big bridge near Southall. The Sikh channel helped them I think. Most of them were on drugs. They said when they go to the Gurdwara to eat the management would chase them out. If they asked the management if they can have a shower they would say no. So the Gurdware aren't very helpful! 

But the Gurdware probably chased them out because they are on drugs. But its still wrong to chase them out.

With all the doctors in our community, you would think some would take time out on weekends and give people advise at Gurdware, but they don't do that ... 

We used to have some Punjabi lawyers come to our local Gurdwara to give people advise, but they weren't volunteering they were doing it for money.

For a few weeks I volunteered with charity which fed homeless people in the highstreet. Majority of them are on drugs, its hard to imagine them assimilating into society, though its possible. 

A lot of homeless people used to eat at our local Gurdwara, but some of them were very rude to the sangat doing sewa, so the sangat had to call the police! 

I do feel sorry for these people, I always keep some pound coins in my pocket.  


And then there's some fake homeless people who choose to beg because they make more money begging than they would in a normal 9-5 job!   Not far from where I live is a town Windsor, and people go there to beg and then they go  back home in a taxi!  lol!  


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5 hours ago, puzzled said:

There's a lot of homeless Punjabis/South Asians as well, especially in areas with a large South Asian population like Southall.

There used to be homeless Punjabis sleeping under that big bridge near Southall. The Sikh channel helped them I think. Most of them were on drugs. They said when they go to the Gurdwara to eat the management would chase them out. If they asked the management if they can have a shower they would say no. So the Gurdware aren't very helpful! 

But the Gurdware probably chased them out because they are on drugs. But its still wrong to chase them out.

With all the doctors in our community, you would think some would take time out on weekends and give people advise at Gurdware, but they don't do that ... 

We used to have some Punjabi lawyers come to our local Gurdwara to give people advise, but they weren't volunteering they were doing it for money.

For a few weeks I volunteered with charity which fed homeless people in the highstreet. Majority of them are on drugs, its hard to imagine them assimilating into society, though its possible. 

A lot of homeless people used to eat at our local Gurdwara, but some of them were very rude to the sangat doing sewa, so the sangat had to call the police! 

I do feel sorry for these people, I always keep some pound coins in my pocket.  


And then there's some fake homeless people who choose to beg because they make more money begging than they would in a normal 9-5 job!   Not far from where I live is a town Windsor, and people go there to beg and then they go  back home in a taxi!  lol!  


You have to help people first, then get them off drugs. Refusing help to drunk and drugged people is just refusing to help the people that need help. You don't hand them cash and expect them to get better for sure, but to the degree able we should always help feed, cloth, wash and respect anyone. Especially a Sikh. 

If the community around a Gurudwara is too unclean and unruly we just have to feed them outside. 

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