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Isreal attacks -The changing face of the world


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17 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Post World War 1 Muslim nations have been very weak fighting non muslims. They've been beaten in wars against the UK, USA, India, Israel. There is no Muslim superpower. 

I do agree that one day Westerners will run out of patience with them but we will also feel the brunt of their wrath. 

That is a concern that we will feel the brunt.

The Muslims cannot win an open war unless they have overwhelming power.

It was only the Ottomans that had any power, but their power had been waning before World War 1.

Their political ideology (which Islam is) needs to be completely routed. Their ummah needs to be de-programmed. Their clerics in my opinion need to be taken out.

The clues to tackle them is there in their ideology, it is in plain sight. They have given the ammunition to deal with them.

It is not enough to defeat them and then let them build up their strength again. Once defeated, islam needs to be completely obliterated. 

The goal should in be intact is to de-abrahamise the world and re-dharmify it.

Europe is on it's way of de-Christianising but it should not be islamised.

The middle east should return back to what is was pre-Jesus (if Jesus actually existed)


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Well muslims are winning in West. Becoming Redpill..Did you see interview with mohammed hijab on piers morgan? 

Heck alot of these Jews/zionist have been throwing Sikhs under bus and siding with hindvata against 'khalistani terrorism' and muslim mps have spoken for Sikhs time to time. At least islamists will tell you to your faces about wanting to k*ll you unlike backstabbers hindvatas/ Zionists jews seem to mirror them

I see alot backclash against Israel now. I dont think muslims are going to let this off lightly. Religious wars in the West. Jews are getting weak with their support. They cant just 'buy' support. 

I remeber video of bin laden recording mentioning 9/11 was due to israel/palestine conflict... 

Palestines did reject peace deals where they had most control land... so what can you expect they want all jews to leave or live under islamic country... 

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58 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Post World War 1 Muslim nations have been very weak fighting non muslims. They've been beaten in wars against the UK, USA, India, Israel. There is no Muslim superpower. 

I do agree that one day Westerners will run out of patience with them but we will also feel the brunt of their wrath. 

i think your mistaken. If face to face...muslims will win look at those muslims in Russia Blacks muslims ..

watch this


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27 minutes ago, Kau89r8 said:


Well muslims are winning in West. Becoming Redpill..Did you see interview with mohammed hijab on piers morgan? 

Heck alot of these Jews/zionist have been throwing Sikhs under bus and siding with hindvata against 'khalistani terrorism' and muslim mps have spoken for Sikhs time to time. At least islamists will tell you to your faces about wanting to k*ll you unlike backstabbers hindvatas/ Zionists jews seem to mirror them

I see alot backclash against Israel now. I dont think muslims are going to let this off lightly. Religious wars in the West. Jews are getting weak with their support. They cant just 'buy' support. 

I remeber video of bin laden recording mentioning 9/11 was due to israel/palestine conflict... 

Palestines did reject peace deals where they had most control land... so what can you expect they want all jews to leave or live under islamic country... 

The Muslims are not really winning against the west, they are being allowed to.

If the Europe was to be overtaken over, the Muslims will lose because it would become the sh1thole they left. 

If hypothetically the Whites became Muslim, they will invade the middle east and these Arabs would be under the jack boot of the white muslim. It would be like Ottomans before when they had the middle east under their control.

Muslims have no issue with being other muslims massacring them.

i can guarantee to you if a White Muslim country invaded Palestine, you would not hear the "Free Free Palestine"

The Jews don't really give a cr@p about Hindutva. The only reason Hindutva is up the back-side of Israelis is because of what they perceive of a common enemy.

Muslim MPs will speak up for Sikhs because it is in their interest to do so.

However, the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. 


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1 hour ago, Kau89r8 said:

i think your mistaken. If face to face...muslims will win look at those muslims in Russia Blacks muslims ..

watch this


I do like Scott Ritter's analysis 

But he is a former UN weapon inspector who now lives in Russia, so he will have some degree of anti-Israel bias.

However, if his assessment is correct in that potentially there is an exodus of jews out of Israel, where are going to go. Western Europe is out of the question, US maybe problematic for them.

Would Eastern Europe be somewhere for them, but would East Europe want them?

Russia? A lot of Jews left the old Soviet Union.

Ukraine, which is a warzone.

Maybe an island in the middle of the ocean. Miles aways from all other people living in complete exile?

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43 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

The Muslims are not really winning against the west, they are being allowed to.

If the Europe was to be overtaken over, the Muslims will lose because it would become the sh1thole they left. 

If hypothetically the Whites became Muslim, they will invade the middle east and these Arabs would be under the jack boot of the white muslim. It would be like Ottomans before when they had the middle east under their control.

Muslims have no issue with being other muslims massacring them.

i can guarantee to you if a White Muslim country invaded Palestine, you would not hear the "Free Free Palestine"

The Jews don't really give a cr@p about Hindutva. The only reason Hindutva is up the back-side of Israelis is because of what they perceive of a common enemy.

Muslim MPs will speak up for Sikhs because it is in their interest to do so.

However, the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. 


hmm idk anymore.. agree their countries are terrible apart from Gulf states but they do have edges compared to Xtians / Jews. Catholic Arab christianity used to be based alpha now look at it. 

Jews are just weak..idk but they been some much exile 2000yrs they dont have that 'Dharma' relgion in them hence why muslims are not afraid give martyrs...Jews are missing that apart from hasdic jews who dont particpate much in society

Its holy war...Muslims dominate 

We have our own 'sikhs' ready to k!ll our own too

ya the hinduvata loving israel is hilarious they meme them all the time loool but Jews in west have been sideing with them going to indian channel crying 'KhlAISatni' so idc...

Well all are enemy but still muslims have spoken for Sikhs (Few) unlike our gangu bahmans



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6 minutes ago, Ranjeet01 said:

I do like Scott Ritter's analysis 

But he is a former UN weapon inspector who now lives in Russia, so he will have some degree of anti-Israel bias.

However, if his assessment is correct in that potentially there is an exodus of jews out of Israel, where are going to go. Western Europe is out of the question, US maybe problematic for them.

Would Eastern Europe be somewhere for them, but would East Europe want them?

Russia? A lot of Jews left the old Soviet Union.

Ukraine, which is a warzone.

Maybe an island in the middle of the ocean. Miles aways from all other people living in complete exile?

you know why muslims want to conquer 'Jeruslam' even though they have the largest growing population and that mosque was built upon Jewish temple ...because shia believe in Iman Ali will return. Jews hasidic types those who oppose zionism believe God will reuturn then built a temple christians believe Jesus will return ... its like holy war will play out

Jews are not going anywhere but they lost the 'antisemitism/holocaust playcard now after this... what hamas did way gross but idk looks really uncertain in west how this play out. Conservatives are torn between supporting israel or not

Maybe regime change in region to distract that whole conflcit like syria iraq etc

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Jews are not weak, they humiliated the Arabs in the 6 day war and that was before they received lots of help from the USA. They have been taking more and more Palestinian land over the years. They have good armed forces and their orthodox community ensures their birth rate remains high. It is the impotent Arabs that are weak. 

Street thugs are no match for governments. Do you think the likes of Britain and France which ruled much of the world will just let muslims take over? I don't think so. They have either planned this mess or will have plans to deal with the muslims in the future. Remember muslims and other ethnic minorities are very few in numbers in the armed forces and police. White Europeans will never become muslims en masse, Western Europe is mostly a post religious society that lives a drink and pork. 

The muslims will cause civil war in Europe. 

Hindutvass are weirdos that simultaneously like Hitler and Jews. 

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2 hours ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Jews are not weak, they humiliated the Arabs in the 6 day war and that was before they received lots of help from the USA. They have been taking more and more Palestinian land over the years. They have good armed forces and their orthodox community ensures their birth rate remains high. It is the impotent Arabs that are weak. 

Street thugs are no match for governments. Do you think the likes of Britain and France which ruled much of the world will just let muslims take over? I don't think so. They have either planned this mess or will have plans to deal with the muslims in the future. Remember muslims and other ethnic minorities are very few in numbers in the armed forces and police. White Europeans will never become muslims en masse, Western Europe is mostly a post religious society that lives a drink and pork. 

The muslims will cause civil war in Europe. 

Hindutvass are weirdos that simultaneously like Hitler and Jews. 

I think the Jews are fighting with one hand behind their back.

Hamas have taken hostages and there are a lot of underground tunnels

So their concern is rescuing the hostages.

This is seen as weakness by muslim.

However, if the gloves ever really came off, Gaza could easily be flattened. 

Muslims would be whining as well as their leftist allies.

What I have learnt is that if muslims are whining, they must be doing something right.

The occupied lands in West Bank is occupied by the high breeding religious Jews.

However, a lot of the secular Jews complain about the religious Jews not pulling their weight in terms of provided army recruits and not contributing to the economy.

Street thuggery can easily be dealt with, but there does not seem to be any will.

Like with mob violence, you take out leaders and you watch how they scramble. 

Then the taqqiyah tactics come out. You being from Slough should understand this very well.

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