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Isreal attacks -The changing face of the world


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14 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

Its feels like Mughals being hamas and Jews being gangu brahmins ofc good intention ppl both sides

Ya i mean rest muslim countries could have become like Switzerland and would not have to worry about israel 

Then again Jews have so much power in Western countries playing the holocaust card again and again..

There are crazy right wing jews extremists but if you call them out you become AnTiSeMiTic

Still feel more empathic towards palestines the collective punishment is evil and those right wing zionists are cruel and sadistic 

Its also a holy war. Muslim version of Shaheed .. at least they have huge number give birth 6+ kids ours are 1/2 

also seeing how many jews being siding with hinduvatas over last few yrs against Sikhs feel way more empathic of Palestines...

Muslim are cooking something up for sure they are planning a revenge .. '9/11',... they have united the Muslims world more then ever...

@Ranjeet01 we may as Sikhs feel helpless of our our kaum gaddars but is present in one way or another point i was making. Even with Russian vs Ukraine war  all the western countries are useless there too.. can't win apart giving billions to ukraine 

Same with Armenia being oldest Christian countries yet no Western countries supported them either.. 

The problem is a semitic problem.

Globally both sides are as bad as each other. They are sadistic and evil as each other.

You can empathise with a Palestinian to certain extent but make no mistake those innocent Palestinians can turn on you in an instant. That is why you have to mindful of the compassion you show towards them. And if the tables were turned with Israel you would see a completely different side to them.

The muslim approach is to behave in an orc (Lord of the Rings)like manner .

The Jewish approach is to infiltrate the upper echelons of their host societies.

In the west, you are very unlikely to interact with a jew unless you operate in the upper circles. 

The only way for the world to get better would be de-abrahamise and de-arabise this region.

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3 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The problem is a semitic problem.

Globally both sides are as bad as each other. They are sadistic and evil as each other.

You can empathise with a Palestinian to certain extent but make no mistake those innocent Palestinians can turn on you in an instant. That is why you have to mindful of the compassion you show towards them. And if the tables were turned with Israel you would see a completely different side to them.

The muslim approach is to behave in an orc (Lord of the Rings)like manner .

The Jewish approach is to infiltrate the upper echelons of their host societies.

In the west, you are very unlikely to interact with a jew unless you operate in the upper circles. 

The only way for the world to get better would be de-abrahamise and de-arabise this region.

The Palestinians are no different than any other Muslim group. I have little to no sympathy for them given how Sikhs in Afghanistan and Pakistan have been treated in modern times. Bethlehem had a Christian population of 85% in 1993, today it is 15%, that should tell you everything. 


Screw these suls and let them fight their own battles. They love killing each other anyway when there is no yahood, Hindu or Sikh to fight against. 

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1 hour ago, ChardikalaUK said:

The Palestinians are no different than any other Muslim group. I have little to no sympathy for them given how Sikhs in Afghanistan and Pakistan have been treated in modern times. Bethlehem had a Christian population of 85% in 1993, today it is 15%, that should tell you everything. 


Screw these suls and let them fight their own battles. They love killing each other anyway when there is no yahood, Hindu or Sikh to fight against. 

Their unity is based on having an enemy. 

When they cannot have an enemy , they turn on themselves 

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@Ranjeet01 @ChardikalaUK

At least they are authentic with their hate say it to your face unlike rest.. gangu brahmins

Muslims mps have stood up at times in Sikh issues (yes i know its politics) but it is what it is. More than our fellow hindu 'bros'. 

Look at how those infamaous Jews figures in usa ...banking Hollywood media how they screw folks over.. look who runs those p*do elites jefferey epstien...they are no saints... 

what we accuse them we have in our own kaum but smaller ratio...(kps gill etc)

Being a minority in the West and seeing what i've noticed all last few yrs...we better siding with muslims then brahmins jews gora right wing types. 

If they come for Muslims they will come for us too...



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32 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:


@Ranjeet01 @ChardikalaUK

At least they are authentic with their hate say it to your face unlike rest.. gangu brahmins

Muslims mps have stood up at times in Sikh issues (yes i know its politics) but it is what it is. More than our fellow hindu 'bros'. 

Look at how those infamaous Jews figures in usa ...banking Hollywood media how they screw folks over.. look who runs those p*do elites jefferey epstien...they are no saints... 

what we accuse them we have in our own kaum but smaller ratio...(kps gill etc)

Being a minority in the West and seeing what i've noticed all last few yrs...we better siding with muslims then brahmins jews gora right wing types. 

If they come for Muslims they will come for us too...



No I do not think so.

Most Sikhs would prefer to live under a racist white regime than under Sharia rule.


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3 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:


@Ranjeet01 @ChardikalaUK

At least they are authentic with their hate say it to your face unlike rest.. gangu brahmins

Muslims mps have stood up at times in Sikh issues (yes i know its politics) but it is what it is. More than our fellow hindu 'bros'. 

Look at how those infamaous Jews figures in usa ...banking Hollywood media how they screw folks over.. look who runs those p*do elites jefferey epstien...they are no saints... 

what we accuse them we have in our own kaum but smaller ratio...(kps gill etc)

Being a minority in the West and seeing what i've noticed all last few yrs...we better siding with muslims then brahmins jews gora right wing types. 

If they come for Muslims they will come for us too...



Mr Patel or Mr Sharma next door are unlikely to groom your daughter or try to convert her. 

Suls are the absolute worst people to live amongst. 

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14 hours ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Mr Patel or Mr Sharma next door are unlikely to groom your daughter or try to convert her. 

Suls are the absolute worst people to live amongst. 

rather live in gora area... thats why you teach ithas younger

however sharams and patels are those who r*ped our daughter during 1984 and gloat about kps gill

chose your enemy wisely

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Reading the reports on the media, Nov 11th (Armistice Day) is coinciding with the protests.

Will be interesting to see what will happen .

The Jewish supporters are pointless in doing their protests. Israel are going to do what they feel like anyway. Why put yourself in the way of trouble. Let the Goy fight amongst themselves. 

Their energies would be better placed elsewhere in my opinion. 

In 2003, before the Iraq war. There was a 1 million march and it did nothing to stop the invasion.



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