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The Use Of Chairs In Guru Ji's Darbar


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Bundha and AK-47 have explained to me why we should sit on the floor and why we should not have, as a matter of course, chairs permanently in Darbar Hall. All that is needed to end what may seem like a worthwhile proposition in the first place, is a bit of knowledge and enlightenment of those more knowledgable and wiser.

Personally, i think the mods ought to close this thread as it is now a non-topic.....except that why do we sit on the floor in teh Langar Hall? :lol:

Only joking!

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im sure that if maharajh had wanted something as simple as chairs in the darbar sahib they would have been made. if maharajh could make something as magnificent as darbar sahib and the sarovar, maharajh made whole cities and fortresses, he made takhats and bungeh, and yet we seem to think he would have been unable to get a few carpenters to knock together a few benches/chairs. :lol:
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if u think it's absurd then don't comment bandha betay. rolleyes.gif

ps note I didn't start this idiotic topic.

I commented hoping you might understand but nah uncle has to win :lol:

ps: you were the one who started a new idiotic thread which has been merged into the old one now.

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I suggest you catch a plane to Amritsar, pick up a chair, place it in the middle of the parkarma in Harmander Sahib and put your agenda forward to the Singhs there. Then I suggest you communicate their reaction to the rest of us!

They can get lost. I notice how they let Queen Elizabeth bowl around with socks on but the rest of us aren't allowed. Just shows you what hypocrite pindus they are.

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1... what if some people decided to put their feet up on the char in front of them if nobody was sittin there? since ur so worried bout 'comfort'...

This would not occur with pews


2.. sitting on a chair for 3 hours as opposed to sitting on the ground... umm.. ground is a LOT more comfortable!

No it is not. If this was the case how come you see so many of the sangat sitting agianst the walls.

3... in case of 'fire'... it would be a lot more difficult for everybody run out of the building with hundreds of chairs in their way... half the people would probably fall or trip over chairs... and more chances of them gettin injured...

This would not occur with pews. Half the sangat would probably trample over people during a fire in a hall were we all sit on the floor. Come on you know it's true. It would be like 'dog eat dog'.

4... i actually agree with that... but the whole hall shouldn't have chairs.. only those who really NEED it..

Disagree everyone should be able to sit on pews.

5... even though their 'body' might be facing Guru Sahib, doesn't mean their face will... most of the time people's body's are facing guru sahib, but their talkin to the person next to them.. so even though their body is facing Guru Sahib, their focus isn't in that direction anyway..

Much more difficult though when your sitting on pews.

6... not necessarily tru... people would plan it so they sit together... same thing happens at churches... i went to a catholic school at one point and durin their mass people ALWAYZ interrupted with their chatter from all sides...

Harder to do that on pews.

7... again.. not necessarily tru...

Disagree with that.

and ur point #2 on disadvantages contradicts your whole 'comfort' point...

No it doesn’t.

Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji sat with the poor, not on high thrones with the rich, the royalty, but with the poor common person. This is where true sadh sangat can be found.

Your conveniently forgetting history, in his 10th incarnation the true king sat on a throne and held his darbar.

Just want people's opinion on the use of chairs in Guru Ji’s Darbar, its starting to be an alarming tend.

Well hopefully a day will come were there will be Gurdwareh all over the place with all the sangat sitting in pews in the darbar, and our Guru Granth sitting on the high throne ahead of us.

I just don't know what it is with these Jatha vale Sikhs that have issues with total non-issues like this, how we sit, how we eat, what we eat, what materical our utensils are we cook with, what material our Khanga is, what color our kachera is, what day to wash our hair, complete stupid brain dead moronic non-issues.

What we really need is a Sikh reformation through consensus that will sweep away with all this dead-wood that are these backward self-contradictory jathabandies-sant-dera-waleh pindus, and go back to the real roots of Sikhism and not the current pseudo- purityrannical regime we have now.

I wonder what the future Sikh reformers version of The Ninety-Five theses would be? And who would dare nail it to the door of the Akal Takhat?


I guess these Masands like AK-47 would get their caveman clubs out ready to bash anyone who wished to challenge the status quo.

The real reasons why people don't want chairs are...

1) They are Conservative. They don't want change, they don't care that what they have is due to previous changes, and all they care about is to keep the status quo. Its a power thing, change means losing control/power.

2) You can't pack in people as much as you can by packing them on the floor. As Gurdwareh nowadays are businesses more than places of worship the committees don't want to introduce any measures that might affect their coffers.

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I just don't know what it is with these Jatha vale Sikhs that have issues with total non-issues like this, how we sit, how we eat, what we eat, what materical our utensils are we cook with, what material our Khanga is, what color our kachera is, what day to wash our hair, complete stupid brain dead moronic non-issues.
i'd say that one is quite important :lol:

"what we eat" - i think you would agree with me that eating has an HUGE impact on us

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