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after kuljug?


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However i don;t yet fully understand how Maharaaj ji says kaliyug will come to an end am still reading Sri Dasam Granth Ji and translations to understand.

Guru Fateh

I took santhya a couple of years back, and I remember that we came to a part which explained how kaljug is going to end. I dont remember what ang it was on, but the bhai sahib that was teaching us translated it, and he said something along these lines:

Another Avtar is going to be born (dont know the place where, either India or China), and hes going to get people back on the right track to God. There are going to be many battles, and hes going to win all of them. But, all this glory is going to go to his head, and hes gonna get ppl to start worshiping him instead of God. I guess once this gets to an extreme, a black scorpio is going to bite him in his sleep, and kaljug will end upon his death.

I dont really remember the whole story, but its something along those lines....

Bhul Chuk Maaf

Guru Fateh

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Sall Veer Ji, you quoted me and said,

"I would say that is an equally vulgar statement based on your personal opinion."

That was the point, wasn't meant to be taken so offensivly however. grin.gif Sorry if i offended you rolleyes.gif

"And first and foremost it wasn't my personal opinion , it's the opinion of the Khalsa from Siri Akal Takt Sahib."

It's not the Khalsa's opinion either, Sri Akaal Takht Sahib Ji didn't denounce it as Bani, they just said don't discuss it because the is a vast number who believe it is not all Bani and there an equally vast number who believe it is.

"we have to take into context and relevance of what has been left for us to understand which is GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE."

Just wondering do you not believe in any of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji? grin.gif

Anyway back to the point, the explanation of kalyug and the yugs you give is a good explanation because it can be bought and practiced in daily life for a positive attitude, it is also the same reason Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj metaphorically uses the stories of hindu gods fighting and destroying the evils, hence saying this is our duty also, as we are equally as

powerful as them. rolleyes.gif

If i have made any mistakes or caused offence in anyway i do apologise.

Bhul Chuk Maaf!


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Jag Kaur Bhen Ji, wow thanks for that would be interesting to know a little bit more, but it's believable as we have seen in Bachittra Natak, Akaal Purukh creates these avatars but power and glory gets to their heads, but now Maharaaj Ji has given us this insight and we should use it to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again, i believe it is important that we educate our children with this knowledge so they can also understand the importance of Akaal Purukh so when such an avatar does come, humans do not worship it but hopefully the black scorpio will still bite it . :wub:

Bhul Chuk Maaf!


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I found this quote from Guru Nanak about the Kal-Yug:

"The Kal-Yug has turned the knife and the rulers have become butchers. Dharm has taken wings and flown. In this dark night of falsehood, the moon of truth is not to be seen anywhere" (verse 1 -shabad 16)

Could it be that the Kal-yug is not bound to time but to people?

It is the human race who make the world into a so called kalyug. So maybe the human race itself could get rit of this dark age?

Maybe Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa so that the Kalyug can come to an end when the Khalsa shall rule?

This is just my opinion <_<

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its not hindu mythology, they were real deities. read bhachitar natak, guru gobind singh jis autobiography, he makes references to hindu gods, jesus (eesa), and muhamad.

he stated how they all were sent to spread gods name but ended up getting off course, which shows how powerful kaljug is.

do research do not just make comments on what sikhi believes and what it doesnt.

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I found this quote from Guru Nanak about the Kal-Yug:

"The Kal-Yug has turned the knife and the rulers have become butchers. Dharm has taken wings and flown. In this dark night of falsehood, the moon of truth is not to be seen anywhere" (verse 1 -shabad 16)

Could it be that the Kal-yug is not bound to time but to people?

It is the human race who make the world into a so called kalyug. So maybe the human race itself could get rit of this dark age?

Maybe Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa so that the Kalyug can come to an end when the Khalsa shall rule?

This is just my opinion :wub:

...interesting approach veerji ... grin.gif

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Waheguru ji ka khalsa!

Waheguru ji ki fateh!! ^_^

I havn't read anything on this thread but still was reading the following links today



can we relate bani with these links ...like I have an idea of Japji Sahib pauri 21 says somethin related to planets 'n stuff

This area of science is very fascination and will take the lead in the future in evolution...so how far have we been able to interpret the bani??? Please share your knowledge ...

pull chuk mawf ^_^

Waheguru ji ka khalsa!

Waheguru ji ki fateh!!

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ke Fateh

Fauji, veer thanks for your comments, I wasn't entirely offended and likewise don't mean to cause offence either or cause a pointless debate. rolleyes.gif

Ok you mention about Dasm Granth "It's not the Khalsa's opinion either, Sri Akaal Takht Sahib Ji didn't denounce it as Bani, they just said don't discuss it because the is a vast number who believe it is not all Bani and there an equally vast number who believe it is."

Then, what's the majority view of the SARBAT khalsa surely it's SGGS and not Dasm Granth, which is entirely why I answered the question on the timelines according to translations from SGGS. Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us SGGS as our Guru for the times ahead not anything else then why not base answers from reflection from SGGS and confuse the issue by bringing in Dasm Granth.

You ask "Just wondering do you not believe in any of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji?" grin.gif

excellent quiestion :wub: however, If I were to answer this question it would also cause a pointless debate in which is not the way I want to go, but want to stick to the thread with reagrds to Kalug,satyug timelines.

Your translation of Dasm Granth w

here you meniton "Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj metaphorically uses the stories of hindu gods fighting and destroying the evils," however SGGS teaches us that we are born with the five evils and they cannot be killed they can only be controlled, there are loads of quotes in SGGS on how to control these evils, so which one of these answers is likely to be correct? grin.gif

Flying Sikh man makes an intersting comment "Could it be that the Kal-yug is not bound to time but to people?" abosolutlely correct , quote comes to mind " ek ghari na milta taa kaluyug hotaa " every moment, every second of a Sikhs life is to be in tune with naam. So here Guru Ji emphasises if one second passes by forgetting naam then it's kalyug... ^_^

apologies for any mistakes or misspelling of quotes.

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