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Does everything happen in His will?


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basically maharaj does what he does on us because of what we did in our past life, and that was in his hukam, and the life before that was under his hukam and so on and so on and so on.

but even i ask, if maharaj does the hukam, why did he make us sin? example, in satjug everyone was happy, in treta, it was slightly different, duoapar, slightly changed, now kal jug, very bad.

of course maharaj did everything under his will, does anyone know how the Jugs finished and started?

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but even i ask, if maharaj does the hukam, why did he make us sin? example, in satjug everyone was happy, in treta, it was slightly different, duoapar, slightly changed, now kal jug, very bad.

of course maharaj did everything under his will, does anyone know how the Jugs finished and started?

did u read what i've posted above. Your first mistake lies in the assuming that he makes you Sin. These Jhugs are the State of mind of man. In the Sat jug the mind was of a child, innocent and so on along the jhugs the mind changed into what it is now in the state of Kal Jhug. No one makes you sin except your choice to Sin.

His will is the Ocean, you are the Fish. You can swim anywhere you want, you can kill, you can eat, you can be happy, but it has to be in the Ocean ( his will) You cannot go beyond his Will...his boundry just as the fish cannot survive outside of the ocean.


Thus He gives prominence and importance to His creation. So God is not against samsara or else why should He create it?

Nor is he maya's enemy, or why should He bother with it? So the difficulty encountered

by logic had no ground with the devotee. Nanak says not only does He create but He admires His creation and looks at it exultantly, thus giving it honor and importance. Remember, God has created you and having created you he has examined you from all sides, and He is still looking at you constantly as a part of His own handiwork, giving you dignity and importance; and on its own all sin will fade away from your life. If you remember this you will move about as a creation of His. You will speak and hear, fully conscious of the fact that you are His creation. In all your dealings you will be conscious of the fact that you are His and He is looking after you all the time. He watches over you constantly. He provides you with comfort and care. He looks at you lovingly, again and again. He never tires of looking at you. He is pleased with you for it is He who has made you. He is neither disappointed nor disheartened by your ways or else He could destroy you so easily. No matter how bad and sinful you become, His flame of hope for you never burns out. No matter how far you wander away from Him, no matter how completely you forget Him and turn your back on Him, His loving gaze is still fixed on you. For He knows that if not today, tomorrow you are sure to return. Sooner or later the prodigal must return, his coming back is certain, for the further you go away from Him the more unhappy you will become, like a little child who has run away from home.

A little child, barely four years old, ran away from home. He took a small bundle of clothes and set out. A policeman found him going back and forth along the side of the road a number of times. He approached him, thinking he needed help, and asked, "Where do you want to go? Where have you come from?"

The child said, "I have run away from home but Mother always said not to cross the road, but to stay on this side.

Now I don't know what to do, since I can't cross over."

How far can a small child stray? Even if he does, Mommy has always set a limit an

d how can he disobey her?

How far will you wander from God? Even if you are angry with Him for some reason, you will keep shuttling between home and the road crossing. How far can you go and where will you go? Wherever you roam it is within His boundaries. Wherever you are will be within Him. Your anger is the anger of a little child; it is nothing but a part of love. He is never displeased by your displeasure

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

this is a question that confuses a lot of ppl and raises questions....


Bhai Sahib Bhai Parminder Singh Ji - Founder, Guru Nanak Academy, told me that the true answers to all of the questions are far deeper than simple words.

But he gave me an explanation that made me understand this. He said:


Everything is in HIS Hukam, nothing is out of his Hukam

-There are certain events in our LIFE which are SET IN STONE. AKAL PURKH has set them. Such as time of birth, who parents will be, time of death, time of marriage, person who will marry us, etc.

These events will all occur according to his will. We CANNOT change them.

Then i asked, "how does the concept of KARMA work then?"

Bhai Sahib explained that KARMA is based on our ACTIONS and REACTIONS to his will. Our actions and reactions to the events that are set in stone.

Example: a family member dies, that is his Hukam. Our reaction is, either we ar in Chardi Kala or we get depressed for 5 years. That is OUR doing. That is our action a

nd reaction to his HUKAM. Hence, that makes up our Karma. Karma is OUR doing.

I hope this helps. Bhul Chuk Maaf Karo Ji.

I dont quite understand your statements..

You said some things are pre-set or "God" has chosen for me, and you listed....parents, birth, death, marriage..

Well...if I grab a glock and shoot my head, its his will? Or the 6million Jews that died from the hand of hitler is his will? Or wasnt that just what Hitler wanted to do with them?

Marriage..so inter-racial/religious marriages are all part of "his will" then why do we make a public outcry when they happen and why do we say that its hard to get along and it wont last long?

If Parents are "his will" what happens when WE can choose the parents? and WE can become God...such as DEATH, ABORTION, DEATH SENTENCE IN JAIL?

I'm sorry I'm not fully clarified on some of these questions i listed above, and you said you've spoken with someone who probably has more intelligence then all of us combined, so if these were also answered in your discussion with him, please let me know. Just questions that arose to me when I read your post. I'm satisified with the Karma explanation though


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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

this is a question that confuses a lot of ppl and raises questions....


Bhai Sahib Bhai Parminder Singh Ji - Founder, Guru Nanak Academy, told me that the true answers to all of the questions are far deeper than simple words.

But he gave me an explanation that made me understand this.  He said:


Everything is in HIS Hukam, nothing is out of his Hukam

-There are certain events in our LIFE which are SET IN STONE.  AKAL PURKH has set them.  Such as time of birth, who parents will be, time of death, time of marriage, person who will marry us, etc.

These events will all occur according to his will.  We CANNOT change them. 

Then i asked, "how does the concept of KARMA work then?"

Bhai Sahib explained that KARMA is based on our ACTIONS and REAC

TIONS to his will.  Our actions and reactions to the events that are set in stone.

Example: a family member dies, that is his Hukam.  Our reaction is, either we ar in Chardi Kala or we get depressed for 5 years.  That is OUR doing.  That is our action and reaction to his HUKAM.  Hence, that makes up our Karma.  Karma is OUR doing.

I hope this helps. Bhul Chuk Maaf Karo Ji.

I dont quite understand your statements..

You said some things are pre-set or "God" has chosen for me, and you listed....parents, birth, death, marriage..

Well...if I grab a glock and shoot my head, its his will? Or the 6million Jews that died from the hand of hitler is his will? Or wasnt that just what Hitler wanted to do with them?

Marriage..so inter-racial/religious marriages are all part of "his will" then why do we make a public outcry when they happen and why do we say that its hard to get along and it wont last long?

If Parents are "his will" what happens when WE can choose the parents? and WE can become God...such as DEATH, ABORTION, DEATH SENTENCE IN JAIL?

I'm sorry I'm not fully clarified on some of these questions i listed above, and you said you've spoken with someone who probably has more intelligence then all of us combined, so if these were also answered in your discussion with him, please let me know. Just questions that arose to me when I read your post. I'm satisified with the Karma explanation though


Read Our sacchey patshah Guru Granth Sahib jee de baneey.. There you will find the answers of your own questions.. Simple as that.. why waste ur time asking questions over questions and will stuck with more questions over years while u can have answer by spending time reading gurbani.. rolleyes.gif

agree with khalistani

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everything happens at ur own will that u are physically and mentally capable of. if u feel like doing something wrong God wont stop u only ur mind can. things usually work out somehow because we're able to adapt to whatever changes but that doesnt mean it was meant to happen that way. other things like where ur born and how much ur exposed to sikhism just have to do with ur luck and coincidence i think.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

y are u wasting ure head with this???

do bhagti and you will find the answer

bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!



then the HUKAM fo God, is the BHANA, or your Karma :wub:

bhull chukk maaf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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wjkk wjkf!

Trying to live by bhana should be like giving according to gurmat values.

If one has made a mistake that is against gursikhi, it can't be reasoned by saying, 'oh it was guruji's bhana'...if you know what i mean.

A lot of people make mistakes and think that they can back them up by saying it was guruji's bhana!....true, but you hafta think about whether the mistakes were done according to gursikhi.

wjkk wjkf!

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