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Akaal Thakt Sahib ? Ludhiana Situation

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Any updates on the Ragi Darshan Singh Situation?

A government tactic is being used regarding the astutosh situation to take singhs away from akaal takht sahib dasm morcha.

I received a txt saying 4 singhs have been shaheed in ludhiana - is this correct? any updates? There seems to be a media bias or stuff isnt being covered at the moment.

Where are all the ''Defenders of the faith'' - too busy releasing videos on babu mann?

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Ludhiana: A group of radical Sikh supporters clashed with the police in Ludhiana on Saturday protesting a public meeting of Noor Mahal-based dera Divya Jyoti Jagran Sansthan chief Ashutosh Maharaj.

Police had to lob tear gas and fire in the air in which one person died and 12 others were injured.

A large mob of Sikh armed swords and sticks tried to stop and led by Jathedar of Akal Takht Jasbir Singh Rode, Damdami Taksal chief Mokham Singh and Harnam Singh tried to prevent the Dera from organising the public meeting.

Police, who had set up a barricaded check post, tried to stop the mob at Samrala Chowk, about one km from the Dera rally.

But when the mob became violent and refused to leave the area police opened fire in the air. They then used batons and tear gas to disperse the Sikhs.

A spokesman of a local hospital said one person was brought dead and 12 others were injured in the clash.

A number of vehicles, including those of the police, were damaged by the marching protestors resulting in disruption of traffic on various roads, including the Delhi Ludhiana National Highway passing through the industrial town.


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In My Opinion,

This is a HUGE web of Cobras. It includes BJP, Badals, RSS, Congress, Sarnas.

It is ALL to attack Dasam Patshah Bani (Source of Bir Ras, Amrit Sanchaar, Amritdhari Jeevan, ShastarDhari Jeevan, Niaara Panth, etc..)

Makkars (make it seem they are against Darshan Ragi and will leave it up to 5).

Badals get Ashutosh to come to Punjab, and His Men Rile up the Masses to Protest (Sikhs will get attacked by Police! Always!) The matches to start the fire were ignited few days earlier with random attacks against Sikhs! This is to make sure The Sikhs Come out To Protest and Fight!!! So BADALS Police Can ATTACK THE SIKHS!!!!

During the Akal Takhat summoning of Darshan Ragi (Dasam Patshah Bani Aashikhs will be coming out!)

So now you have 2 programs at the same time to bring out Those That Love Dasam Patshah!! NO COINCIDENCE!!! BOTH PLANNED FOR SAME TIME!!!!

Badals Police will Attack those that show support for Dasam Patshah Bani as Well!! Using the excuse of Ashutosh etc!! THIS IS HIS TACTIC FOR DECADES!!!! Their aim is to Attack the Spirit of Khalsa!!! And The Spirited Khalsa Themselves!!!

Basically, they want those Sikhs to come out who are willing to Speak up Against Those Attacking Khalsa! They want the Spirited Sikhs to come out! Why?!? To Finish Them!!


Basically, what they want are those Sikhs to come out, who are Spirited, so They can be finished by Badals Police. They will use Ashutosh and Darshan Ragi Summoning to bring them out! THERE IS NO COINCIDENCE OF THE DATES OF THE 2 PROGRAMS!!!! Ashutosh visit was deliberately set up by Badals!! Why do you think Makkar was Adamant that Darshan Ragi show up At this Date?!?!? The plans of Ashutosh was ALREADY SET!!!!

This is all done to Keep Badals in Power; and at the same time please BJP and RSS by bringing out Spirited Sikhs for 'Arrest and WORSE!!'. BJP, RSS and BADALS Have had this Planned for Long!!! (Media ban is not coincidental either!!!!!) BJP WILL SUPPORT ASHUTOSH 100%!!! BADALS SUPPORT BJP!!! IT IS ALL INTERCONNECTED BETWEEN BJP AND BADALS!!!

It is ALL against the Rise of Spirit of Khalsa! It is about attacking Spirited Sikhs! And about attacking The Source of KHALSA SPIRIT!!!!! AMRIT SANCHAR AND DASAM PATSHAH BANI!!!!!










There are MANY players involved!!! TOO MANY!! Ex-Jathedars, Heads of Organizations, etc.. etc..! Huge Plans! It is VERY systematic!! All about Power, $$$ and Killing Spirit of Khalsa!!!!! It is HUGE!!!! IT IS ALLLLLLL ABOUT KILLING SPIRIT OF KHALSA, KHALSA DHARMA, NIAARAA PANTH OF KHALSA, AND THE SOURCE OF BIR RAS OF KHALSA!!!!


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Guest PunjabSingh

December 4,2009 : 8000 Bihari Labourers cause large scale violence in Ludhiana,23 vehicles torched many police men also injured ---Not a single migrant labourer is killed

December 5,2009 : 1000 or less Sikhs protest against Ashutosh(Mahesh Kumar Jha's) samagam --3 Sikhs killed{According to media reports only 1 Sikh killed) by direct firing by Punjab police.The martyred Sikh's name is Darshan Singh(50 years).

Ashutosh is being directly supported by BJP particularly MLA Harish Bedi.Badal got 3 Sikhs killed to keep BJP happy.Congress ludhiana MP Manish Tiwari is also silently supporting the Bihari Labourers.

Besides the above big shots some local leaders like labour leader Chitranjan, Suba Lala, Mukeshwar Kumar, Varinder, Vinod Kumar, Arvind Kumar and Babu Lal - all of whom enjoy considerable political clout, both within and outside the state.

As regards role of badal dal it is either a mute spectator or silently supporting the migrants .Akali Dal labour wing chief Seetamber Thakur was actively involved in supporting bihari migrant labour and instigating them to violence yesterday ie 4 December,2009.

One eye witness of the mob violence yesterday by Biharis claimed that the biharis had big long rods and were calling on people to get out of buses and trains particularly Sachkhand and Akal Takht express so that they could kill them.The situation was no less than what happened to Sikhs in November,1984.

One thing which goes against badal in today's incident is that many of those Sikhs injured and killed today are from organisations which are badal supporters like Damdami Taksal and SSF(Mehta).

These organisations particularly their leaders will have to come out clean whether they still support badal or not as just yesterday Sukhbir badal had assured them that ashutosh's samagam will not be allowed to go ahead.Instead it was allowed to go ahead on 5 December,2009 with police protection.

Now badal has convened a meeting of senior police officials tonight and has expressed regret at Ludhiana incidents today but Sikh organisations have to think twice about badal from now onwards as badal has betrayed Sikhs repeatedly since 1978.

Damdami taksal and other Sikh organisations have demanded ouster of Ashutosh and his supporters completely from Ludhiana and are holding a dharna in Ludhiana even tommorow and have called for Punjab bandh on Monday.They have called for all Sikhs to converge on Ludhiana tommorow.



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After senior members of the British Sikh Student Federation revealed that in a telephonic conversations with members of Panthic Organisations including Bhai Sandeep Singh Ji Canadian of Shiromani Akali Dal Amritsar Panch Pardhani it was revealed that a number of Singhs have attained Shaheedi. There are a number of different unconfirmed reports regarding the Shahadat of Sikhs who were rightly protesting against the Fake "Guru" Ashutosh.

Some reports have come in stating that up to seven Sikh youth have been killed. The Punjab Government has once again shown how it will go to any extent to hurt the feelings of Sikhs and protect anti-Sikh forces operate in Punjab to weaken the roots of Sikhi by attacking our very foundations such as Shabad Guru, Amrit Sanchar and Rehit Maryada which was given to us by our Gurus and Shaheeds after suffering much loss and pain.

The Federation would like to point out that this is the same, Akali-BJP government under which in 1978, 13 Sikhs were killed by Police and Narankari Followers who physically disrespected Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in Amritsar on Vaisakhi Day!

The SGPC and Akal Thakt Sahib had asked the Punjab Government to ban the event of the Fake "Guru" but they were nothing more than token requests. The government is under the pressure of RSS controlled and operated BJP which has no space for the sentiments of Sikhs and in fact pleasures itself upon seeing Sikhs in anguish and distress.

District magistrate Vikas Garg, has imposed a curfew in Ludhiana, according to media reports in Police divisions 1, 2, 3, 4.

Meanwhile, Sikhs have today declared a total Bandh in Ludhiana for tomorrow to protest of the Government protection and promotion of anti-Sikh Deras.

Harinder Singh

Media Secretary

British Sikh Student Federation


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Darshan Singh deserves what he got.


The writer of this news is rogue journalist and die hard follower of Ragi darshan

Might be but the fact remains that he is declared tankhaiya. Though I know its not for what he said on Dasam Granth its because he did not follow the Maryada of Akal Takht and go inside takht to explain himself. He wished to be treated exceptionally and wanted to give explanation in the open.

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