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Does everyone agree with whats happening under the name of School Mela at GURU NANAK SIKH SCHOOL.

Based on the last years school mela there will be bhangra, gidda, bolian etc on the school premises while Guru Granth Sahib Ji resides in the school hall.

Why aren't my brothers and sisters from the Respect for Guru Granth Sahib Ji campaign taking any notice of this??????

What does this teach our children? are we teaching them Sikhi or something else...............


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Does everyone agree with whats happening under the name of School Mela at GURU NANAK SIKH SCHOOL.

Based on the last years school mela there will be bhangra, gidda, bolian etc on the school premises while Guru Granth Sahib Ji resides in the school hall.

Why aren't my brothers and sisters from the Respect for Guru Granth Sahib Ji campaign taking any notice of this??????

What does this teach our children? are we teaching them Sikhi or something else...............


nothing worng's with cultural events, just do it off gurdwara and khalsa school premises. Why not have a seperate event just for that stuff?

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On Sunday 2nd July is 400th Anniversary Celebration for the Akal Takhat Sahib, when the first foundation stone was laid by Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. This day is being celebrated through out the world with a due respect for the Akal Takhat by arranging Nagar Kirtan and Kirtan Smagams.

How appropirate is for Guru Nanak Sikh School, Hayes, the first Sikh School in UK, to have a School Mela which will include Bhangra, Gidda abd Bolian etc on the same day.

The organisers should be ashmed of calling themselves Guru Ke Sikh, a much appropirate name for them should be 'tautus of BJP'.

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On Sunday 2nd July is 400th Anniversary Celebration for the Akal Takhat Sahib, when the first foundation stone was laid by Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. This day is being celebrated through out the world with a due respect for the Akal Takhat by arranging Nagar Kirtan and Kirtan Smagams.

How appropirate is for Guru Nanak Sikh School, Hayes, the first Sikh School in UK, to have a School Mela which will include Bhangra, Gidda abd Bolian etc on the same day.

The organisers should be ashmed of calling themselves Guru Ke Sikh, a much appropirate name for them should be 'tautus of BJP'.

Where is the mela, is it in the grounds of the school? Isn't there a Gurdwara in the school?

If this was a Wolverhampton hindu temple with dancing in presence of Maharaj's parkash, we'd be going mad!!! But when the same dancing activities (and whatever accompanies that) happen in a Gurdwara, Nagar Kirtan then we go quiet! Why the double standards?

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okay.. pls don't mind but i think this is where we are taking wayyyy tooo far isn't it??

I know lots of schools where cultural event happens all the time.. Guru Harkrishan Public school, Khalsa college (both in amritsar) usually carry lots of cultural events from bhangra to giddha etc for many decades (and yes khalsa do have gurdwara/guru sahib jee within their boundaries).. Cultural event is fine as we keep limit on it.. it's not a poison or EVIL/DEVIL etc... Just my views..

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To All

My Gur Fateh

I have been reading posts regarding the school mela and would like to clarify a few misleading assumptions:

1. The schoolmela has been running for two years now and all singers are vetted before hand on what type of songs are being sung on the stage.

2. The mela is very much a family day out and if you watch the video from last years mela you will note clearly that the people sitting and listening are not your typical gig or clubs attenders. There is funfair and other school stalls. This year the RAF/Royal Navy/Army and Sikh Police unit had stands inc Helicopter on-site.

3. There was last year and this year strict control over intoxications. No one under the influence of alcohol got into the mela. If you wish to see evidence of this please feel free to call hillingdon police and they will be more then happy to verify this. We did see attempts being made by some people under the drink influence at the gate but the security personal did not allow them in.

4. There was no meat on site and all stalls were very much health and sports related. Some stalls were selling clothes and other items of decorations.

5. The khalistan crew had their stand selling videos associated with the 1984 events.

6. The morning session of the programme was dedicated to the Shaheedi of Guru Arjun Dev Ji. The school children performed Kirtan and the Dadhi Jatha were also on stage after the children.

7. Children from india also performed Bhangra.

The Guru Nanak Sikh school has gone from strength to strength with respect to education and installing the basics of Sikhi in children. The government has recognised this and this has been seen by the very fact that they have granted 16million pounds for a new school to be built. The primary school is ready. What the council has said is that the school must raise 10% of the grant and the sole purpose of the mela is to raise this 1.6 million.

Guru Nanak Sikh school is not just a religious institution it also gives a great education and sense of culture to the children. The parents are very much involved in the school and their efforts are seen in the setting up of such events as the mela. The local businesses sponsor the event with huge financial donations and see this school as the icon of the local community. The results prove the success.

If you feel that there is some wrong doing please come to the school and have a chat - we are all one and concerns should be raised but being vocal on forums with the facts can be misleading and lead to misconceptions and eventual arguments which could be avoided simply by talking.

If i have said anything wrong please forgive.

Gur Fateh


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