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The Beauty Of Sikhism (part 2 )


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In part 1 ,i mentioned how my mind gets blown away by the amazing ,unparalled beauty of Sikhism as i discover more of this beauty everyday of my life ,how it singularly pinpoints the core root problem behind all the problems in this world and the real solution to them ,and how it guides us to a natural beautiful way of life based on naam ,daan ,and ishnan ,as well as balance in life through sant sipahiness .

The startling thing about Sikhi is that its not a boring irrelevant phenomena called religion that can be ignored .Sikhi is a living force that can foretell the destruction of an empire when its just starting like how Guru Nanak Dev foretold the ending of the moghul empire even when it was just beginning .This is because Sikhi is based upon the sheer truth .Sikhi is not a bunch of opinions or beliefs . Sikhi can see past ,present ,potential change in the stillest of situations .Sikhism can cause an empire to end without needing an army .Remember how Guru Gobind Singh revealed that the hidden reason behind Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee's martyrdom was to crack the pot upon the head of the delhi throne of the moghul empire as it had turned evil and tyrannical .Sikhi sees the hidden truth behind the illusionary exterior .This allows Sikhi to be revolutionary and visionary .Sikhi stands up and questions the status quo like how Guru Gobind Singh Jee wrote the Zafarnama ,slapping on the face of one of the most powerful emperors of the world who had become the son of the devil so to say .

Sikhism is not just a philosophy .It questions philosophies of any religion ,reveals their hypocricies and reveals their shortcomings .Sikhism is about the here and now .It gives the practical solutions for a person ,a society ,a community ,a nation and all nations .The modern world is still playing catch up with the vision of Sikhism for empowerment of the underprivileged ,relieving unemployment and poverty ,universal education ,equality and justness ,transparency ,equitibility ,democracy ,universal healthcare ,and eradication of crime .you just need o dig in into the minute details of the life ,words and actions of every one of our 10 Gurus and you will discover this .

Sikhism was/is revealing the secrets of the universe and cosmos and the laws of gravity before Einstein was even born and when cosmology/astronomy was in its infancy .It contains the secret of how universes are created and destroyed which antronomers are still struggling with .Likewise it reveals how big bangs are not a one off phenomena which has only recently been found out .Sikhism was telling that there are galaxies beyond the milky way before we even discovered and understood the solar system .Enter the eternal universe of the Shree Guru Granth Sahib and you are taken on a journey of the entire of God's creation ,complete with dark holes ,dark matter ,dark energy and millions of planets teeming with millions of krishnas ,rams ,and mohamads ,and jesuses hahaaaaaa ,all to be destroyed in a split second like pots of water breaking up ,leaving just the sky , which used to be reflected in them ,i.e God .

The most amazing ,wow , beauty of Sikhism is the heart beat of Sikhism.The heart beat of Sikhism,which makes the heart of every person on earth beat is SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB . I shall use the abbreviation SGGS . Through SGGS , all our 10 Gurus in one voice are having a heart to heart conversation with each person in this world .This is the greatest miracle ever!! We may restrict SGGS to our homes and gurudwaras , restrict it in terms of language or typology style ,reserve SGGS for our community ,reduce its significance to something that sounds sacred to hear to ,and consider it irrelevant .The truth is that SGGS is not for sacred show or reading ,but SGGS is the voice of God speaking through the singular voice of our 10 Gurus to each and every person in the world .

This makes SGGS the Unique manifestation l of God's Voice and Word .The christians have to unhappily borrow more than half of their bible from the jews and judaism ,i.e the old testament ,and then sweat away trying to justify why on earth they need to do this and then try rather hard to find a connection between that and the second part of their bible ,i.e the new testament .the old testament is nothing but a controvesial narration of historical events mapping the early history of the jews ,a lot of which contradicts other versions of their history .Then the new testament gives 4 accounts of the life of jesus which not only contradict each other but other non biblical accounts oif his life like the gospel of barnabas .this then continues into controversial early accounts of the early christians and a bunch of letters of a few early disciples of jesus .it all ends in the most controversial of all of these in whats called the book of revealations which no 2 christian theologians can agree upon .

Likewise the Muslim Quran is but a collection of handed down little chapters mapping the life and words of their prophet ,much of which has to do with his struggles among the various arab tribes with whom he had to do his religious business of spreading Islam . Hindus ,on the other hand can never agree amongst themselves as to whether the shiv puran ,or the srimad bhagatvatam ,or the gita or upanishads should be their principle bible .

Hence SGGS is the unique BIBLE OF GOD ,which is not just a bible or book but is instead THE GURU .,THE LIVING VOICE OF GOD that looks at every human being in the eye and talks to him /her heart to heart .This guru challenges you to the core of every tiny thing you believe in ,questions the basis of your existence ,teaches you home truths ,and spares you no mercy in helping you see truth .SGGS kisses you when need be , scolds when need be ,advises ,screams ,shouts ,laughs ,cries at you and hugs you too .SGGS is God come alive to the human race .SGGS grabs you by your neck, holds yur hand and grips you tight . Nothing ,nothing in your life ,not even the minutest thing you think of ,say ,or do escapes the laser sharp attention of SGGS .This is because God has afforded Himself a chance to show His through love to His creation and lay bare His secrets through His own manifestation ,i.e SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB! SGGS has everything to say about your illnesses and their cure ,about your family ,about your work ,your hobbies and interests about your habits ,about your conversations ,about your money ,about your attitudes ,about your outlook to everything ,about your beliefs and opinions ,and about your past ,present ,potential ,and future .This is so powerful that it can be scary to one ,unbelievable to another , shocking to one and tmind blowing to another .But its the truth -SHREE GURU GRANTH SAHIB IS GOD'S LIVING MIRACLE .

Sikhi is not about religion.Sikhi is about life -your life ,my life ,every human being's life ,every insects's life ,every animal's life ,every bird's life .No one is exempt from Sikhi .Not even an atheist .Because while the atheist lives deluded that there is no God ,SGGS overrides that delusion and says that ,thats just a game God plays within that person because of his past karmas .Wow no condemnation here but a simple understanding .And when the clouds of those past karmas pass over and gone the person's mind ,which is the real disciple ,suddenly receives enlightenment from Guru who can appear from no where including the internet ,hahaaaaaaaaaaa .

im going getting so blown away by all of this that im going stop here and ponder over it ,and part 3 will continue ...............

(this is a continuing series i am posting on sikhsangat through Gurujee's kirpa)

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