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The "jewish Problem"

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Why are the Jews always being descriminated ? Looking back in history it strange to see that the Jews have been hated an killed in every country they lived. They weren't welcomed in Europe neither in the Arabic world.

Is this their own fault? Have they deserved this kind of treatment?

The hate that people have for Jews is almost strange. I life in a very muslims dominated area. Here we got Arab Muslims, Turkish Muslims, Paki Muslims, Maroc Muslims etc. altough many of them never met a Jew they all got the same thing to say. Jew this and Jew that! There are even some Turkish people who claimed that the Jews forced the Turkish goverment to ban beards in the Turkish army!!!

It's almost a little brother poiting his finger to someone else.

let's discuss!

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Both Christians and Muslims hate Jews for religious reasons. Christians less so but their hatred is based on belief that the Jews allowed Jesus to be crucified when could have saved his life when Pontius Pilate offered to release either Jesus or Barabbas who was a Jewish leader. The Jews chose Barabbas. For Muslims the hatred is based on the Koran which describes Jews as sons of dogs and pigs. Mohammed had an issue with Jews because he saw himself as a prophet in the line of the Jewish prophets such as Abraham, Moses etc and the Jews refused to recognise him as such.

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And then theres that whole argument about Israel and Palistaine. Personally i believe the Jews deserve a homeland, just like Sikhs do, the only differnce is that Jews help each other out, unlike most of the Sikh community these days.

If a Jewish man is arrested then fellow Jews will help get him released, if a Jews is having trouble with money, then fellow Jews will give him money, But when a Singh gets arrested other Singhs just spread malicious rumours, if a Singh is having trouble with his money, everyone just stops answering their phone calls for help.

There are only 13 million Jews in the world, and the whole world knows who Jews are, yet there are 25 million Sikhs and the majority of the world has no clue as to who they are.

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Don't get me started on the Palestinians! Muslims are hypocrites, Arabs are more hypocritic than other Muslims and Palestinians are more hypocritic than other Arabs! These people who have had the whole world bend over backwards to help solve their problems, they have been given billions of pounds in aid and have been offered their own state yet what do these hypocrites choose to do? Vote in a terror organisation as their government, send suicide bombers to kills people in Israell and when the Israelis build a wall to control the terrorists the palestinians start to rant about the 'apartheid wall'

If only the world devoted half the time its wastes on these useless people on other issues like Punjab, Darfur, Kashmir these issues could be resolved.

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Why are we talking about Jews on a sikh forum?

Well that is my next point. I think that Sikhs can learn a lot of Jews. Where the Jews have learned from their history we still wander with the same old problems.

If the Jews got their own country why can't we? We are surely not weaker than the Jews.

I admire the strength they got to uphold their believes and visions. What do we NEED to get our eyes opened? Another '84?

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Dont forget that there are many Jews in the US congress and some in the UK parliment, and that they have a lot of political backing from the US. and according to John Kerry during last years presidential elections in one of his speeches about terrorism he said "...the taliban in Afghanastan, the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, the Rebels in Indonisa, and the Sikhs in India" How are we supposed to be reccognised as peaceful people when senior Politicans describe us as terrorists.

All our leaders just seem to attack on another.

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Dont forget that there are many Jews in the US congress and some in the UK parliment, and that they have a lot of political backing from the US. and according to John Kerry during last years presidential elections in one of his speeches about terrorism he said "...the taliban in Afghanastan, the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, the Rebels in Indonisa, and the Sikhs in India" How are we supposed to be reccognised as peaceful people when senior Politicans describe us as terrorists.

All our leaders just seem to attack on another.

John Kerry can jus go eat sum pooooh! hit.gif

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