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Kirtan: one listens to the voice, not looking the appearence.

Panj Pyare: one looks to the Sant-Sipahi image and intellect.

If this was so wrong, why did Guru Ji allow Bhai Mardana to do Kirtan?

Bhul Chuk Maaf,


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we are all kidz and do keertan, and we are not amritdharii , kidz should be encouraged not read this and be put off!!

just my view, dont mean to offend

You'd never offend would you? :)

An article on Bhai Ghulam Mohammed Chand Rababi on Sikhiwiki:


Some of his kirtan can be found here:


Bhai Lall Ji (another descendant of Bhai Mardana) on youtube:



- K.

some good links, thanx.

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Another Divisive Thread,


Wake up to the higher values of Sikhi and adapt them into your being.

Indeed one should be vigilant against those who attempt to alter and demean Gurmat, but should realise the blossoming of spirit in those who aspire on the Guru's Path.

Pyaar na bolo, neemai tha hovo,

The Saints speak sweetly, and are humble before all of God's beloved creation


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Sorry parji, if the question offended anyone

I don't understand what people mean by "another devisive thread"- does that mean the issue shouldnt be discussed?

The main reason why I asked it was because there are gursikhs in my locality threatening non-amritdharis or non-kesdharis not to do kirtan at the local gurdwara. I just wanted to know what IS the right decree on this.

From my understanding is that Sikhi would promote anyone from any walk of life getting closed to Guru Ji, one way or another...which is the message many of you are promoting...if so then what makes these gursikhs so threatening to my friends? And what should my friends say to them? (if this is the correct interpretation of sikhi)

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Sorry parji, if the question offended anyone

I don't understand what people mean by "another devisive thread"- does that mean the issue shouldnt be discussed?

The main reason why I asked it was because there are gursikhs in my locality threatening non-amritdharis or non-kesdharis not to do kirtan at the local gurdwara. I just wanted to know what IS the right decree on this.

From my understanding is that Sikhi would promote anyone from any walk of life getting closed to Guru Ji, one way or another...which is the message many of you are promoting...if so then what makes these gursikhs so threatening to my friends? And what should my friends say to them? (if this is the correct interpretation of sikhi)

it is good to clarify things..and like i mentioned earlier that Sikhism is an open religion which welcomes everyone.. and shows them the right path..even The Harmandir Sahib signifies this fact by having four doors which open in all directions..welcoming all.

Lemme ask you a question .. do you love/respect, have faith in your Guru ? if the answer is Yes, then why wouldn't you keep his roop ?? Ok i agree, it may be difficult for you to be an Amritdhari.. afterall it requires a lot of discipline but why give up Kesh and the Turban .. the very identity of being a Sikh.

(Now the question isn't really directed at you .. but in a general sense)

My personal opinion.. if a person is a Non-Keshadhari, I'm against him/her doing keertan on stage.. he may do so at his home if he/she likes..I think it sends a wrong signal to the generation which will grow up watching them doing Keertan.. and more so if you really love your Guru, of whose praises you want to sing then you should obey him as well by being different from the crowd.

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it is good to clarify things..and like i mentioned earlier that Sikhism is an open religion which welcomes everyone.. and shows them the right path..even The Harmandir Sahib signifies this fact by having four doors which open in all directions..welcoming all.

My personal opinion.. if a person is a Non-Keshadhari, I'm against him/her doing keertan on stage.. he may do so at his home if he/she likes..I think it sends a wrong signal to the generation which will grow up watching them doing Keertan.. and more so if you really love your Guru, of whose praises you want to sing then you should obey him as well by being different from the crowd.

Now I'm unable to draw any conclusions...so really is it dependent on whoever is in the sangath to go and withdraw a non-kesdhari from the stage?

Shouldnt there be some convention? If there was, it would stop the mini fights over the subject which are happening in front of me.

I know the guys n gals are good at keertan but I'm not sure if they are into sikhi deeply enough to feel the calling to turn amrtidhari....as this is the case, in your view, they should not be allowed to sit on the stage and sing the keertan that fills their hearts and minds... ...at the same time they are turned away from the gursikhs who refuse to let them perform and refuse to teach them because they are not kesdhari... being kesdhari and amrtidhari are also totally different things too...so in this sense your opinion is more inclined to the look of the person not the meaning of the words which were written by a higher power....

would you take prashaad if it was given to you by a non-amritdhari non-kesdhari?

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Sorry parji, if the question offended anyone

I don't understand what people mean by "another devisive thread"- does that mean the issue shouldnt be discussed?

The main reason why I asked it was because there are gursikhs in my locality threatening non-amritdharis or non-kesdharis not to do kirtan at the local gurdwara. I just wanted to know what IS the right decree on this.

From my understanding is that Sikhi would promote anyone from any walk of life getting closed to Guru Ji, one way or another...which is the message many of you are promoting...if so then what makes these gursikhs so threatening to my friends? And what should my friends say to them? (if this is the correct interpretation of sikhi)

Forgive me Ji,

That is not what I meant. I meant there are various threads such as these which are disheartening to read.

The reality is children do Kirtan, and then when they grow up they are disallowed. We are creating a divide. We need to find a balance between here, and unfortunately it is not there.

That is all I meant.


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