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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Everyone here is asking for a quote from the reight maryada, AND khalsa soulja gave it to you. If you look in the maryada that has been here since guru gobind singh jes time, the taksali maryada, sayd red and green is forbidden. Whoever is still going to argue against the maryada of the khalsa, then there is no point in discussing this with you. If we give you actual evidence from the reight maryada, and you still reject it, there is just no point in arguing with you. So, if you dont believe us, look at the reight maryada, or look at the post by khalsa soulja, and you will see that red and green are strictly forbidden. So there, you have see what the maryada has to say? You gonna argue against the maryada to? And why do we need a reason why guru sahib said dont wear this colour? Is not his hukam good enough for you? A sikh accepts all of the gurus hukams without doubt and question. Did the panj pyaras in 1699 say why do you need our heads? NO. They gave their heads willingly without question. The basic thing I am trying to say, you have proof from the reight maryada from guru gobind singh jes time, if you gonna argue against it, then you will have to answer to akal purkh and guru sahib himself.


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Veer ji,


If you haven't yet undestood what exactly i was trying to argue against then what i will say now will not matter either. My question/point was cleared in the discussion with Khalsa Soulja.


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Pheena je,

Forgive me if I am mistaken, but It looks like from your posts in the discussion with khalsa soulja were saying pretty much a sikh can wear red or green. Please forgive me If I misunderstood. But this is a message to everyone who will read this. RED AND GREEN ARE FORBIDDEN IN SIKHI. THIS IS WRITTEN IN THE REIGHT MARYADA. Please check taksali maryada if any doubts I am writing the truth. Please, anyone who holds the guru dear, and wishes to follow the path of sikhi, do not wear red or green at any times.


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Pheena je,

Forgive me if I am mistaken, but It looks like from your posts in the discussion with khalsa soulja were saying pretty much a sikh can wear red or green. Please forgive me If I misunderstood. But this is a message to everyone who will read this. RED AND GREEN ARE FORBIDDEN IN SIKHI. THIS IS WRITTEN IN THE REIGHT MARYADA. Please check taksali maryada if any doubts I am writing the truth. Please, anyone who holds the guru dear, and wishes to follow the path of sikhi, do not wear red or green at any times.


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

veer ji,

my reply was not against the Rehat. it was a question against the fact that we cannot wear them, simply because of Hindus and Muslims wear them. That creates Friction between other Religions. That part of it i could not undestand. The uniform of the Khalsa was created with certain colors because those colors were liked by our guru. Some color were not added because they were not prefered by our guru, not because hindus were dis-liked so red was not liked. That is all i am trying to say. That is what i perceived from the first post, that Red is bad because hindus wore it, Red and Green were not added so a different style of uniform for Khalsa can be created.

Simply that, the reasoning behind why they were not added cannot be from the dislike of hindus and muslim. The other thought that they present an imbalance in the mind is acceptable by me. but not the dis-like of hindus and muslims.


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

B) OK! I thought you were going against the reight. I think that we should stop discussing this, because everyone has agreed that we cannot wear red or green. Does not really matter what the reason is, the fact is no wearing red or green.


Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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i have 2 request from sangat here

1. please dont try to explain gurmat with scientific study (i.e so and so color is a soothing color it helps with sleep blah blah blah)research as gurmat is far beyond any scientific reasoning or scientific explanations

2. please do not run to sikhitothemax.com n copy and paste gurbanee on every topic just because you think it applies to this there when it has little to do with wat singhs are saying.


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1. please dont try to explain gurmat with scientific study (i.e so and so color is a soothing color it helps with sleep blah blah blah)research as gurmat is far beyond any scientific reasoning or scientific explanations.
Veer ji, so how would u suppose we understand what we are following??? Gurus are not against Science or are they??
2. please do not run to sikhitothemax.com n copy and paste gurbanee on every topic just because you think it applies to this there when it has little to do with wat singhs are saying.

We follows the SGGS, if from our guru we cannot find answer where do we go?? The quotes that i posted are Valid. What do u find in those quotes that does not imply here??


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actually pheena jee.. the quotes u posted were invalid.. the english "translation" is not a translation at all but an interpretation. Gurbani cannot be conveyed so easily in any other language, and in english each line would take at least a paragraph if not an entire page to explain. Because in each tukh there can be more than one language used, intricacies of that language, historical background of the meaning of each word, why it was used etc..

those quotes you put actually have nothing to do with this topic. I suggest you read the actual bani first, then you will understand.

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Guest SikhForLife

red and green forbidden? cuz they are hindu and musilm colors?!!!!!!!!!

then lets not wear christian colors.. and lets not where any other color except Orange.. rite/.. gimme a break ppl.. all colors are equal.. God would never discriminate against any color.. God is everywhere... he is in every color.

sabh mehi eik varathadhaa eaeko rehiaa samaae ||

har sa(n)thahu dhaekhahu nadhar kar nikatt vasai bharapoor ||

har eiko dhaathaa varathadhaa dhoojaa avar n koe ||

God is omnipresent.. every thing is his.. all colors and things... gift from God.

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oh man man man man.. its just a color ! comeon guys..

Why restriction of Red and Green?? What's wrong with em? I have green car.. does that mean im no good sikh? we all eat vegetables, saag ( :umm: ), salad etc.. (they are green) .. does that mean we all are wrong in that too? just becauz of it's color? I think it doesn't matter jeee.. Well sikhs do need to stay simple as much as they can.. but don't go for Buddhist style simplicity..

Bhul chak ke maaf

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