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nowadayz we have a bunch'a cyber-gyanee's who tink dey kno all and tell all... there's very few peepz who come wit an open mind, to actually learn.. there are even fewer who will admit when they are wrong, or apologize..

there are too many peepz how try to force their own opinion on people.. i mean.. face it.. there are only a handful of people who actually have some gyaan on this site.. there isn't much love... or acceptance...

SS prides itself on havin so many members... buh da problem wit too many members is too many diff of opinions... opinions are good, and can show a diff perspective on an issue... buh some people dun want to hear other opinions... they're so engrosed in their own close-mindedness... dat for dem i's 'their way or no way'... i for one am very irritated by the way things have been on SS for da lass 6-8 months... we ALL need to clean up our acts...

wi must realize dat there ARE people who are serious on da path to sikhi.. and have questions... some of them look to us for some help n feedback... to help them make their decision.. to help them on their path... the posts dat wi make might have a huge impact on someones beliefs and attitudes...

wi all need to fix ourselves..!

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I think I'm with Aman.. I really feel as if I've made a mistake coming out of my hidey hole.. people like APDF Veerji, and smartsingh - they made good choices.

b4nd4r Veerji, I used to think someone used to benefit from such posts.. but not anymore. Like I said in my other post.. Those who care already GET it.. and the ones that need to understand, just won't.

It's posts like yours that make people like me hopeful - only to bring our hopes crashing down again. Everyone should read smartsingh's blog, he wrote something about this some time back, and I think he has a point. Forums are helpful up to a certain point. After that time, we've gained enough knowledge to do individual research, conferring with others from time to time for clarification. At that point, getting involved in stuff like this needlessly interferes with one's attempts at reaching a peaceful state of mind.

Ugh. I'm mad at myself now hahah.

Waheguru Ji

bye all.

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agreed. the whole purpose of having a forum is to hear more than one idea, not convey just one. If that was the idea, it'd be best to just close this forum and start a website. Forums are supposed to be a convergence of many ideas, a place where people don't get dismissed because of their ideas, just a place where ideas can be properly discussed. Most importantly, people don't disparage people based on their ideas, and it should be a place where people feel safe. But I digress. Forums are places to further education of oneself, so don't be afraid to ask why, question someone, or bring forth an idea.

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I think I'm with Aman.. I really feel as if I've made a mistake coming out of my hidey hole.. people like APDF Veerji, and smartsingh - they made good choices.

b4nd4r Veerji, I used to think someone used to benefit from such posts.. but not anymore. Like I said in my other post.. Those who care already GET it.. and the ones that need to understand, just won't.

It's posts like yours that make people like me hopeful - only to bring our hopes crashing down again. Everyone should read smartsingh's blog, he wrote something about this some time back, and I think he has a point. Forums are helpful up to a certain point. After that time, we've gained enough knowledge to do individual research, conferring with others from time to time for clarification. At that point, getting involved in stuff like this needlessly interferes with one's attempts at reaching a peaceful state of mind.

Ugh. I'm mad at myself now hahah.

Waheguru Ji

bye all.

These things go in cycles. You'll be back eventually. In the mean time, don't stop learning.

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These things go in cycles. You'll be back eventually. In the mean time, don't stop learning.

I'll learn as long as something's being taught - so, thankfully, I'll always keep learning.

As for being back - it'll take either serious changes in the forum, or a newly developed ability that will allow me to ignore things like this completely.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

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this forum use to be sangat .. now we have people making death threats to each other?

i just one questioned answered... why?

why is this being done?

i would be very great full to the person that can answer that one question

Veer its just one guy who has been banned from this forum several times and now i have a feeling he is not even a sikh. He is someone real smart who knows how to mislead our youth.

i used to argue here aswell but then i realised that the people i fight with aren't actually bad, they just have a different way of looking at matters. they might get carried away at times but my mann(heart) says they wont hurt any of us in reals.

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this forum use to be sangat .. now we have people making death threats to each other?

i just one questioned answered... why?

why is this being done?

i would be very great full to the person that can answer that one question

Veer its just one guy who has been banned from this forum several times and now i have a feeling he is not even a sikh. He is someone real smart who knows how to mislead our youth.

i used to argue here aswell but then i realised that the people i fight with aren't actually bad, they just have a different way of looking at matters. they might get carried away at times but my mann(heart) says they wont hurt any of us in reals.

If only everyone thought like that!

But what you said about that person kind of throws me off.. that's like too many people from the forums labeling any pangebaaj 'Sikh' as RSS/BJP. Really, now.. I wouldn't doubt if it was someone who's Amritdhari and in full Saroop.

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this forum use to be sangat .. now we have people making death threats to each other?

i just one questioned answered... why?

why is this being done?

i would be very great full to the person that can answer that one question

Veer its just one guy who has been banned from this forum several times and now i have a feeling he is not even a sikh. He is someone real smart who knows how to mislead our youth.

i used to argue here aswell but then i realised that the people i fight with aren't actually bad, they just have a different way of looking at matters. they might get carried away at times but my mann(heart) says they wont hurt any of us in reals.

I haven't been around in a while, but I doubt that he is someone real smart who can mislead the youth. If he was real smart he wouldn't make death threats, he'd make friends and slowly subvert us. In any case, I agree that he probably wouldn't hurt any of us, because most people don't have the means to figure out where any of us are. I'd still feel more comfortable if his IP was banned permanently from viewing this site. People like that don't deserve to see this forum.

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