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News - Sikhs involved in money laudering and ppl smuggling


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3 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

Well, if you twats didn't jump on every opportunity to do it, I wouldn't have to mention it. Look closer to home. I'm glad they stopped the stupid peasant Vasaikhi mela down your ends.  


Plus do some searches on the forum, you'll find a lot from me over the years, including translations, book reviews and actual serious discussions. If I've been reduced to having to highlight the stupid 'culture' that comes (unabated)  from certain quarters recently, don't shoot the messenger, try dealing with the mor0ns that are pushing their low-brow, barn-dancing culture so hard on the panth and the rest of the world. Hypocrite, don't want to look at your own but quick to point fingers everywhere else. 




I'm not even jatt, I just find your constant bashing of them pathetic, as if other castes in Punjab don't do the same things. Yes I've heard about the wife sharing they did back in the day but that is long gone. 

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3 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

Why don't you look at the drug dealing murderers in Canada a bit closely? Who started that? How many apnay have died over that?   Who are the main culprits of Sikh on Sikh murders? 

PS - I know you know little about your heritage. What is drug selling? A few years ago selling/growing cannabis was illegal in Canada - now it's not. So it went from being a criminal act to not - like that. 

Some of our ancestors used cannabis as well as opium in certain situations. If some sold some of this to others, does that make them 'criminal drug dealers'?? 

You sound like another retarded apnee. You must be from west London.

In terms of people smuggling, there is a world of difference between people smuggling people  to sexually exploit and use them - to smuggling people for economic migration. I'm not a fan of either, but the first is infinitely worse than the latter. 

Anyway, f**k off back to your closeted cave.  What a sheltered life you must have led. 

In the big scheme of things, and the problems we are facing as a community, this is nothing.

You come across as someone who was bullied by jatts, Mr Hardman fraam fackin East Landan. If you go back far enough some of our ancestors walked around naked. The fact is drug dealing is illegal and in general ruins societies. I think every country should follow the Singapore model in terms of zero tolerance towards drugs. 

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Just now, ChardikalaUK said:

I'm not even jatt, I just find your constant bashing of them pathetic, as if other castes in Punjab don't do the same things. Yes I've heard about the wife sharing they did back in the day but that is long gone. 

No, face it, these people make their stupid culture the majority one, no matter how stupid it is. So whether it is men dressing in brightly coloured skirts and prancing around. Using all media like movies and songs to spread their shyte low IQ caste balle balle. Alcoholism. Drug dealing and smuggling at lower levels. Umpteen Sikh on Sikh murders over this. At least these Afghans aint killing each other in droves over their alleged drug deals. 

You're a dimwit.  It's idiots like you that help these things foster and you're very selective about who you point fingers at? What, are you jealous those Afghanis are making more money than your family and buying bigger houses and cars? That's probably what it is. 

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1 minute ago, ChardikalaUK said:

You come across as someone who was bullied by jatts, Mr Hardman fraam fackin East Landan. If you go back far enough some of our ancestors walked around naked. The fact is drug dealing is illegal and in general ruins societies. I think every country should follow the Singapore model in terms of zero tolerance towards drugs. 

You're retarded. You don't even know your own cultures attitude and history towards these things. Be this Panjabi or Sikh.  Go back in your cave Pinky. The real world is obviously too complex and scary for you.  


And try learning about your own history and culture whilst you're at it, so you can spare us from your uninformed horseshyte.  

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18 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Yes, their inbreeding also makes more of them related to each other, further strengthening their ties. But as with sulley and any other group that practices inbreeding they are heavily represented when it comes to serious birthing defects. 

I have no idea to what extent that their cousin marriage is prevalent since they do not seem to have the same level of health issues, but I could be wrong though.

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15 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

You're retarded. You don't even know your own cultures attitude and history towards these things. Be this Panjabi or Sikh.  Go back in your cave Pinky. The real world is obviously too complex and scary for you.  


And try learning about your own history and culture whilst you're at it, so you can spare us from your uninformed horseshyte.  

Well if you want to relive taking opium and cannabis go back to Punjab. We've seen what a great impact opium is having there these days. Grow up and try to move out of your parents house before you're 50.

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9 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

I have no idea to what extent that their cousin marriage is prevalent since they do not seem to have the same level of health issues, but I could be wrong though.

When it comes to figures they would be grouped with other Sikhs so it wouldn't show up prevalently in government statistics. On the other cousin marriage is prevalent in almost all Muslim groups. 

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29 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Have you seen what our lot have been up to in Canada?



https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/diaspora/24-year-old-punjabi-trucker-arrested-in-canada for-smuggling-cocaine-280504


The Punjab police seem to be making no efforts to get the extradition of three Canadians of Punjabi-origin accused in a fresh FIR registered in the multi-crore drug trafficking scandal allegedly involving senior Akali leader and former Punjab Revenue Minister Bikram Singh Majithia.



Gujeratis do, don't you remember the massive heroin shipment they caught there?

Panjabi's are different because of the wannabe, pendu, macho thing. They are more low level relying on brawn more than brains. 

Canada has been a gateway for drugs into the US, probably as an alternative to Mexico and other Southern routes and some of the drugs like cannabis were typically more lax in Canada.

This is why Vancouver was very popular with US celebrities like Snoop Dog and Joe Rogan.

Punjabis involvement is likely due to being heavily involved in the trucking industry and it is very common for Canadian Punjabi truckers to cross the border into the US.

Punjabis in Canada also quite involved owning lots of land in Canada and they probably grow a lot of cannabis as it has become very lucrative. 

These pendus understand logistics, they know how to buy land and they know how to grow lucrative cash crops.

These pendus are also well versed in working with other crime syndicates.

This does not sound like they don't have brains.

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5 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

When it comes to figures they would be grouped with other Sikhs so it wouldn't show up prevalently in government statistics. On the other cousin marriage is prevalent in almost all Muslim groups. 

You are not wrong there.

I guess if the stats were further broken down we would have a much clearer indication. 


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12 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Well if you want to relive taking opium and cannabis go back to Punjab. We've seen what a great impact opium is having there these days. Grow up and try to move out of your parents house before you're 50.

By all accounts, the drug trade is largely controlled by people in very high positions in the political establishment which is one of the big factor as to why the Indian elites were after Amritpal Singh.

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