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Being Harrassed By A Giani

Guest Kaur !

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Why what will you do? What will any of you people do?

If you do find out that a guy has been harrassing or assulting a girl will any of you guys do anything?

Answer is NO, you will sit on your little internet forums and moan and whine and talk big about beating people up, but 99% of you wont actually raise a single finger or have the courage to carry out your macho comments!!

Its nice and easy to talk a big game but when it comes to actually doing something everyonnneee dissapears and its just the victim and the close family who have to deal with it.

What will you do if the guy accussed of the stuff says he didnt do it?

What will you do if all the local people and his friends say nooo he cant have done it, hes a great guy and they all support him?

What if he is your friend? Would you have the courage to question him/her or would you just think nooo hes my friend?

What will you do if he blames the girls saying that they are trying to ruin his name!?

What will you do if 99% of people say no way he cant have done it, and yet the girl is saying he did?

Answer is again ..NOTHING! if it came to putting your necks on the line and your reputation on the line in a situation like this, most of you would sit on the fence or say nothing or blame the girl/the accussers.

There is sooo much evidence of this, it happens everywhere! Little boys and girls with their heads in the clouds thinking that by posting a few emails problems can be solved!

Victims will NOT come forward in most cases cus they KNOW they will have no support, some may do cus they read the rubbish you lot post up, and then when it actually comes to doing something, you all walk away or turn against the victims cus sometimes its hard to listen to what has to be said.

For the sake of the victims of abuse, harrassment and assult, please dont act like heros and saviours unless you are actually going to do something. its not a macho thing, its not a 'gangster' thing that you can all talk big about and laugh and crack jokes. If you had been abused you would not find it funny. Victims will judge the 'saviours' on their support and action, not on 'id kick his as5' messages on the internet.

i pray for those that do help out the victims, the ones who act and not just brag and talk. when its ur sister, daughter or wife, n u hear people like you guys talking as if you know how it feels or like you actually care, or actually would do something then you will appreciate the point of this message.


Nice post. First you diss everyone, then you talk about how Some people might help, So you think no one is going ot help but there still be some people, what if everyone who said we'll do something fit in that Some ppl group, You made yourself look like a retard, and i wont help you look even bigger. You come here with a No-Name Guest saying S behind your computer behind No name, Why dont you do something if no one else is going to do it? Do you know every single person in the world? If 5 people fail Does the 6th person ALSO HAS to fail? It seems you know a lot, but how much do you really know? You the same as us, behind a screen, What makes you more legit than us? You said victims dont post and read rubbish and think they get support, Wow good one, So i guess its better to get no-support and to continue digging a mental tunnel leading to depression ? Your post is made out of assumptios as you probaly dotn even know anyone here, and you call their offer of help as wanting to be "macho" , "gangster" , and "saviours?"

Wow look at you buddy, Mr. Clear it all up, Mr. Let me explain it to everyone I understand this situation more than anyone else.

Anyways, you had no right to say what you did, and i suggest you stfu we know your not gonna do anything, but that doesn't give you the right to assume everyone is like you.


why don't you join him too KFI, why don't we all join him!

where isthe number, the address, the person's name, and location... than thigns can get rolling. Heck i'm on msn all the time, talk with me, i'm sure we can get something worked up. Let's post this on several forums and tell sangat's in the area... let's get a group going and actually visit this person and explain what he is doing worng... if nothing else works, then remove him of his kakars...

There i said it, the things that need to be done in order to get things going.

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  • 2 weeks later...


true......get a veerji to tok to him.....if it gets worse.....tell ur parents.......maybe get da police.....there are many more gyaani ji's who are like this.....very disgusting really......he should be kicked out uv da gurdwara...and penji dun stop goin to da gurdwara.......come on.....ur a SINGHNI!!!........and you goin to gurughar.....nunnn can really happen wen ya got guru ji by ur side,hana?.....wheres dat singhni power?LOL......had to say dat......anywayz......stay strong!!!dun sotp goin to da gurdwara....get dat gyaani kicked out.....dun stay quiet or that gyaani will go too far if ya know wat i mean!


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Why what will you do? What will any of you people do?

If you do find out that a guy has been harrassing or assulting a girl will any of you guys do anything?

Answer is NO, you will sit on your little internet forums and moan and whine and talk big about beating people up, but 99% of you wont actually raise a single finger or have the courage to carry out your macho comments!!

Its nice and easy to talk a big game but when it comes to actually doing something everyonnneee dissapears and its just the victim and the close family who have to deal with it.

What will you do if the guy accussed of the stuff says he didnt do it?

What will you do if all the local people and his friends say nooo he cant have done it, hes a great guy and they all support him?

What if he is your friend? Would you have the courage to question him/her or would you just think nooo hes my friend?

What will you do if he blames the girls saying that they are trying to ruin his name!?

What will you do if 99% of people say no way he cant have done it, and yet the girl is saying he did?

Answer is again ..NOTHING! if it came to putting your necks on the line and your reputation on the line in a situation like this, most of you would sit on the fence or say nothing or blame the girl/the accussers.

There is sooo much evidence of this, it happens everywhere! Little boys and girls with their heads in the clouds thinking that by posting a few emails problems can be solved!

Victims will NOT come forward in most cases cus they KNOW they will have no support, some may do cus they read the rubbish you lot post up, and then when it actually comes to doing something, you all walk away or turn against the victims cus sometimes its hard to listen to what has to be said.

For the sake of the victims of abuse, harrassment and assult, please dont act like heros and saviours unless you are actually going to do something. its not a macho thing, its not a 'gangster' thing that you can all talk big about and laugh and crack jokes. If you had been abused you would not find it funny. Victims will judge the 'saviours' on their support and action, not on 'id kick his as5' messages on the internet.

i pray for those that do help out the victims, the ones who act and not just brag and talk. when its ur sister, daughter or wife, n u hear people like you guys talking as if you know how it feels or like you actually care, or actually would do something then you will appreciate the point of this message.

u r an <banned word filter activated>.......anyone who wud hav given information requesting help is now probably gonna listen to ur stupid remaks and not gonnna say anything ......... people on this forum are very active and i have seen them take action on all sorts of problems....... they are not what you think and you might be thinking of yourself being quick to accuse.............. asking for the name of a gurudwara, area, what happened , the time, this is what we need to even think about takin action...................... i think u need to grow up!!!! im very disapointed that you come on a sikh sangat youth forum where we cant thank ppl enough for their seva and then try to make them out as cowards.............!

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Why what will you do? What will any of you people do?

If you do find out that a guy has been harrassing or assulting a girl will any of you guys do anything?

Answer is NO, you will sit on your little internet forums and moan and whine and talk big about beating people up, but 99% of you wont actually raise a single finger or have the courage to carry out your macho comments!!

Its nice and easy to talk a big game but when it comes to actually doing something everyonnneee dissapears and its just the victim and the close family who have to deal with it.

What will you do if the guy accussed of the stuff says he didnt do it?

What will you do if all the local people and his friends say nooo he cant have done it, hes a great guy and they all support him?

What if he is your friend? Would you have the courage to question him/her or would you just think nooo hes my friend?

What will you do if he blames the girls saying that they are trying to ruin his name!?

What will you do if 99% of people say no way he cant have done it, and yet the girl is saying he did?

Answer is again ..NOTHING! if it came to putting your necks on the line and your reputation on the line in a situation like this, most of you would sit on the fence or say nothing or blame the girl/the accussers.

There is sooo much evidence of this, it happens everywhere! Little boys and girls with their heads in the clouds thinking that by posting a few emails problems can be solved!

Victims will NOT come forward in most cases cus they KNOW they will have no support, some may do cus they read the rubbish you lot post up, and then when it actually comes to doing something, you all walk away or turn against the victims cus sometimes its hard to listen to what has to be said.

For the sake of the victims of abuse, harrassment and assult, please dont act like heros and saviours unless you are actually going to do something. its not a macho thing, its not a 'gangster' thing that you can all talk big about and laugh and crack jokes. If you had been abused you would not find it funny. Victims will judge the 'saviours' on their support and action, not on 'id kick his as5' messages on the internet.

i pray for those that do help out the victims, the ones who act and not just brag and talk. when its ur sister, daughter or wife, n u hear people like you guys talking as if you know how it feels or like you actually care, or actually would do something then you will appreciate the point of this message.

u r an <banned word filter activated>.......anyone who wud hav given information requesting help is now probably gonna listen to ur stupid remaks and not gonnna say anything ......... people on this forum are very active and i have seen them take action on all sorts of problems....... they are not what you think and you might be thinking of yourself being quick to accuse.............. asking for the name of a gurudwara, area, what happened , the time, this is what we need to even think about takin action...................... i think u need to grow up!!!! im very disapointed that you come on a sikh sangat youth forum where we cant thank ppl enough for their seva and then try to make them out as cowards.............!

i agree, dont listen 2 poeple who think this doesnt work

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Guest Guest

Why what will you do? What will any of you people do?

If you do find out that a guy has been harrassing or assulting a girl will any of you guys do anything?

Answer is NO, you will sit on your little internet forums and moan and whine and talk big about beating people up, but 99% of you wont actually raise a single finger or have the courage to carry out your macho comments!!

Its nice and easy to talk a big game but when it comes to actually doing something everyonnneee dissapears and its just the victim and the close family who have to deal with it.

What will you do if the guy accussed of the stuff says he didnt do it?

What will you do if all the local people and his friends say nooo he cant have done it, hes a great guy and they all support him?

What if he is your friend? Would you have the courage to question him/her or would you just think nooo hes my friend?

What will you do if he blames the girls saying that they are trying to ruin his name!?

What will you do if 99% of people say no way he cant have done it, and yet the girl is saying he did?

Answer is again ..NOTHING! if it came to putting your necks on the line and your reputation on the line in a situation like this, most of you would sit on the fence or say nothing or blame the girl/the accussers.

There is sooo much evidence of this, it happens everywhere! Little boys and girls with their heads in the clouds thinking that by posting a few emails problems can be solved!

Victims will NOT come forward in most cases cus they KNOW they will have no support, some may do cus they read the rubbish you lot post up, and then when it actually comes to doing something, you all walk away or turn against the victims cus sometimes its hard to listen to what has to be said.

For the sake of the victims of abuse, harrassment and assult, please dont act like heros and saviours unless you are actually going to do something. its not a macho thing, its not a 'gangster' thing that you can all talk big about and laugh and crack jokes. If you had been abused you would not find it funny. Victims will judge the 'saviours' on their support and action, not on 'id kick his as5' messages on the internet.

i pray for those that do help out the victims, the ones who act and not just brag and talk. when its ur sister, daughter or wife, n u hear people like you guys talking as if you know how it feels or like you actually care, or actually would do something then you will appreciate the point of this message.

I have to admit this guy really hits the nail on the head for me with some of the points he made. Although some of you do not agree with what he is saying, and I sympathies with how you feeling, I can’t help but feel a lot of the pain that this guy is talking of.

Having read this thread and another on the general section of this forum about Gianni’s abusing girls I firstly wish to express my deepest apologies and hurt to the girl(s) who have been affected by this. I urge these girls to take courage in our Guru, keep faith, and pray that these dusht who are using and abusing the Sikhi Saroop be brought to account in some way of justice.

Vaheguru Bhalla Kare

I can’t help but feel pain with what my veerji has said above. Ok, so he may have said it in a way that some of you find offensive but I guess he may be a little frustrated by things

Anyway some of the things that hit home for me:

A little while a go, a well known sewadaar was found to and actually admitted to a lot of serious things. Things infact, incredibly similar to the situation with the giannis and girls that has been discussed here.

The thing is although the incidents were very similar to these giannis, the BIG difference was that with the giannis EVERYONE uniformly denounced them and expressed their disgust at them. Many people went as far as writing how they should be physically reprimanded etc… (I understand this completly).

We are all of the same opinion that these people who are outwardly Sikhs are a shame on our community and something needs to be done.

Thus as it goes the accusations of this well known sewadaar and the giannis are very similar

So one asks… Why were the reactions, the backlashes so very different?

Was it because? (as the veerji above pointed out):

“You knew the guy?

“He’s seemed a great guy so you automatically supported him”?

Was it because he originally “said he didn’t do it?”

Was it because he was “your friend” so we didn’t have the courage to “question him?”

Was it because he “blamed the girls and tried to run their names?”

Why was it?

Remember my fellow brothers and sisters. The Gianni’s you are all condemning have friends also, some will think they are great guys, some will blame the girls or deny. So like you did with this sewadaar we all know, will you take the guys side over the victims? Will you make the victims life hell and laugh at her when she posts? When she takes up the courage to speak out will you all turn your backs like you did with this case on this forum only a few months ago??

"Victims will NOT come forward in most cases cus they KNOW they will have no support,"

This was what veerji wrote in his post. And I hang my head in shame as I say I have to agree. I saw as you guys ripped into the few girls who posted on her against that guy. I saw that guy rip into the girls who stood up against him. I saw him put their photos on the net, tell their personal life stories and make them feel so small that they wouldn’t dream of standing up against people like this again, despite it being the truth.

I’ve seen people realize this guy for what he is yet still respect and reply to his posts. Still visit his website and still pay him compliments.

SO yes it may sound harsh what the poster said, but we have seen it happen before us in the last few months and honestly, the majority did DO NOTHING.

I haven’t mentioned the guys name that I’m talking of. Most of you should know what I mean. (Although the discussion has been deleted off these forums.)

The reason why I haven’t mentioned the name specifically is because I don’t want to turn this into another argument about that person or incident. I don’t want the admins to delete this post because of that sole reason. Rather I’m trying to raise awareness of the situation as a whole.

"Its nice and easy to talk a big game but when it comes to actually doing something everyonnneee dissapears and its just the victim and the close family who have to deal with it."

Although veerji said this and it offended people, I have to say that I have seen this happen AND its been in a case that we were all aware of/involved in.

It so sad to say, and I hate to say it, but unfortunately it’s true.

Here we have a girl who has come on and talked bravely about her abuse. We have all supported her which is the very least we can do as a sangat.

However, I just think, if what she had written was about someone we knew, our friend or someone on the internet forums? How different the reaction would be then? How many would say the girl is lying, blame it on politics or question the credibility of the girl posting?

Some food for thought.

I hope I’ve got my point across in some way. I do apologise if I have offended anyone as this wasn’t the intention.

Bhul Chukh Maaf

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Guest cofuzzzed

Mannnn that last post was hard hitting.

With all these posts flying around of gianni's abusing girls i think people need to read this post.

This is such kaljug. Its so depressing


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Mannnn that last post was hard hitting.

With all these posts flying around of gianni's abusing girls i think people need to read this post.

This is such kaljug. Its so depressing



i know wat ya mean....man....people need to just chillax yo......i know this is serious....but nunn gonna work if u guys jus keep arguin.....where will ya get to? :lol: no.gif ....think bout it....


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Agree with the post above, if this was been shown in a example in front of us and most people didnt want to listen then thats a mash up disgrace man!

I think a lot of people will want to help, but how are we going to do this? We cant just go upto everyone that gets accused and say stuff or beat them up can we? I know some girls who used to blame guys for doing stuff to them cus the guy turned them down or sumfin. but also guys who harassed girls (they got some shittar though)

end of the day if we go to some guy and start cussing him and even blamin him and he happens to be innocent, then its gona ruin his life as well. but we gota stop this from happening as well! But it cant be some witch hunt! i duno man!

but yeh its true we dont do enough, i jus hope god helps all the girls who been gettin trouble by these idiots! n yo i cant believe wat that guy said bout sum people here cussin the girls who said they was gettin harassed! man if it was my sister who was gettin messed around wiv n people started cusin her , boy people would be gettin sorted out. straight up! its hard for a girl to speak up, u cant knock her down man, its her izzat on the line!

respect 2 all the guys lookin out for the sisters. and shame on the pervert guys and the guys that go stabin the sisters in the back! they all our sisters man, we gota listen to wat they gota say! u cant put the sisters pic up man!!! thats some messed up stuff! sort it out man! we gota think bout wat we gona do and do it properly!

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