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Weightlifter, Olympic, Powerlifter, Personal Fitness Instructor


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Are there any weight-lifters, or too be weight lifters here?

Thought this was an interesting addition to the group on discoversikhi, so thought I would post here as well.

I am a natural weightlifter, and in my research and largely due to Kirpa I have amassed many secrets in this area. I wish to share them all to all so you can live long healthy, and disease free lives.

I have a science and personal fitness instruction background with hefty knowledge regarding 'natural' nutrition and weight training.

I will back up whatever I say with research as well.

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First question. i'm 13 and want to do bodybuilding. Will it stunt my growth?

No, there is no evidence to suggest this is so. However, at this age you should not be too concerned about weight lifting too much and too heavy.

Your body is naturally growing and you will do best if you emphasize correct form and do not strain yourself. Now is a good time to get into good habits for a liftime of good health.

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i want to start getting into training again, i went to a gym recently and even Benching 50kg (which once used to be to light for my warmup) felt hard. so i am looking into starting training again (after joining a better gym)...so i am kinda looking for help into how to get back on that, shall i focus on strength, hypetrophy, both, im kinda confussed...

also, ive always had 1 question in mind that i wanted to ask about bodybuilding:

is bodybuilding or powerlifting against Sikhi?

Guru Maharaj Ji says "Rein gawayee soye kai, Dinas gawayaa kae" once has wasted their day eating, and night sleeping. But a bodybuilder needs both of these, a bodybuilders needs to eat excess in calories to gain weight (muscle) and atlest 6-8hours sleep to notice the positive affects of training. Obviously i (and other sikhs) should put Guru Maharaj Ji first and try to follow that hukam to the T. but just want to know what you guys think, because Sikhs should be both a Sant-Sipahi, a saint and a soldier, and to do bhagti or simran ordinary people like us also needs to be fit to do, and Dhan Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Hargobind Singh Ji Maharaj also used to promote wrestling as a sport, so i just want to know others views on this.

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That shabad refers to laziness and gluttony, not to taking whatever rest you need and eating what you need. Personally, I think that modern science overestimates the amount of sleep we need but in any case, Guru Ji isn't going to let anything negative happen from you following their hukam! If anything, your gains will be better.

Having strength is very important - Guru Hargobind Ji was known for their amazing strength and set an example for us.

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Guest peacemaker

I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but isn't any advice in regards to your body, such as weightlifting, best given in person, in a one on one type of situation? I highly commend what you're doing though.

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I don't mean to sound like a pessimist, but isn't any advice in regards to your body, such as weightlifting, best given in person, in a one on one type of situation? I highly commend what you're doing though

Only things on Techniques.. the rest, such as lifestyle, diet etc can be given online.

Bodily health isn't just limited to workout - it's a fulltime job.

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Guest peacemaker

I guess you're right. I just didn't want anyone to get injured by following something mskcan said without actually having him show them how to do it properly.

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