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Being Harrassed By A Giani

Guest Kaur !

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Guest Kaur !


Sangat Ji, I have come into a problem, its been like this for the past 2/3 months. I always go to Gurdwara Sahib before going to school. At my local Gurdwara there is this Gyani. For the past 2/3 months he has been harrasing me, but lately its getting really bad, he would follow me sometimes from Gurdwara Sahib to my school, I get really scared everytime I go Gurdwara Sahib now, I haven't told anyone not even my parents because I dont know how to.

Last week I enetered Gurdwara Sahib & he was sitting upstairs reading Guru Granth Sahib Ji, then when I went to Matha Tehk & went back down he closed the guru Granth Sahib Ji & followed me down.

I have also realised it isnt only me who this Gyani harrases but other girls aswel. Its really uncomfortable because it has forced me to stop going to Gurdwara Sahib now which I dont want to do but have no option.

Can anyone help please. I dont want to be revealed either. Hope my brothers & sisters can help me. PLEASE... pray.gif

Thankyou !


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I don't understand why so many girls face these types of problems, and just do nothing about it. BE TRUE SIKHS!!! Stand up for justice, let you voice be heard. If this guy is making girls stop coming to the Gurdwara, then why are you not doing anything about it? Get some Singhs to watch him, and next time you go to the Gurdwara, have some Singh(s), or Singhni just sitting in the back, watching him secretly. If he is spotted checking out you out, and follows you or whatever, then have him confronted. Or you can put a recorder in your pocket, and if he says anything to you, you have evidence. Please do not just stop going to the Gurudwara becasue of him...Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not teach us to run away from our problems...be strong.

By the way, in which city/country is this taking place in?

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maybe the gyani is seeing if u are a good singni or a bad singhni,no really some gyani's do that but not for 2 months so i will suggest ask the gyani urself but there is no need to tell anyone yet because if the girls and gyani does the samething then i am not sure whats going on.But ask the gyani if does that again and call him dadda jee and ask him and i am sure he will answer it.

i would say get a trusted veer involved to talk to the Gyani.


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kiya advice diti hai pajji main ta surprise hogaya.I haven't met a girl who faced these kind of girls,u sure only the gyani's r bad not the girls.well i dont know as i said talk to the gyani straight to his face and call him dadda jee why r u following me and i bet he would answer or if he laughs or doesn't say anything then he is a bad gyani.dont get the singhs involved yet ask the gyani first,if u r a true singhni ask the gyani,is the gyani old or young by the way to make sure my dadda jee theory.

I don't understand why so many girls face these types of problems, and just do nothing about it.  BE TRUE SIKHS!!! Stand up for justice, let you voice be heard.  If this guy is making girls stop coming to the Gurdwara, then why are you not doing anything about it?  Get some Singhs to watch him, and next time you go to the Gurdwara, have some Singh(s), or Singhni just sitting in the back, watching him secretly.  If he is spotted checking out you out, and follows you or whatever, then have him confronted.  Or you can put a recorder in your pocket, and if he says anything to you, you have evidence.  Please do not just stop going to the Gurudwara becasue of him...Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not teach us to run away from our problems...be strong.

By the way, in which city/country is this taking place in?


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what kind of gyani is this????

what gyan does this man???

he is stalking girls.... go tell your parents!!!!!!!

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I don't understand why so many girls face these types of problems, and just do nothing about it.  BE TRUE SIKHS!!! Stand up for justice, let you voice be heard.  If this guy is making girls stop coming to the Gurdwara, then why are you not doing anything about it?  Get some Singhs to watch him, and next time you go to the Gurdwara, have some Singh(s), or Singhni just sitting in the back, watching him secretly.  If he is spotted checking out you out, and follows you or whatever, then have him confronted.  Or you can put a recorder in your pocket, and if he says anything to you, you have evidence.  Please do not just stop going to the Gurudwara becasue of him...Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not teach us to run away from our problems...be strong.

By the way, in which city/country is this taking place in?


i agree with that post... get sum1 to 'spy' on the dude... and then go from there..

btw.. which gurdwara is it?.. where do u live?

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I'd tell my parents. If it continued, tell a granthi or other gurdwara official.

Bring some homies to back u up-stay in a group.

Slap him upside his head.

Hopefully u won't need 2, but if the dude takes it 2 far, well guru ji gave us the sri sahibfor a reason.

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Tell us which city this is taking place in. I can assure that if it is within my reach, the problem will very likely be resolved in a manner so you are comfortable and carefree in your visits to the gurudwara.

Any others with any similar experience with anyone on the gurudwara premises please speak up.

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first of all...

Bhainji... You CANT Be scared of going to the Gurudwara... if he has evil intentions, GET YOUR KIRPAN AND CUT HIM OUT! such pakhandees dare not enter and pretend to do seva.

I was one followed from the Gurudwara by a covered face of a guy dressed in Salvaar kameez. pretty funny but a warning call... I learnt to wear a huge kirpaan with me all the time.

Get out there and speak for the rest.

wear a 9 inch Kirpan, carry pepper spray and show what it is to be a KAUR!!

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