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Any One See This In Birmingham

Guest fordcapri

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There is a place in Dewsbury, near Leeds where they take alot of Sikh girls and convert them. This is where they have their Kaur2Khan events.

Sword of Islam - Sayful Islam aka Ishtiaq Alamgir (are very active in converting Sikhs. They are based in South England, from Luton to Gravesend. You will see them every Wednesday evening outside the Barclays Bank, opposite Nadeem Plaza (luton).

They are linked to Anjem Chaudary from Ilford London, he is probably the worst for converting Sikhs. He was recently found talking about how GHB (or Ketamine) should be used as a tool to bring Kuffars to Janat (Heaven - basically islam). And has had alot accusations put against him for Forced Conversions.

Aman Dhaliwal is also working very hard to convert Sikhs to islam, so is Simran Kaur Singh (recent converts).

Aman Dhaliwal goes around universities doing Seminars about how Sikhi (and he uses the word Sikhi) is false, and how the religion is empty.

Simran Kaur Singh is based near Leicester in a place called Hinckley, she teaches about Gurbani, and how it preaches hatred against Women. For some strange reason, she has had Santhia, but don't know who from???

There is a young imaam in Stoke-on-Trent, don't know which mosque, but he does regular comparative studies on Sikhi vs islam, he has converted alot of Sikh University girls, mainly from the Manchester area.

Then you have the most millitant ones who are based in Small Heath Birmingham, they use the front Dar-Us-Salaam, but are mainly ex-HUT.

They provide alot of anti-Sikh literature and also have alot links to the Butt family who are well known drug dealers in South Birmingham. They are known to hold Sikh girls against their will, and recently some were arrested for Human Trafficking.

Less not beat around the bush, muslims are put alot of effort in Converting Sikhs to Islam. They are now not concentrating the clubs, but now mainly at Schools, Colleges, Universities, the Work place, social services (womens refuge hostels), facebook, msn and on Sikh Sangat. They are many Sikh's from Good families who are being converted or even head-hunted by muslims....Please be very careful.

Oh my god, this makes me even more sick. What are UK Sikhs doing if they have THIS MUCH info. Theyve got the names and the adresses, what else does Khalsa need?


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There is a place in Dewsbury, near Leeds where they take alot of Sikh girls and convert them. This is where they have their Kaur2Khan events.

Sword of Islam - Sayful Islam aka Ishtiaq Alamgir (are very active in converting Sikhs. They are based in South England, from Luton to Gravesend. You will see them every Wednesday evening outside the Barclays Bank, opposite Nadeem Plaza (luton).

They are linked to Anjem Chaudary from Ilford London, he is probably the worst for converting Sikhs. He was recently found talking about how GHB (or Ketamine) should be used as a tool to bring Kuffars to Janat (Heaven - basically islam). And has had alot accusations put against him for Forced Conversions.

Aman Dhaliwal is also working very hard to convert Sikhs to islam, so is Simran Kaur Singh (recent converts).

Aman Dhaliwal goes around universities doing Seminars about how Sikhi (and he uses the word Sikhi) is false, and how the religion is empty.

Simran Kaur Singh is based near Leicester in a place called Hinckley, she teaches about Gurbani, and how it preaches hatred against Women. For some strange reason, she has had Santhia, but don't know who from???

There is a young imaam in Stoke-on-Trent, don't know which mosque, but he does regular comparative studies on Sikhi vs islam, he has converted alot of Sikh University girls, mainly from the Manchester area.

Then you have the most millitant ones who are based in Small Heath Birmingham, they use the front Dar-Us-Salaam, but are mainly ex-HUT.

They provide alot of anti-Sikh literature and also have alot links to the Butt family who are well known drug dealers in South Birmingham. They are known to hold Sikh girls against their will, and recently some were arrested for Human Trafficking.

Less not beat around the bush, muslims are put alot of effort in Converting Sikhs to Islam. They are now not concentrating the clubs, but now mainly at Schools, Colleges, Universities, the Work place, social services (womens refuge hostels), facebook, msn and on Sikh Sangat. They are many Sikh's from Good families who are being converted or even head-hunted by muslims....Please be very careful.

Khalsa ji where did you obtain this information from? about Anjem Chaudary?etc If you've got more information and evidence of these kaur 2 khan events such as pictures, times, places and so on please pm/create a new thread we need to stop this! :@

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Bottom line:Sullaas are SINCERELY, SERIOUSLY, and FORCEFULLY tryin to take over the world.

(No. I'm not being sarcastic or funny.)

It's actually very, very disgusting. So many sullees have tried to make me one of them. blink.gif

Like that's ever gonna happen anyway dry.gif

I'm a girl who ties a dastaar.. If so many of them have tried to convert ME, think about what they're being taught and what they will do.

I thought it was happening mostly in UK (converting Sikh girls to Islam). Has that started to happen in Canada as well?

Errr... I don't know if it's as common in Canada.

What I do know is that, compared to the UK, there's way less 'chaos' and idiocy in Canada.

..and I've heard a fair amount of those stories in Canada.

Then again.. 1 of these stories is fair enough for me.. :@

Another big contributor to this problem is bollywood... Many i.d.i.o.t.s can't live without following the stupidity in those movies.


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i said on a post a while ago one of my friends in my business class wanted me to say the ''rasssoul'' thats the bit muslims say when they say mohammed is the true prophit no one else is as good or what ever allah only one etc.

but the reason he wanted to convert me is because i can 'dance' through enemy formations without being harmed and i can merge with weapons! and kill thousands :p

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There is a place in Dewsbury, near Leeds where they take alot of Sikh girls and convert them. This is where they have their Kaur2Khan events.

Sword of Islam - Sayful Islam aka Ishtiaq Alamgir (are very active in converting Sikhs. They are based in South England, from Luton to Gravesend. You will see them every Wednesday evening outside the Barclays Bank, opposite Nadeem Plaza (luton).

They are linked to Anjem Chaudary from Ilford London, he is probably the worst for converting Sikhs. He was recently found talking about how GHB (or Ketamine) should be used as a tool to bring Kuffars to Janat (Heaven - basically islam). And has had alot accusations put against him for Forced Conversions.

Aman Dhaliwal is also working very hard to convert Sikhs to islam, so is Simran Kaur Singh (recent converts).

Aman Dhaliwal goes around universities doing Seminars about how Sikhi (and he uses the word Sikhi) is false, and how the religion is empty.

Simran Kaur Singh is based near Leicester in a place called Hinckley, she teaches about Gurbani, and how it preaches hatred against Women. For some strange reason, she has had Santhia, but don't know who from???

There is a young imaam in Stoke-on-Trent, don't know which mosque, but he does regular comparative studies on Sikhi vs islam, he has converted alot of Sikh University girls, mainly from the Manchester area.

Then you have the most millitant ones who are based in Small Heath Birmingham, they use the front Dar-Us-Salaam, but are mainly ex-HUT.

They provide alot of anti-Sikh literature and also have alot links to the Butt family who are well known drug dealers in South Birmingham. They are known to hold Sikh girls against their will, and recently some were arrested for Human Trafficking.

Less not beat around the bush, muslims are put alot of effort in Converting Sikhs to Islam. They are now not concentrating the clubs, but now mainly at Schools, Colleges, Universities, the Work place, social services (womens refuge hostels), facebook, msn and on Sikh Sangat. They are many Sikh's from Good families who are being converted or even head-hunted by muslims....Please be very careful.

Khalsa ji where did you obtain this information from? about Anjem Chaudary?etc If you've got more information and evidence of these kaur 2 khan events such as pictures, times, places and so on please pm/create a new thread we need to stop this! :@

Anyone have any information?

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i said on a post a while ago one of my friends in my business class wanted me to say the ''rasssoul'' thats the bit muslims say when they say mohammed is the true prophit no one else is as good or what ever allah only one etc.

but the reason he wanted to convert me is because i can 'dance' through enemy formations without being harmed and i can merge with weapons! and kill thousands :p

Real Ques is.. What do they find, in their religion, to be better than others..?

It doesn't make sense. They have nothing to offer to Sikhs, better than what we have.

Why on Earth are they even trying?

I mean.. We're talking about a religion that fits the needs and wants of ONLY MEN.

Their men can have several wives slaves. Their men can wear w/e, while the women must feel total discomfort in those scary-looking costumes. The 60 yr old men can marry 16 yr old women girls.

If we're talking about what sullaas want to achieve and spread... Read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'. It's disturbing and quite sad..

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i said on a post a while ago one of my friends in my business class wanted me to say the ''rasssoul'' thats the bit muslims say when they say mohammed is the true prophit no one else is as good or what ever allah only one etc.

but the reason he wanted to convert me is because i can 'dance' through enemy formations without being harmed and i can merge with weapons! and kill thousands :p

Real Ques is.. What do they find, in their religion, to be better than others..?

It doesn't make sense. They have nothing to offer to Sikhs, better than what we have.

Why on Earth are they even trying?

I mean.. We're talking about a religion that fits the needs and wants of ONLY MEN.

Their men can have several wives slaves. Their men can wear w/e, while the women must feel total discomfort in those scary-looking costumes. The 60 yr old men can marry 16 yr old women girls.

If we're talking about what sullaas want to achieve and spread... Read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'. It's disturbing and quite sad..

thats heaven for some guys! LOl sorry for that joke everyone I just wanted people to smile once in a while lol.

indeed islam is the way forward if you want to treat your wife with no respect and have loads of wives. I believe some men do get attracted to the whole case of its ok to have as many women as I want etc, worst case scenario is if some poor sole was reading that he would get so and so many virgins in heaven and goes and blows himself up as a martyr just for that lol

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i said on a post a while ago one of my friends in my business class wanted me to say the ''rasssoul'' thats the bit muslims say when they say mohammed is the true prophit no one else is as good or what ever allah only one etc.

but the reason he wanted to convert me is because i can 'dance' through enemy formations without being harmed and i can merge with weapons! and kill thousands :p

Real Ques is.. What do they find, in their religion, to be better than others..?

It doesn't make sense. They have nothing to offer to Sikhs, better than what we have.

Why on Earth are they even trying?

I mean.. We're talking about a religion that fits the needs and wants of ONLY MEN.

Their men can have several wives slaves. Their men can wear w/e, while the women must feel total discomfort in those scary-looking costumes. The 60 yr old men can marry 16 yr old women girls.

If we're talking about what sullaas want to achieve and spread... Read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'. It's disturbing and quite sad..

thats heaven for some guys! LOl sorry for that joke everyone I just wanted people to smile once in a while lol.

indeed islam is the way forward if you want to treat your wife with no respect and have loads of wives. I believe some men do get attracted to the whole case of its ok to have as many women as I want etc, worst case scenario is if some poor sole was reading that he would get so and so many virgins in heaven and goes and blows himself up as a martyr just for that lol

That's a sickening joke...really it is..

Heaven my *ss.. :@

Only fools think of stupid rules that please only men.. and to think it's acceptable in the eyes of God.

The women in Nepal who have more than one husband are in heaven as well eh.. :rolleyes:

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