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Isreal attacks -The changing face of the world


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On 11/2/2023 at 2:13 PM, Kau89r8 said:

think you mistaken ... have you seen raja warring lately ...guys next beant

one thing i think what we can learn from with this whole conflict is looking at the power of Islamic countries and helpless/anger Palestine's/Muslims feelings at their leaders/ gulf states..

We are not investible having our 'own' sell-outs i guess 

@Jai Tegang! @Ranjeet01

The muslim countries do not care about the Palestinians as they are quite troublesome. 

However, because Israel is there then they seem to show some care for the Palestinians. 

The muslim's problem with Israel is that it is Jewish. 

The Gulf countries (with exception of Qatar) are more interested in fermenting economic links with Israel.

Here some facts about the Palestinians. 

Most of the population of Jordan is Palestinan and they tried to overthrow the monarchy there. Read up about Black September. Do you know who helped out the Jordanians, the Pakistanis. 

Lebanon had a civil war from about 1975 to 1990. Do you know how it largely? The very large Palestinian refugee camps there. PLO was based in Lebanon.

Kuwait had a large Palestinian population. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, who did the Palestinians support? The Iraqis. The Kuwaitis expelled the Palestinians. 

Now with the Gaza war, there is pressure for Egypt to accept the Gazans by opening up the border.  Egypt is reluctant to, even though between 1948 to 1967 they controlled Gaza.

That is because once the Gazans leave for Egypt, Israel will never allow them back.

The Israelis in my view are playing a very clever game. They allowed for Oct 7th to happen, so they can create the circumstances to push the Gazan population to the southern part.

My observations is that they will probably reduce the Palestinian population drastically not through genocide but by pushing them into Egypt. Northern Gaza will probably be some militarized buffer zone and Hamas will largely be eradicated. What remains of Gaza will be a rump strip even tinier than before.

Once they have dealt with Gaza, they will try to normalise relations with Saudi Arabia. 

Then they will either go for Iran, which if there is ever a regime change there could mean dried up support for Hezbollah which means Israel will shore up their Northern borders. 


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5 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The muslim countries do not care about the Palestinians as they are quite troublesome. 

However, because Israel is there then they seem to show some care for the Palestinians. 

The muslim's problem with Israel is that it is Jewish. 

The Gulf countries (with exception of Qatar) are more interested in fermenting economic links with Israel.

Here some facts about the Palestinians. 

Most of the population of Jordan is Palestinan and they tried to overthrow the monarchy there. Read up about Black September. Do you know who helped out the Jordanians, the Pakistanis. 

Lebanon had a civil war from about 1975 to 1990. Do you know how it largely? The very large Palestinian refugee camps there. PLO was based in Lebanon.

Kuwait had a large Palestinian population. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, who did the Palestinians support? The Iraqis. The Kuwaitis expelled the Palestinians. 

Now with the Gaza war, there is pressure for Egypt to accept the Gazans by opening up the border.  Egypt is reluctant to, even though between 1948 to 1967 they controlled Gaza.

That is because once the Gazans leave for Egypt, Israel will never allow them back.

The Israelis in my view are playing a very clever game. They allowed for Oct 7th to happen, so they can create the circumstances to push the Gazan population to the southern part.

My observations is that they will probably reduce the Palestinian population drastically not through genocide but by pushing them into Egypt. Northern Gaza will probably be some militarized buffer zone and Hamas will largely be eradicated. What remains of Gaza will be a rump strip even tinier than before.

Once they have dealt with Gaza, they will try to normalise relations with Saudi Arabia. 

Then they will either go for Iran, which if there is ever a regime change there could mean dried up support for Hezbollah which means Israel will shore up their Northern borders. 


Yes exactly, no Arab country actually wants Palestinians living amongst them for the reasons you gave. Israel even withdrew from Gaza completely in 2006 but Hamas still continued to launch rocket attacks. 

There is no outrage amongst muslims about the atrocities in Yemen and Syria. 

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10 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:


Yes exactly, no Arab country actually wants Palestinians living amongst them for the reasons you gave. Israel even withdrew from Gaza completely in 2006 but Hamas still continued to launch rocket attacks. 

There is no outrage amongst muslims about the atrocities in Yemen and Syria. 

It gives an interesting insight into the muslim psyche. 

Muslim kill Muslim: no outrage

Muslim kill non-Muslim: no outrage

Non-Muslim kill Muslim: outrage, but this is conditional. Broken down to:

Non-muslim kill non-Arab Muslim: some outrage, but down the pecking order.

Unapologetic Non-Muslim kill non-arab Muslim: even less outrage as Muslim gets scared.

Non-muslim kill Arab muslim: complete uproar.

What needs to be seen is how a non-apologetic genocidal ruthless non-muslim kill arab muslim.

People may think the Israelis are, but the Jews could easily wipe out the Gazan population if they wanted to.

If the Jews were sadistic, they would flood those tunnels where the Hamas are holed up.

However, there are calls for a ceasefire and the concern is those 2 million Gazans being refugees and shoved into Europe. 

We are seeing what is happening with all these Syrians and Iraqis coming into Europe. 


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Its feels like Mughals being hamas and Jews being gangu brahmins ofc good intention ppl both sides

Ya i mean rest muslim countries could have become like Switzerland and would not have to worry about israel 

Then again Jews have so much power in Western countries playing the holocaust card again and again..

There are crazy right wing jews extremists but if you call them out you become AnTiSeMiTic

Still feel more empathic towards palestines the collective punishment is evil and those right wing zionists are cruel and sadistic 

Its also a holy war. Muslim version of Shaheed .. at least they have huge number give birth 6+ kids ours are 1/2 

also seeing how many jews being siding with hinduvatas over last few yrs against Sikhs feel way more empathic of Palestines...

Muslim are cooking something up for sure they are planning a revenge .. '9/11',... they have united the Muslims world more then ever...

@Ranjeet01 we may as Sikhs feel helpless of our our kaum gaddars but is present in one way or another point i was making. Even with Russian vs Ukraine war  all the western countries are useless there too.. can't win apart giving billions to ukraine 

Same with Armenia being oldest Christian countries yet no Western countries supported them either.. 

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3 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

It gives an interesting insight into the muslim psyche. 

Muslim kill Muslim: no outrage

Muslim kill non-Muslim: no outrage

Non-Muslim kill Muslim: outrage, but this is conditional. Broken down to:

Non-muslim kill non-Arab Muslim: some outrage, but down the pecking order.

Unapologetic Non-Muslim kill non-arab Muslim: even less outrage as Muslim gets scared.

Non-muslim kill Arab muslim: complete uproar.

What needs to be seen is how a non-apologetic genocidal ruthless non-muslim kill arab muslim.

People may think the Israelis are, but the Jews could easily wipe out the Gazan population if they wanted to.

If the Jews were sadistic, they would flood those tunnels where the Hamas are holed up.

However, there are calls for a ceasefire and the concern is those 2 million Gazans being refugees and shoved into Europe. 

We are seeing what is happening with all these Syrians and Iraqis coming into Europe. 


It's true, that's why there was no widespread outrage about the massacres against the Gujarati/Rohingaya/Uyghur muslims. 

Anyway they are a violent people. Live by the sword die by the sword. 

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10 hours ago, ChardikalaUK said:

It's true, that's why there was no widespread outrage about the massacres against the Gujarati/Rohingaya/Uyghur muslims. 

Anyway they are a violent people. Live by the sword die by the sword. 

They are a violent people, the tried and tested way is to mete out even more violence against them. That is the language they understand. The more violent you are, the less violent and more reasonable they become.

You will see how quickly they capitulate and go into "treaty" mode.

Our violence comes from defense, theirs come from where there is no resistance. They are bullies. 

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10 hours ago, realist17 said:

You can say the same applies for us. 

Our capacity for violence is greater but we have different attitude to living by the sword than they have. Our relationship to the shaster is one of reverance and respect.

But in your reply, you have shown a quality that Sikhs typically have that muslim in general don't.

And that is the level of humility and introspection to look at our own flaws. 


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11 hours ago, realist17 said:

You can say the same applies for us. 

We have never been a people about needless conquest and forcing others to believe in our religion. Even Maharaja Ranjit Singh's conquest of Muslim majority Greater Punjab, Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkwa were motivated by self defence against Muslim aggression. 

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