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Slurs 'n' Simran - at 1984 June Rally

Nama Singh

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dont agree with you Mr A humble GurSikh

My ideas are different! In India, we study all our lives as per the syllabus defined and taught to us by India not as per Gurmatt...All the youth is highly influneced by the meadia which is promoting muslim & hindu matt...

We never had a sikh society based on the principles of gurmatt. We see/read/love/hate wotever the majority wants us to see/read/love/hate so brother please come out of this mind set and accept the reality.

I am not telling you to start hating hindus and muslims but please wake up!

I am also in India and I want a Sikh Nation.....

I am for it


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First I am sorry to hear about your sadness, but you are not a child. You must take personal responsibility for your actions and for your insults to sikhs.

You grew up in India and cut your hair in the U.S. because of insults from goras!! This is the strength India gives to a gursikh as you identify yourself? I grew up in the west, the insults started with my learning English before school age. I literally fought with my fists without choice throughout school. I watched my parents get harassed by authorities, get harassed at work.

Despite this, I can say that my childhood was chardi-kala. There was no India to teach me that one is born into a status and that as a sikh you are below others. Sure there was racism, but this is a democratic society which for all the insults respects your right to fight back and protest. You don’t get killed for demanding dignity as you do in India.

Today, I have so much strength, self-respect and believe in my ability to fight, influence, and make a difference. The successes that I have in my life in so many things are directly related to my confidence which arises from my kes.

Who needs a happy India for a ‘sikh’ when you are a non-entity as a sikh. Would your guruji recognize you as a sikh? YOU SAY YOU ARE DISTURBED ABOUT YOUR HAIR? My brother you are not disturbed about your hair. You are disturbed about yourself. You are disturbed about how weak you were. Keep your hair and you won’t be disturbed about yourself. And yes, I say this to every single one of the thousands of ‘sikhs’ who claim pride after making the master in their psyche the gora and then kissing gora butt by cutting their hair in the west. In India today they kiss hindu butt.

Don’t generalize about hating Hindus and Muslims. This is extremely offensive. People’s sisters were raped. Their sons were burned alive. Their sons were taken from their homes and tortured only to be declared terrorists. Because someone does not endorse a flag does not mean they hate a people!! Do people who would burn a nazi flag hate germans? No they protest injustices brought under the Nazi flag.

You also seem to care too much about what goras think. You cut your hair for them and now you worry about the gora media. The latter is somewhat valid, but sooner or later you will learn that sikhs can be an absolute saints and the gora media will find a way to say otherwise. The British moved out of India over 50 years ago, but India’s caste system which sikhs have become part of still bows to their white skin.

There are many amazingly strong sikhs in the U.S. If you have an interest in sikhi which is not a birthright, not a race, then find the company of some of these people. If you are remotely interested in sikhi, their company will give you incredible power.

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well a late entry from me... But all i want to say is that name calling ( like indira kuteey), flag burning, insults is certainly not the gursikh way.. (Agree or not?) I mean it's clearly against gurbani and yourself earning the paap and cleaning the paap of the bad ppls.

All of these parades (UK ONES) are GREAT !! i would not choose to pick small mistakes because its like once in a year (?).. but if asked for the input.. i would say we need to change a whole lot about parades.. All this flag burning, juttey marring on flag, name calling attracts negative attention from public who know nothing about sikhs and its history..

But at the same time.. we need to give credit to the organizers for keeping the history alive to future genx.. IF god permits they sure will change few things around and make the outer image acceptable to western world (in other way Western media)

just my views

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come on .."kuttee" ain't a swear word..it means <admin-profanity filter activated> or in other words female dog .. rolleyes.gif ..hehe... n ya the jain man...ye... respecting gods creation..look at him..wts he done to himself ? ..ya u got ur answer b4 so i'll shut up :doh:


Not a swear/insult ? I suppose with that attitude you would not mind if someone insulted your mum or sister using that slur.

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Nama ji, you should have spoken up on the day since you felt so strongly about the spitting and stamping etc!


Personaly call me what you like, doesnt bother me wether you call me anti gurmat or a papi etc honestly in this instance it doesnt bother me one bit!

I will spit at something which to me represents soemthing which leads to countless people being killed and tortured from all communities year after year. Muslims, sikhs, christians and low caste hindus including other minorities are persecuted for the 'well being' or 'stability' of the great indian nation and its so called 'secular government' etc. Try and get beyond the piece of cloth, it is not the cloth that people are buring, it is the desire to bring to justice to those who under that cloth stand and claim that they are saviours of the nation. it is about those politicians and police officers who years on are stil walking around proudly posing under their flag/cloth. Singhs were massacred for the greatness of India and its tiranga. So as far as im concerned it bothers me not at all if people choose to burn it. It might disturb you, but im afraid i really couldnt care less! If this makes me a demon, well opps!

Spitting... well i spit at football when i get that nasty stuff in my mouth, much similar to the disgust i feel whell up inside me when i think of certain other issues. Spitting in this way could be seen as a sign of contempt. Take it as however you will. I'll make sure nobody is arond next time we do any sports either, wouldnt would the anti-gurmat brigade chasing me down!

People wish to take their aggression out in various ways, as long as its not criminal to an extent its good. If it was such a crime the police would never let it happen, but on a day of heated emotions the police let such small incidents go by, because they are such small incidents. Im guessing they rather people burn a few items than thorw bricks and bottles at the embassy which has happened in previous years.

Regarding the word <admin-profanity filter activated>, do a gurbani search if u have never heard this word being used.

In particular i refer you to ang 360 where Guru Nanak Dev Ji talks about the atrocities of babar on the people of hindustan.

'This priceless country has been laid waste and defiled by dogs, and no one pays any attention to the dead.'

the above translation is from sikhitothemax, please check it and then tell guru ji he was wrong for refering to the butchering invaders as dogs for ravenging the country. and then continue your search for the word dog using the search engines and take a look at how many times guru ji uses it to describe both bad people and the actions of bad people.

Yes some nareh are badly placed, one such was when one young guy got a bit too excited and started shouting blood for blood, i gave him a kick up the <admin-profanity filter activated> (literally) and told him to shut it. And he did.

These nareh have been doing the rounds for YEARS, the elders were shouting that <admin-profanity filter activated> one from day one! Yeh it prob dont make much sense now, but is there that much wrong with it? In my honest opinion no!

Sometimes people need to relax and not judge everyone to their own (often self percieved) standards. Yes not everybody will know their nitnem, or moolmantar, or do daily sukhmani shaibs etc, not everyone will be amritdhari or 'gurikhs' like you guys, but they still got something in them which makes them want to turn up on the day. True, some may not know how to express themselves and are a bit paranoid about their faces (side comment the faces being blurred are i assume done by the people that put them up on the web as oppossed to the thousands of individuals who are in them, which in itself would be a nighmare in logictic terms if they each chose to blur their own images, and secondly many of their mummis were in fact there!) but then they are young and will learn with time and by taking them to the side. Most are not on these forums where you gursikhs can have a crack at them! lol

In the same sense i really do hope that you guys are not in a dillusional world where only amritdhari youth were killed or involved in the movement! Yes it would be nice if EVERYONE as chardikala as people here, but it prob aint going to happen. So whats the alternative, cuss them and push them out? i'll tell you one thing brothers, if it was to kick off in punjab or elsewhere again, a lot of the amritdharis would not move a muscle. And as in the 80's it will be the moneh/trimmies who then keep their kesh and take up the arms to fight back. Yes that is a generalisation, but i feel it is true to an extent. we have become to comfortable in our lives, we start taking guru ji and sikhi for granted, and some of us loose that raw passion. As i said dont paint these guys with your brushes, the same guys burning the flags may be the same ones, do the chaupai sahib, the may be the same ones spending countles hours advertising and running from the cops trying to put posters up on the walls to let people know of the march, they may the same ones who do simran and then go back and do nareh.

For a FACT nama, i know that there are certain singhs who can talk to these youngsters and perhaps tell them that they dont need to cover up etc. But you could not, since you do not know how to talk to them and as far as i am aware you do not or do not seem to be able to relate to them. Which is why you will not approach these guys and ask them to change their nareh or stop what they are doing.

You gusy want to change things, get on the ground level and do it from there. Discussing things like this on forums wll not do it im afraid.

Finally well done to all the lads and girls who came and showed your strength! It was beautifull to see all the brothers and sisters as well as the elders marching side by side! I repeat the words of one elder, who with tears in his eyes said,

'We were afraid the youngsters would forget, but they have not'.

Such simple words, but such depth within them!

Good luck with your arguments lads!

See you all there next time!

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Sorry just wanted to add that the automated profanity filter is blocking the word 'dog', which will give you difficulties in trying to post the gurbani shabad i referred to and others on the forum (which has the word dogs.. which is the k u t e h a a , so please just view them to sikhitothemax or other search engines.

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