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Befriending Monay

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yeah don't make monai friends, cause for God sakes, you might even inspire them with your sikhi. we wouldn't want that.

when quoting gurbaani, "faithless cynics" in my mind does not refer to monai. it refers to people who don't believe in akaal purakh or those who slander the guru.

i personally was inspired by my amritdhari sikh friends to take the step of keeping the kesh on my head and wearing a dastar to work for the last year now.

I thank God they never met this "great mahapursh" and avoided me.

anyways. good luck trying to avoid people. the last i checked, the khalsa lives amongst the world, and doesn't run hiding because they don't have faith in their sikhi to withstand "the evil monai...."

i agree with Heera Singh.

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Seriously, If Amritdharis take to the path of exclusion then Sikhism really will be done for.

How quickly would Sikhs get a rep for arrogance (that is exactly what will happen).

No one is in a position to judge others. Besides it must be a really sad life when you have to hide from people who are different to you.

Just because someone is a mona doesn't automatically make them a bad person.

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Guest Papi

since we are yet again talking about singh's vs. money :sady: i thought i'd share this

AMdrhu JUTy pYj bwhir dunIAw AMdir PYlu ]

a(n)dharahu jhoot(h)ae paij baahar dhuneeaa a(n)dhar fail ||

Those who are false within, and honorable on the outside, are very common in this world.

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a sikh...the entire world population is a sikh...not a gursikh....but a sikh...sikh-> learner...everyone in this world is a learner (thank guru sahib, even with the name of the religion sachay patshah did not discriminate against anyone)...even the "monay" as you like to describe God's creations...are learners...

not everyone is destined to take amrit, the select few, the lucky ones with the grace of God are able to receive the blessed amrit. just because how they look, should not matter and nor should it be judged...the way a person's character is, that will determine what you think of a person. (martin luther king jr.)


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If you don't wanna hang out with monay, don't.

but don't you dare expect them to bend over backwards for you or do anything for you, and don't you dare expect other people in general to provide you with anything. I would be extremely entertained to see how good you avoid those damn "faithless cynics" you work with.. btw, just by working with them, you are automatically associating with them....so you associate with faithless cynics.

instead of complaining about that literal translation and running around with the term"faithless cynic", why don't you folks become a little bit LESS faithless, a bit MORE faithful, and have FAITH that if you do everyhting with a pure heart and a pure mind, your Guru will never let you falter..

how's that for some faith?

That's some serious elitism... what next....Don't do daswand for charities that try to help that part of humanity that is Mona??

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this whole topic is wrong...

the mentality is wrong...

even thinking that there are singhs and then money is wrong...

guru gobind singh ji says that all of humanity is ONE....to see everyone as a brother and as everyone as a sister...

one question...when you took amrit..and the panj piyaray give us the instructions to regard men and women our age as bros/sis...younger as daughter/son....older...mother/father....did the panj piyaray LIMIT that to JUST gursikhs???? NO!!!

they say it as a blanket statement that applies to all of humanity...

this is what separates the gursikh from the rest of the world...cuz as others my want to be loving and nice to their select group...the NISHANI of the gursikh is the one who loves all...who doesn't care to tell people they are not good enough or that they need to change this or that...he simply bathes in the love of his Guru ..and shares that with whomever he comes into contact with...it's that loving spiritual personality of the gursikh that inspires awe in others and may inspire change in them...

however, if we keep looking at people and saying..oh he's a mona...oh she's a moni...whatever..then we begin to judge..and if we judge we don't love...and if we don't love...then we'll never feel god's presence in our life as guru sahib says ...saach kaho sun layho subhay jin prem kio tin hi prabh paaiyoo...

now regarding the topic of sangat...the answer is simple...

one older veerji once told me...if you ever have trouble deciding whether you should hang out with someone or engage in an activity....think about whether when you hang out with this person...will your thoughts be positive thoughts? will you be able to hang out with this person and then as soon as you're done be able to do simran without distractions? will it affect your thoughts...and if he answer is that the interaction wiht that person will uplift your thoughts then that is good sangat...if it lowers your thought, then that sangat is not good for you...

but even in this case...you still don't judge that person...you simply recognize that the sangat of you two is not helping each other...and you stay away...and wish that person the best in life...cuz it's important to remember...hanging out with a certain person..and having our thoughts lowered..doesn't mean the other person is lower...it may mean that your thoughts are lower, but stronger...so that together you both get pulled down.....keeping this in mind....it should help you to refrain from judging people and keeping the ego in check...

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