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Emabarasing Moments !


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few weeks back we had a simran programme round a mates house we're about to have langar and i wanted to wash my hands, at this moment in time im in the kitchen of my mates house, i ask one of my older penjjis where ths rasoo, what i wanted to say wheres the gusalkana lol. I argued lovingly to her that i was right until 5 mintues later i was like OH MY WAHEGUROOO lol she couldnt stop laughing felt more of a bandar than usual lol

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cmon folks keep this one alive

i got a quite old one.............i was at the gurdwara ageas ago and there was a program on and the gurdwara was packed out anyways it was time to go home and i was putting my shoes one.............u knw somtimes we try and be clever and think " oh i dont need to sit down" and as i was trying to put my jutti on i kinda lost my balance and on instinct my hands reached out to this bibi standing next to me to stop me from falling......................but my hand accidently ended up on her......erm................chest area :o :o

i was sooooo embarrased she seemed to find it hiralious but i gave a massive apology and legged it outa there.............


Moral: Always stand next to a guy while putting your shoes on :umm:

one time tha thappened to me i was doing seva n i tripped and my handa landed on a 55-60 yrear old mans butt

worst part is all my relitives n friends saw n they were teasing me all day telling me how i gave uncle ji a nice massage

this happened a couple yrs ack wen i was 15 n after that i didnt wanna see the guy again but i did again and again n he was talking to me all nite

he kept asking me aj guddi da janam din hai aj guddi da janam din hai

i still dont understand y he wanted to know if its my birthday

cmon folks keep this one alive

i got a quite old one.............i was at the gurdwara ageas ago and there was a program on and the gurdwara was packed out anyways it was time to go home and i was putting my shoes one.............u knw somtimes we try and be clever and think " oh i dont need to sit down" and as i was trying to put my jutti on i kinda lost my balance and on instinct my hands reached out to this bibi standing next to me to stop me from falling......................but my hand accidently ended up on her......erm................chest area :o :o

i was sooooo embarrased she seemed to find it hiralious but i gave a massive apology and legged it outa there.............


Moral: Always stand next to a guy while putting your shoes on :umm:

one time tha thappened to me i was doing seva n i tripped and my handa landed on a 55-60 yrear old mans butt

worst part is all my relitives n friends saw n they were teasing me all day telling me how i gave uncle ji a nice massage

this happened a couple yrs ack wen i was 15 n after that i didnt wanna see the guy again but i did again and again n he was talking to me all nite

he kept asking me aj guddi da janam din hai aj guddi da janam din hai

i still dont understand y he wanted to know if its my birthday

cmon folks keep this one alive

i got a quite old one.............i was at the gurdwara ageas ago and there was a program on and the gurdwara was packed out anyways it was time to go home and i was putting my shoes one.............u knw somtimes we try and be clever and think " oh i dont need to sit down" and as i was trying to put my jutti on i kinda lost my balance and on instinct my hands reached out to this bibi standing next to me to stop me from falling......................but my hand accidently ended up on her......erm................chest area :o :o

i was sooooo embarrased she seemed to find it hiralious but i gave a massive apology and legged it outa there.............


Moral: Always stand next to a guy while putting your shoes on :umm:

one time tha thappened to me i was doing seva n i tripped and my handa landed on a 55-60 yrear old mans butt

worst part is all my relitives n friends saw n they were teasing me all day telling me how i gave uncle ji a nice massage

this happened a couple yrs ack wen i was 15 n after that i didnt wanna see the guy again but i did again and again n he was talking to me all nite

he kept asking me aj guddi da janam din hai aj guddi da janam din hai

i still dont understand y he wanted to know if its my birthday

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i remember at school i used to day dream a lot and was so lost i wanted to ask a question about something instead of calling the teacher miss i go MUM hahaha funnier thing is the teacher goes yes son just to make it even worse hahaha i did that bout 3/4 times in my entire high school time ah waheguroo good times :D

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Waheguru i forgot about this thread.............ooooh how much i laughed ready this back in the dayzz!!

Lol..........actually this one isnt that funny but ill share anyways....

a few months back we got together and (with wahegurus kirpa) organised a 12hour japji sahib Jaap. We spend DAYS preparing and were realy exited............Were we going to begin a 6am and we didnt get to sleep until about 2am but we all had to get up at 3am for nitnem etc.........

so with an hours sleep the Jaap began............

We performed parkaash.........took hukamnama and one singhni fell asleep and started snoring realy loudly that is was downing out the paath........ :lol:

after we woke her up we bagan vartaahing the degh and when we began to eat it.......there was stones in the becasue the batta had been washed with sand but not rinsed properly so all you could hear was people crunching sand when eating degh.............i starting laughing so hard i had to leave the room and went into the garden and litarally laughted so much i was crying.............

One pahji was then doing role do sewa of japji sahib and from no-one where he burped realy loudly............there were only two of us in the room and we both had to leave the room cos we were laughing so hard..........

and throughout the whole thing some kept falling asleep...........

I swear we felt so bad afterwards but we asked for maafi in the ardas when the jaap finished but i will never forget that day..............it was both Chardi Kalah and absolutly hilarious............what can i say Maharaj is a proper joker...........but the joke most definatly was on us!!


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I swear we felt so bad afterwards but we asked for maafi in the ardas when the jaap finished but i will never forget that day..............it was both Chardi Kalah and absolutly hilarious............what can i say Maharaj is a proper joker...........but the joke most definatly was on us!!



True ;-)...Maharaj Ji is a proper joker! What a sense of humour he has...Definitely very colourful!

Reminds me of the Shabad "Choji Mere Govinda..."

Must have been a funny day! The main thing is you laughed. And that was Maharaj Ji wants to see all the time...He wants to see us happy. =)

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True ;-)...Maharaj Ji is a proper joker! What a sense of humour he has...Definitely very colourful!

Reminds me of the Shabad "Choji Mere Govinda..."

Must have been a funny day! The main thing is you laughed. And that was Maharaj Ji wants to see all the time...He wants to see us happy. =)

Aaaw i wish i could give you a hug!

You have such a pretty soul............


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