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Sikh Sangat is slowly becoming a hate forum........yes there are problems but it has nothing to do with sikhi but its the people within our community. this forum has a potential for good especially for the youngsters but i dont know where SS is headed, we know muslims and hindus, christians etc target us and especially sikh women we dont need to be reminded all the time here, everyone who reads this post...................Do this one thing for me and EDUCATE your own parents and when they go to the gurdwara next time maybe they will be able to talk to the committee as the youth are ignored.

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

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Sikh Sangat is slowly becoming a hate forum........yes there are problems but it has nothing to do with sikhi but its the people within our community. this forum has a potential for good especially for the youngsters but i dont know where SS is headed, we know muslims and hindus, christians etc target us and especially sikh women we dont need to be reminded all the time here, everyone who reads this post...................Do this one thing for me and EDUCATE your own parents and when they go to the gurdwara next time maybe they will be able to talk to the committee as the youth are ignored.

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Nice post, bro. :TH:

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i hate to say it but i kinda agree wid pahjee............................if we cant have pyaar amongst our sangat then wot chance to we have with our dearest loved ones in educating them about sikhi..........

make love not war :lol:

(love in the sense of loving ur fellow gursikh) blush.gif

yeah theres problems in Gurdwareh, families, comunities, other faiths, but maybe instead of bashing it lets look within ourselves and all of these problems start from within our selves............lack of education, sense, etc..............

surely we all made mistakes and done things we regret............this should not be held against us......as SADH SANGAT we should support our fellow brothers and sisters and explain the difference between right and wrong.......the rest is up to them..................

Our Guru's tried to teach the people the good way of life and they we met with hatred, violence, torture and injustice but did they COMPLAIN? MOAN? ARGUE? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

They eccepted Maharajs hukam and never deterred from the Sikhi path....................some of the worlds biggest problems are caused becos of our own folishness and arrogence.............before condemning and judging other people we need to take a LONG, HARD look withins ourselves.. (myslef included)

bhul chuk maafi

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lyk the parents are gnna listen to the kids. paji, there was a tym when a mother use to say to her son, 'son if u cut ur hair am gnna kill ma self', bt 2day things have changed, today a mother goes to her son, 'son cut ur hair i cnt be botherd to luk after ur hair, and it goes all over the floor in the house, and plus u luk better with a haircut, shahru khan has one get it lyk his', das wat the parents of 2day say to their children and u expect the parents to have meetings wiv commity, about issues.

the youth needs to stand up 2gether, this will spread fear into the corrupt commity's. we are the future if we stand up they will make way for us to make things ryt, they will have to we are the future, we hold the future not the men in the gudwara offices countiing there money.

phul chuk mauf


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lyk the parents are gnna listen to the kids. paji, there was a tym when a mother use to say to her son, 'son if u cut ur hair am gnna kill ma self', bt 2day things have changed, today a mother goes to her son, 'son cut ur hair i cnt be botherd to luk after ur hair, and it goes all over the floor in the house, and plus u luk better with a haircut, shahru khan has one get it lyk his', das wat the parents of 2day say to their children and u expect the parents to have meetings wiv commity, about issues.

the youth needs to stand up 2gether, this will spread fear into the corrupt commity's. we are the future if we stand up they will make way for us to make things ryt, they will have to we are the future, we hold the future not the men in the gudwara offices countiing there money.

phul chuk mauf


it doesnt matter if they dont listen we need to TRY TRY and TRY again until they do listen..............of course they are not going to listen the first time but they might listen the 50th or 100th time lol.

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this reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where bart and lisa keep on asking Homer to take them to a theme park and he eventually does it lol.....................maybe we need to keep on asking our parents and elders to do something until they do it (gurdwaras hint hint)

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ayhu vis sansaar tum daykh-day ayhu har kaa roop hai har roop nadree aa-i-aa.

This whole world which you see is the image of the Lord; only the image of the Lord is seen.

gur parsaadee bujhi-aa jaa vaykhaa har ik hai har bin avar na ko-ee.

By Guru's Grace, I understand, and I see only the One Lord; there is no one except the Lord.

kahai naanak ayhi naytar anDh say satgur mili-ai dib darisat ho-ee. ||36||

Says Nanak, these eyes were blind; but meeting the True Guru, they became all-seeing. ||36||

(Sri Anand Sahib Ji)

If the image of the Lord is in all, should we encourage hate for anyone? This is not some “hippy” statement, this is Maharaj talking to us! There’s a saying "Hate does a great deal more damage to the vessel in which it is stored than the object on which it is poured.”

We are coming across more and more comments on this forum and some real life hateful attitudes by Sikhs against other faith groups. There are definitely some genuine problems but are we now falling into a pit which we are struggling to get out off where we now verbally attack people because of their beliefs or because they don’t fit our views or because of adverse incidents in our history. Is HATING OTHERS BECAUSE OTHERS HATE YOU the right way to live? Is there any sense in having hate? It is just allowing bitterness to fester in our lives and will undermine our families, community and Kaum. Hating at it’s heart is a self centred (Manmukh) thinking and a lack of discipline and self-control. I am sure everyone has experienced hating and being hated. Hatred is an ordinary human experience that has extraordinary results. I think that all of us have our hate-stories to tell. We all have our hate-scars, some of which are better healed than others, and some of us are better healed, as persons who have hated and been hated, than others!!!

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ayhu vis sansaar tum daykh-day ayhu har kaa roop hai har roop nadree aa-i-aa.

This whole world which you see is the image of the Lord; only the image of the Lord is seen.

gur parsaadee bujhi-aa jaa vaykhaa har ik hai har bin avar na ko-ee.

By Guru's Grace, I understand, and I see only the One Lord; there is no one except the Lord.

kahai naanak ayhi naytar anDh say satgur mili-ai dib darisat ho-ee. ||36||

Says Nanak, these eyes were blind; but meeting the True Guru, they became all-seeing. ||36||

(Sri Anand Sahib Ji)

If the image of the Lord is in all, should we encourage hate for anyone? This is not some “hippy” statement, this is Maharaj talking to us! There’s a saying "Hate does a great deal more damage to the vessel in which it is stored than the object on which it is poured.”

We are coming across more and more comments on this forum and some real life hateful attitudes by Sikhs against other faith groups. There are definitely some genuine problems but are we now falling into a pit which we are struggling to get out off where we now verbally attack people because of their beliefs or because they don’t fit our views or because of adverse incidents in our history. Is HATING OTHERS BECAUSE OTHERS HATE YOU the right way to live? Is there any sense in having hate? It is just allowing bitterness to fester in our lives and will undermine our families, community and Kaum. Hating at it’s heart is a self centred (Manmukh) thinking and a lack of discipline and self-control. I am sure everyone has experienced hating and being hated. Hatred is an ordinary human experience that has extraordinary results. I think that all of us have our hate-stories to tell. We all have our hate-scars, some of which are better healed than others, and some of us are better healed, as persons who have hated and been hated, than others!!!

You took the words rite outta my mouth. Another thing i noticed is how our communtiy especially our elders seems to be telling our ounger generation to say away from balck people. I personally find them to be pretty nice people if you just take the time to get to know them. I even remember when i was litlle my grandparents used to tell me not to hange around with balck people. Personally i think the problem is education. If we can just get the older generation to hear us out, maybe we can make some changes.

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