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It is pointless to argue with fools, especially on the internet. Such people are cowards who have no guts to come out in the open and say all what they write behind an unknown identity on the internet. Simply do not pay attention to such people and let them burn themselves the way they wish.

If they reach the levels where they are beginning to misinform a wider audience by word and action, then let's tackle them. Otherwise, let us remember that these kind of people existed even during the Guru's times and they will continue to be part of this cosmic drama. We have to keep our eyes open and our ears alert. The moment they step into our territory, let us not be caught sleeping.

Lakhvir Singh

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It is pointless to argue with fools, especially on the internet. Such people are cowards who have no guts to come out in the open and say all what they write behind an unknown identity on the internet. Simply do not pay attention to such people and let them burn themselves the way they wish.

If they reach the levels where they are beginning to misinform a wider audience by word and action, then let's tackle them. Otherwise, let us remember that these kind of people existed even during the Guru's times and they will continue to be part of this cosmic drama. We have to keep our eyes open and our ears alert. The moment they step into our territory, let us not be caught sleeping.

Lakhvir Singh


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i said..... that u r yelling so much about marathas did that and so..... but remember...if sikhs wud have not been there ....marathas like shivaji wud not have been there...they all gained tactics from guru Hargobind ji....

Whats ur source.As Shiva ji never mentioned any "Sikh Guru sahibaan" for his inspiration.I never read any "Sikh thing" in his stories.Please let me know.


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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

balwinder singh ji .... i learned it from sikh-history.com..... this was the following quote in the section of guru Hargobind ji....

"Saint Ram Das's meeting with the Guru had a great historical consequence, for he was so impressed by the Guru's thesis that he later trained Shivaji, the great Maratha leader, in the same manner. "

bhull chuka maaf!!

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Sikh history is built through sacrifices boldened by sikh values written in blood at times and confirmed in many historical sources.

Rss shiv sena bjp are trying to create an identity and take credit for what others did cos the truth is they left a big void which cant be explained. Their own kids will ask well what did we do then? They cant face the shame of defeat and living hopeless till the sikhs came, cos right now they are the raj seat while the sikhs are just 2% in punjab. Their kids ask wow these people sitting up here in the corner did so much for us? well what did we do for them?

" the victories of the khalsa served as a signal for the general uprising throughout the country and it revived in the indian masses a new sense of spirit." - Ganda Singh "Banda Singh Bahadur" page 100.

The rss are trying to say marathas did it first due to their sheer numbers coming out at once. The khalsa were fighting for hundreds of years in guerilla and direct warfare for generations with successes and other times retreating in jungles long before anyone took a stand.The only other time muslim rule was fought and challanged were the arab turkoh v punjabi jatt wars under raja jaipal going back when muslims first came.

It was after the khalsa singhs inspired by the Sikh Gurus that other martial peoples followed like the delhi rahti jatt uprisings, rajputs, marathas, etc.

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Balwinder Singh,

Saint Ram Das was the Guru of Shiva Jee Maratha. In fact, Saint Ram Das was the secret behind Shiva Jee’s success. Before Shiva Jee, Saint Ram Das met Guru Hargobind Sahib jee while at Kashmir. Doing Sangat of Guru Jee, he was greatly influenced by the Saint Soldiers concept of Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee. It was this teaching that he learned from the Sixth Guru that he infused into Shiva Jee Maratha that made him into a great warrior-leader of India.

Before Shiva Jee, only the Rajputs were the warrior Hindus (Kshatriya). Shiva Jee himself was not even from the Kshatiyra caste. He came from the low caste. But Saint Ram Das learning from the sixth Guru that one should not discriminate based on caste, he recruited Shiva Jee as his disciple and taught him how to be a warrior, and to fight against Mughal tyranny in the Maratha nation.

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why are y'all getting Angry over him? Instead of feeling sorry and Compassionate for him?

So if he had praised the Guru and sikhism would y'all have been happy. So its the factor of duality still exist, when good things happen we are happy and when bad things are said we get angry??

Be Compassionate where Hatred and ignorence exists, Be humble where Praise exists.

I would pray for him to awaken from such biased and ignorent understandings.


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