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Sikh At Work = Not Embaressed

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This is a question for which I would love someone to burst my bubble.

I go to work daily with My Sikhi Swaroop and come across real awkward situation at my Workplace (every sikh does at some point in their life) .

I'm in India so the scene is aint that bad because people atleast know that I got Hair inside that turban which is sacred ..but still, sometimes they dont miss a chance to make fun just to make some other folks laugh when Im in group.

I just wanted to know that how many of us in this Forum, India or Abroad go to Corporate Offices and other Workplaces and are not self employed in our sikhi swaroop.

More Important how many times have you been in some kinda trouble and how did u ovacome or get out of it?

The more answers I get the more stronger I feel that Im nt alone.


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Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji kee fateh

khalsa ji, its not a matter of being part of cword but be the way your master ahs asked you to be, if afgan people dont feel shame wearing their traditional outfit anywhere, if priest can wear their outfit anywhere then why cant we wear the swarup our guru sahib asked us to keep. its how carry your self. i am working with WIPRO. i believe it has nt asked to me to change anything in me before i joined it. and above all people ll understand your values, your tradition if you ll make them aware of them. but before we do that we need to have all the answer these people might ask. But khalsa ji its not difficult when you follow DHUR KI BANI , as you ll get every answer over there, which is going to be true jug jug atal.

Lets do a ardaas to akal purukh that we should be able to walk on the path he wants us to walk

at the end

jio phave tu rakh le hum sharan prabh teri aye rama raaje


Waheguru ji ka khalsa

Waheguru ji kee fateh


This is a question for which I would love someone to burst my bubble.

I go to work daily with My Sikhi Swaroop and come across real awkward situation at my Workplace (every sikh does at some point in their life) .

I'm in India so the scene is aint that bad because people atleast know that I got Hair inside that turban which is sacred ..but still, sometimes they dont miss a chance to make fun just to make some other folks laugh when Im in group.

I just wanted to know that how many of us in this Forum, India or Abroad go to Corporate Offices and other Workplaces and are not self employed in our sikhi swaroop.

More Important how many times have you been in some kinda trouble and how did u ovacome or get out of it?

The more answers I get the more stronger I feel that Im nt alone.


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khalsa ji, its not a matter of being part of cword but be the way your master ahs asked you to be, if afgan people dont feel shame wearing their traditional outfit anywhere, if priest can wear their outfit anywhere then why cant we wear the swarup our guru sahib asked us to keep. its how carry your self. i am working with WIPRO. i believe it has nt asked to me to change anything in me before i joined it. and above all people ll understand your values, your tradition if you ll make them aware of them. but before we do that we need to have all the answer these people might ask. But khalsa ji its not difficult when you follow DHUR KI BANI , as you ll get every answer over there, which is going to be true jug jug atal.

I agree with bhaaji's statement and I also understand what akitosforever is going thru and trying to say. I have had my share of somewhat similar experiences at workplace too. Living in the west, there is one thing that people can't laugh at your face like you say they do in India, but you have to speak to your collegues about how you feel about being treated that way. I spoke to my managers and quite a few other folks in the company (just some helthy convo's)and let them know who I am, why I wear turban and some basics of Sikhi, before that some didn't care but most used to think that I am Arab or something.

Obviously you don't have such problem (they all already know about who you are), but veerji, sometimes a nice conversation about the importance of Sikhism and your sentitivity to it might be the only thing that you need. And again, if that doesn't help I can assure you there are other steps that you can take and proceed against the harassment, specially with the santa-banta sikh jokes issue up there.

So my advice to you is that don't hold back anthing to yourself, just let the others know that you respect their life and faiths and don't appreciate them poking fun at something near n dear to you and see what they have to say about it. Theres a saying in Punjabi: pher je ghio sidhi ungal naa nikle taan ungal thedi taan karni hi pandi hai, you always have other option.

Gud luk

Gur ang sang...

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There are struggles, but with Maharaj’s Kripa and the good reputation of our predecessors, I think in general Sikhi Saroop within the corporate sector does hold respect and admiration. It’s quite strange that the average person has heard the term “Sikh” but is unable to attach the term to a way of life. That’s where our respectable actions help give people a pious opinion about Sikhi Saroop.

Once a Punjabi candidate came for an interview at our firm. It just so happened that he had a turban but was more or less clean shaven. Later that day I met up with one of the interviewers (a typical “wide”-boy, pub lunch/last orders only kind of guy) and asked him how the candidate was, to which he replied that he thought the candidate was OK, probably could do the job but deep down felt he could not trust a Sikh who cut his beard off!! That was not the kind of answer I was expecting, but I was pleasantly surprised to know that a White English guy actually took note of a something like that.

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In the UK a new law has been introduced to prevent religious discrimination in the workplace (There is already laws for racial discrimination). Unlike Indian laws they are actually enforced and you will see Sikhs in all areas working in the UK. I have noticed educated English people actually respect Sikhs and know about the part they played in the World Wars.

It is really sad that outside the Punjab ,Sikhs are ridiculed. It might be worth telling some of these people that if it was not for the Khalsa they would have been Muslims .

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Veerjee they are only trying to enrage you. Don't lose your temper. That is the worst thing you can do. If you react, they will conclude that it is your weakness, and then they will manipulate it always to hurt you. So, smile, and say something that pinches them, and continue smiling. It works a lot better than getting angry and yelling harsh words. They won't even be able to respond back. If they do, it will be their own insult, as it is them who lost their temper now.

For example...

XYZ: Oye sardar, barah bajj gaye?

Sikh (smiling): Baj gaye? Very good. Let us remember all those who sacrificed for this country, otherwise we would be ruled by Taliban and Pakistan.

Now he will get <Edited> off and his mood will be spoiled. Also, he will get an idea that you know how to reply, and will not take his stupid jokes silently.

XYZ: Tu bhi sardar hai?

Sikh (smiling): yes I am, and I am proud of it. If you are not proud of who you are, what a shame. I don't have to tell anyone who or what I am. I LOOK like who and what I am. Do you?

Now he will feel ashamed of himself.

If someone cracks a joke, smile, and after a while, tell him indirectly (with a smile) that those who crack jokes on Sikhs in front of Sikhs get a bashing someday. He will get your point.

The bottom line is

1.) Never react, they will see it as your weakness

2.) Never show aggression directly, again, they will see it as your weakness

3.) If nothing works out, give them a chance by telling them straight up, that you won't take anymore bs, but do it softly the 1st time. Give them a chance to shut up. Use peace as much as possible.

4.) If nothing works, then you know what Dasmesh Pita said in Zafarnama :nihungsmile:

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