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Suddam captured in raid


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I believe that after they failed to even capture Usama-bin-Laden for so long this whole thing is just a propaganda coup to raise the spirits of the troops, as well as the people in the US, especially of the mothers the sons of whom have died in this war. There are some points that show distinct propaganda, one they did not mention the role that Officials of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) played in Saddam's capture, secondly the fact that he was not managing the insurgency and that he had very little control or influence, and finally not mentioning that some Islamist members of Jordan's Parliament support any person who stands in the face of the American dominance.

Also the marching against the war in Iraq was held not because there are people who actually like Saddam but rather because we were against the US led occupation of Iraq, specifically the casualties inflicted on innocent civilians and the way in which Bush acted through lies.

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Im against this arrest and im against US and BRIT war against iraq for no reason.. im also against of US attacking Afghanistan an year ago.. US is bully in this case !

Making the case of "weapons of mass destruction" to attack iraq and ending up saying "this war to help prevent of killings of innocent". Saddam may have done some stupid, bad and cruel murders, Who doesn't? (Indira, RSS (muslims in gujrat) killings in africa and few others) but that doesn't mean that you go into their house and tell them what to do or what not to do.. UN is made to handle these stuff, but too bad Bu$h went against their decision..

Now wuzz up with not giving the re-building contracts to other nations like germany, france, russia and others??? What is it? isn't it clearly showing the sign that US is now the power of iraq ?? Oh wait .. now i know the where the contracts gonna go.. it gonna go to the bu$h golf white buddies liek VP Cheney..

Im tried of this Bu$h who is looting americans in the fake name of terrorism.. Im tired of this patriotic act who openly discriminate non-white americans.. I wanna kick bu$h out and have someone democrat to take the place... OH no not another stupid howard dean.. im talking like Al gore or Kerry etc..

i agree jee!

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saddam's deserves to die, but bush isn't much better neither, ther're both greedy, responsible for the death of thousands of innocent people; bush tryed to liberate iraq, saddam tryed to liberate palestine.

how can sikhs call the goi as terrorists and consider the US gov't a great gov't?

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seriously im tired of listenin to the news and stuff about bush or saddam or osama.. whoever is wrong will get the ultimate punishment from waheguru ONE DAY.. so why should we worry.. they'll pay for their bad deeds..

i just dun understand how one human can have the heart to kill another human... :@ its really kaljugh...

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I just don't get the attitude of some people. The US and UK govts lost over 300 soldiers freeing 20 Million people from the oppression of a tyrant. So what's with the excuses about the war being over oil and Bush and US govt being terrorists ?. Think of it this way, where would you rather live in the US under Bush or in Iraq under Saddam ?.

This may shock some people here but one of the biggest opponents of the US invasion of Iraq was India !. Why, because any oppressive govt now knows that if it's Iraq today it could be them next. That's why all the oppressive govts like Syria, Iran and India were so against the invasion. A precedent has been set here, previously the US reserved the right to intervene in communist states such as Grenada and Cuba but now it has set the precedent that it will take on any oppressive govt no matter what it's political complexion is.

Just look at how some of the precedents set in the last decade have made the world a better place. In 1991 US and allies invaded and liberated Kuwait from Saddam Hussein. Heard of any country being invaded lately ?. Since 1995 the US as well as other western states have intervened to save minority populations being oppressed. In Bosnia, Kosovo and now Iraq the US has placed it's soldiers lives in danger solely to liberate these countries. More recently the US and UN have intervened and helped liberate East Timor from the Indonesians. All this is not lost of oppressive countries like India and they know that they could be next. This is why they are not prepared to help the US and states like Iran are act

ively helping the terrorists in Iraq to bog down the US so that it's doesn't intervene in their countries.



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seriously im tired of listenin to the news and stuff about bush or saddam or osama.. whoever is wrong will get the ultimate punishment from waheguru ONE DAY.. so why should we worry.. they'll pay for their bad deeds..

i just dun understand how one human can have the heart to kill another human... :@ its really kaljugh...

so true bhain jee

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