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Everything posted by imhosingh

  1. Key problem with such eco-villages is that most of humanity has not 'elevated' its consciousness yet. Eckhart Tolle put it really well when talking about humans colonising other planets. If you still have the same mindset and level of consciousness, you are going to get the same ? with those colonies on Mars etc. (look at the folks pushing to colonise the planets, its those egotistical billionaire types, who employ folks like themselves, and they will want to create colonies in their image). I've known 'eco' minded (you can replace with 'self labelled spiritual' , religious etc) folks and deep down they can be just as ' unconscious' as the rest of us. Those behaviours and mindset patterns always come through in whatever situation you are placed. If you want to live off grid etc, you still have to sort your head out first. Otherwise its pointless, the same demons will appear there. If you want to live in an off grid community you also need to look into the people who are already there. The most successfull 'off grid' / eco type communities I've seen and encountered are those that have respect for keeping 'silent'. Look at the life of monks in monastery's or Buddhist enclaves.
  2. I've always had a deep problems with folks accepting things like obe's, mbe's , awards from Lizzie etc. Apart from the fact that you kneel before royals to accept them (I thought us Sikhs only bowed to Maharaj ).. you also kneel before what those people represent and kind of take an oath to them. Many of these folks who drone on about racism , empire etc...can't run fast enough to pick up their 'awards' from that very establishment (empire). Very hypocritical. Suppose Arungzeb's ancestors were around, would you you be cool with accepting a Member of the Mughal Empire ? If you look at what the British did to the Sikh Raj and to our systems and beliefs it's not far off Arungzeb's , in fact Id say the British did a better job at weakening Sikhi. As for this 'celebration' of Sikhs fighting for the British in world wars etc... The reason was that the British paid well. Go to India not a single statue or commemoration of 'indians' who fought for the British. But you have loads of statues for Bose and his Indians (including plenty of Sikhs) who fought against the British interests in ww2. These awards by the establishment basically are awards for compliance and a nudge nudge wink wink that you'll toe the establishment line going forward. I personally have an infinite amount of respect for folks like Benjamin Zephaniah who stick to their principles, rather than selling their souls to the lot who killed and persecuted our ancestors https://www.theguardian.com/books/2003/nov/27/poetry.monarchy
  3. Why has Jihad failed in Israel? You have two groups in Islam (sunni & shia). The Palestinians are largely Shia (Iran being the centre of that), hence a lot of talk about them but not much action by the likes of Saudi, UAE etc. The Taliban are basically <Edited> Sunni nutjobs. Israel is tight with the funders of Sunni Jihadis (Saudi ..and indirectly the USA). The bulk of Muslims are Sunni, hence they target those who will further the Sunni side (Iran, Syria, Iraq , Iran Proxies). The other places are of no interest to Sunni's (such as China and Myanmar). I remember once reading about the money trail from Saudi to these <Edited> nutters (Saudi basically gives them money to do their dirty business abroad and not challenge the Saudi Establishment)...and how a big chunk of their money actually goes to spread Islam in the West (Mosque funds etc). It keeps the Mullahs in places like Saudi busy, while not questioning the debauched Saudi royals. Drone warfare is still limited, and the USA aint gonna spend 1/3 off the global defence spend on Drones and remote warfare. Well until the Robots come in, then I'd say you have a point, then the Jihadis (and you and me) will be obsolete.
  4. Wars are a massive money transfer mechanism..money goes from the taxpayer (or/and government borrowing) to 'elites'. But there is no way the USA could have wiped out the taliban, simply because of the concept of Jihad. The <Edited> islamists have an almost never ending supply of 'bodies' to use. Just look at it now, the USA and its allies have their prime target (Iran) surrounded to the East now by the Taliban who have been conveniently equipped with the latest war gear, thanks to the quick withdrawl. They did the same in Iraq when all those modern US weapons got into the hands of Isis (in Iraq) who then attacked Assad's Syria. These 'elites' don't care about you or me, never have, never will.
  5. The important word you put there is 'committed'. For western soldiers (and most countries). Being a soldier is a job. With the carrot of getting out at the end. Despite all the bravado, the mind is still the most important weapon and if you have soldiers and a heirachy above them who wouldn't die for the 'cause' then they will lose in protracted conflicts. Why have the Sikh's got shafted so much? Because we have been over generations turned into ' a rse kissers' who do petitions at most and worry more about keeping up with the Jones & Patels.
  6. It's quite simple why the Taliban types win wars. Soldiers in conventional armies/forces don't want to die. They serve for their pay and pension. Their whole set up is for safety and zero casualties. The Taliban WANT to die, they have an unlimited supply of fighters (if western forces get a few casualties their recruitment numbers nose dive), their pension is the afterlife. The fact that the Taliban have outlasted the combined forces of the west for 20yrs tells you how much of a 'house of cards' the west's military might is. The USA alone is the most 'powerful' military force ever assembled yet it lost (then add in the forces of the UK, France, Australia, NZ etc). If you have no fear of death you are the most formidable opponent for any 'organised' paid for military force. That's why the media etc are so desperate to make you fear death, because then you are a good pleb who obeys
  7. What crazy events? I'd rather live in this time than the past. Ever seen the weapons people used to fight wars with? Is your home at risk of being burnt to the ground, by the tribe next door? Hows your long walk to a well to go get water? Where's your next meal coming form ? Suffered any droughts lately that killed family members or your food sources? As for the Rona...did you hide after the financial crash of 07/8 because in the years after that the death rate globally was higher than it is was over the past 2 yrs. Go check statistica the stats website. If you and your social circles didn't watch the news I'm sure your life would be quite chilled. Despite what you might think you are currently living in one of the most peaceful times in human history ... Can you name any major wars / conflicts going on at the moment? Where's the mass starvations? As for global warming it's been raining most of summer here in the UK and people have had coats on. I guess this why they try to stop critical thinking and people learning about history . Also look at things like 'mass psychosis' and 'incestious amplification'. Dont watch the TV , choose what you allow to enter your eyes and ears and you'll be much more chilled
  8. People need to chill. The weather has never been 'normal'.. the climate does 'change' and I agree that humans have very little impact on it. The biggest factor is the sun's own cycles which affect the global weather patterns. The whole carbon scare stuff is nonsense...what they don't tell you is that the world has seen 'green matter' increase (plants grow by converting co2 to oxygen ). A big difference is that folks live longer now...so notice the changes more over time, plus there are incentives now to make things into 'crisis' events
  9. 2.3m.... white collar criminals would laugh at those small amounts. Bigger crime goes on in glass buildings than the back streets of Canada.
  10. How do you know they had it? The test is incredibly inaccurate and the symptoms are very broad (similar to a very bad flu)... Factor in that the flu and other coronaviruses at 40 plus cycles of amplification look can give positive results in the PCR. But..and this is the big one for me. Do you know that before transplant surgery the docs give patients stress hormones (like cortisol ) to highly surpress the immune system (so that the transplant isnt rejected ). Now imagine 2 scenarios 1) you get ill and they tell you it's a bad flu ...a very strong strain..do you go into deep stress and release loads of cortisol...staying awake at night etc? No 2) you get symtoms of the flu (or Rona) and they tell you it's Rona (via the flakey test or broad range symptoms)...and the media / politicians / systems make out it is a death sentence, when it is not for the vast majority of people. Now what does that do to your cortisol / stress levels and therefore your immune system. Go see for yourself what stress does on the body and how 'surgeons' use those hormones in surgery . The only people j know who say they had the 'rona' are the hypochondriac types, the ones who want attention or the fat ones who don't excercise or watch what they eat. If it was a real 'pandemic' then why is the 2020 global death rate nothing out of the ordinary ? 2007/8/9 was higher , once again stress killer millions because of the financial crash then . Go check global stat sites like statistica . Check out fauci's leaked emails ...he said masks don't work ..even when he was telling people they did . When there is so much deception...the truth must be scary for those doing the deceiving
  11. Whats new? the same british forces trained up ISIS (ahem 'the rebels' until they turn on their masters and then they become 'terrorists) in Syria and Iraq. They trained the Taliban in the Soviet days... The UK is selling weapons that are killing Yemeni's at the moment via the Saudi's military ops. I knew Indian Military folks and they'd come to the UK to train all the time (mainly airforce) in the 80s/90s. The army types went to places like Sandhurst.
  12. Not related to gurbani (directly)..but read (you can get free samples on kindle) of Dr Gabor Mate's books on addiction. You are engaging in actions like 'graphy because you are 'not happy', deep inside you there is something lacking, that the dopamine hits of 'graphy are temporarily masking/filling. Then look at the work of Eckhart Tolle (the power of now, a new earth etc). ... addiction is related to your 'ego' , you need to see the ego for what it is. Its you ego that goes to things like graphy to feed itself, then give you a brief rest, until it gets hungry again.
  13. What's a covid death? A broad range of 'symptoms' which could relate to anything and/or a flakey test that they won't tell you how many PCR cycles they use and/or a system that is designed to increase 'cases' and not decrease them.... a system that has benefited while the plebs didnt? Before last March if you went to the docs or your boss and said I've got the flu, cold (both coronaviruses) without symptoms they'd tell you to do one.. If it looks like a fiddle, smells like a fiddle...then its obviously true because those who are known for lying (the media, big pharma, politicians, paid for scientists i.e. Fauci and his leaked/released emails that contradict everything he said in public) tell you its true. The same 'system' that tells you that our hero's like Sant Bindranwale, Bhai Anokh Singh etc were 'terrorists' Yep, believe the people renowned for telling you the truth..while those who have nothing to gain from exposing the lies are the 'misinfo ' people. Yeah Sure.
  14. Its quite a simple scam. They increase testing when they roll out the jabs...the false postives are then used to 'mask' the jab deaths. Go ahead try an find out the PCR cycle count for the tests (if its above 25 its a pointless test). In the Uk for example in Dec 2020 the tests went from a daily 300k to almost 1m a day. Even if 1% of 1m tests are false positives (a serious under-estimate) then that 10,000 'cases' that aren't cases. Its a big fiddle.
  15. Why is a coronavirus (like flu, cold and c19) spreding in heat of 35c+? Its unheard of...why did the rona start spreading in India from Mid March? When it had been untouched pretty much before then? What happened mid march? Apart from India rolling out its domestic version of the jab, and then using the international ones? How many of the 'dead' were jabbed? The side effects in the short term resemble 'flu' like symptoms. They also started jabbing the old and vulnerable first. Go look at the multiple graphs that show the 'cases' going up after jab roll outs in countries around the world (in particular places like the UK (dec 12th onwards), Mongolia, France, Gibraltar...basically any country. If you don't see the pattern then go ahead believe what the politicians, media, their paid for experts tell you...Afterall they are renowned for telling you the truth
  16. Nothing to stop you moving to Panjab is there? Why is it only a problem for people wanting to leave? I've never seen a queue of UK (or any other country sikhs) wanting emigrate. Heck, I know of more UK 'Sikhs' who have emigrated to Canada, they are going even further away from the Panjab
  17. Just so you know those gulf states fund those missionary centres so that their 'fundamentalist' elements within their societies focus their attentions outwards and not at the rich dictators / monarchs. As long as they are causing trouble elsewhere they aren't doing it on home turf . Oil is not the only thing they export
  18. Questions to ask... 1) why is a respiratory coronavirus (c19, spreads the same way as flu or cold which are other coronaviruses) spreading in temperatures above 35c (it's unheard of...in places like Europe coronavirus numbers drop seasonally once you get over 10c). Why is a winter/autumn virus spreading in the middle of summer in India? It is unheard of with this type of virus. 2) who is being affected? In other countries when they started jabbing, then miraculously the c19 cases/deaths went up. Look at the charts , even in the UK the deaths were doing down until Dec 12th (when the UK govt started rolling out the jab and then miraculously doubled testing from 300k tests a day to 700k a day ..more tests...more false positives ..especially at 45 cycles of the PCR test) go check of ONS dashboard for the testing numbers. India ramped up it's jab rollout in March. The best example of this statistical manipulation is Mongolia ..look at their death chart...or any country for that matter..look at when they rolled out the jab..and the uptick in deaths in the 2nd wave(given that they focused on the vulnerable first). If someone can be recorded as a c19 death within 28 days of a test..then why not record deaths from the jab within 28 days? 3) these variants...are they really that different. They are at most 0.3 percent different from the original Wuhan strain..they should really be called 'same-ients'. (Look at Dr Mike yeadon's analysis..he should know about it as he was the president of Pfizer's respiratory unit). If the variants are so 'different'.why aren't they classified as c21? 4) why are you trusting the politicians and media now to tell you the 'truth'? These are the same manipulators who made out the country stopped for Phil's funeral, everyone clapped for the NHS , that Tony Blair told the truth about Iraq, that kisaans are terrorists ... Why do you believe what you are told?
  19. I quite like the ideas around a holographic universe / some type of simulation . Ever seen a hologram? It is flat to you... But it looks 3d (if you were in the hologram you'd adamantly say it's 3d, and all your science/evidence within the hologram would be 'of the' hologram so confirm it..but to the external observer it is 2d) Same with simulations when you play things like GTA ..to the character you control that world seems real and 3d..but to you it's a 2d screen (flat). The flat earth thing to me is a matter of perspective. Is your consciousness/observer/ witness 2d, 3d or beyond that? Same goes for folks who adamantly say that past higher civilisations didn't exist...why didn't they exist? Ah they say they didn't leave evidence...but would advanced civilisations (if truly advanced) use materials that don't biodegrade? Is the use of plastics etc that don't break down advanced? As you can see, there are many attempts now to rewrite history right now (erase slave owners, make hero's out of nasty folks etc) do you think this is a new concept? Ego centred humans have been rewriting history for millennia..
  20. There is plenty of 'unfarmable' land around the Punjab (thanks to over farming, chems etc)..why not just build wind farms on that land? That feeds into the 'grid' (which you get money for) instead of ruining the aesthetics of the gurdwara complexes ...
  21. Do you know how much protection the likes of ol' big ears have around them? To be chums with them it's like getting into fort Knox. Same goes for top politicians ...to be in any of their circles you are carefully vetted by various agencies, and those dossiers are given to the said VIPs. All the rumours etc are available to them. When the said VIPs claim they didn't know anything about their dodgy habits that's utter bs. Everytime a prime minster selects a minister or someone for a job the Intel services give him/her a breakdown on all the secret stuff know about them .
  22. If you have kids , a good practice is to go to sleep quite soon after they go to bed. To wake up early, you need to go to bed early. When you are getting kids ready for bed, you are kind of getting that 'time for bed' soon vibe in the house anyway. Everyone I know who keeps amritvela goes to sleep early.
  23. Odd that... Gurdwara committees love getting a 'building fund' going ,,?
  24. If someone shares articles with you from 'the guardian' and gets their world view from that rag...do yourself a favour and avoid them. The guardian is a vile hate rag, which works on division and victimhood. At least rags like the daily mail are obvious in their narratives, the guardian (and CNN) try to hide their narratives with piousness
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