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Please Answer - Dasam Granth


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Some people are allergic to dasam granth either out of mischief or out of ignorance.They say respect to Dasam Granth will mean disrespect to SGGS ji. That is not correct.

Foundation of khalsa panth is on both granths. Some quote ardas to prove that sggs is the only granth.Little do they know that ardas pauri is itself from dasam granth.

Read below

ੴ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹ ॥

ੴ वाहिगुरू जी की फतह ॥

The Lord is one and the Victory is of the Lord.

ਸ੍ਰੀ ਭਗਉਤੀ ਜੀ ਸਹਾਇ ॥

स्री भगउती जी सहाइ ॥

May SRI BHAGAUTI JI (The Sword) be Helpful.

ਵਾਰ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਭਗਉਤੀ ਜੀ ਕੀ ॥ ਪਾਤਸਾਹੀ ੧੦ ॥

वार स्री भगउती जी की ॥ पातसाही १० ॥

The Heroic Poem of Sri Bhagauti Ji (By) The Tenth King(Guru).

ਪ੍ਰਿਥਮ ਭਗੌਤੀ ਸਿਮਰਿ ਕੈ ਗੁਰੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਲਈਂ ਧਿਆਇ ॥

प्रिथम भगौती सिमरि कै गुरु नानक लईं धिआइ ॥

In the beginning I remember Bhagauti, the Lord (Whose symbol is the sword and then I remember Guru Nanak.

ਫਿਰ ਅੰਗਦ ਗੁਰ ਤੇ ਅਮਰਦਾਸੁ ਰਾਮਦਾਸੈ ਹੋਈਂ ਸਹਾਇ ॥

फिर अंगद गुर ते अमरदासु रामदासै होईं सहाइ ॥

Then I remember Guru Arjan, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das, may they be helpful to me.

ਅਰਜਨ ਹਰਿਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਨੋ ਸਿਮਰੌ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਹਰਿਰਾਇ ॥

अरजन हरिगोबिंद नो सिमरौ स्री हरिराइ ॥

Then I remember Guru Arjan, Guru Hargobind and Guru Har Rai.

ਸ੍ਰੀ ਹਰਿ ਕਿਸ਼ਨ ਧਿਆਈਐ ਜਿਸ ਡਿਠੇ ਸਭਿ ਦੁਖਿ ਜਾਇ ॥

स्री हरि किशन धिआईऐ जिस डिठे सभि दुखि जाइ ॥

(After them) I remember Guru Har Kishan, by whose sight all the sufferings vanish.

ਤੇਗ ਬਹਾਦਰ ਸਿਮਰਿਐ ਘਰ ਨਉ ਨਿਧਿ ਆਵੈ ਧਾਇ ॥

तेग बहादर सिमरिऐ घर नउ निधि आवै धाइ ॥

Then I do remember Guru Tegh Bahadur, though whose Grace the nine treasures come running to my house.

ਸਭ ਥਾਈਂ ਹੋਇ ਸਹਾਇ ॥੧॥

सभ थाईं होइ सहाइ ॥१॥

May they be helpful to me everywhere

Vaar sri bhagauti ji ki, dasam granth

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its sooo annoying to see people type things like "oh we cant compare guru granth sahib ji to dasam granth sahib ji"

the only people that compare the 2 with each other are people who cant accept both.

sri guru granth sahib ji is our guru, can be viewed as akal purkh ji himself.

sri dasam granth sahib ji, which is also wirtten by the same guru, can be viewed as akal purkh's ji's shakti.

sri guru granth sahib ji = god

sri dasam granth sahib ji = god's shakti.

wat is the problem here. why do we have to look at everything with a small point of view?? all these people crying about stuff dont even know wat they are talking about.

a guru ka singh should be both sant and sipahi.

sri guru granth sahib ji = sant

sri dasam granth sahib ji = sipahi.

they both go hand in hand.

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Guru Granth Sahib is a Granth originally compiled by Fifth Guru and named as Adi Granth, and later recompiled by all the gurus that followed him. Guru Granth Sahib was appointed as the Eleventh Guru by Tenth Guru Guru Gobind Singh ji. It is the ultimate teacher of the Sikhs. Sikh means disciple and Guru means teacher. According to Guru Gobind Singh's poet Sainapat, Bhai Nand Lal and Dhadi Nath Mal, all of who were present at Nander, a day before the Guru's demise, the Sikhs enquired as to whom he was entrusting his Khalsa. Bhai Nand Lal in Rahitnama says the Guru replied he has three forms. The first was nirgun or invisible, the second was his word and the third was sagun or the visible. After his physical death his soul would be invisible. His second form would be Adi Granth (not Dasam Granth), "Dusar Rup Granthji jan, Mera rup Granthji jan. Is men bhed nahin kuchh man." The third sagun, or visible rup was the Khalsa. He added that he had bestowed his physical form upon his Khalsa. The Guru accompanied by Khalsa went to the place where Adi Granth had been installed. He opened the holy book, placed five paise and a coconut before it, bowed before it, then went round the sacred scripture five times, bowed every time, and declared it as the Guru for all times to come. Upto this time the holy book was called Pothi Sahib. Gobind Singh named it Granth consisting of two words, Gur and Ant meaning eternal Guru. He asserted: " In future whoever wishes to seek englightenment, guidance and solace, let him read the holy granth. This is your Guru for ever and ever till eternity. " The Guru said that he was entrusting the Khalsa to the care of AkalPurukh (God). He affirmed

Dusara rup Granth ji jan

Un ke ang mero kar man

Jo sikh gur darshan ki chah

Darshan karo granth ji ah.

Jo mam sath chaho kar bat

Granth ji parhe bichare sath.

jo muj bachan sunan ki chai

Granth ji parhe sune chit lae

mero rup Granth ji jan

Is men bhed nahin kuchh man

The Granth is second myself (Guru Granth, not Dasam Granth which was

compiled later by Bhai Mani singh), It should be taken for me. A Sikh who wants

to see me, should have a look at the Granth. One who wishes to talk to me,

should read the Granth and think over it. One who is anxious to listen to my

talk, he should read the Granth and listen to its recitation with attention.

Consider the Granth as my ownself. Have not the least doubt about it.]

Guru Gobind singh Ji's last sermon (now it is part of daily routine after Ardaas).

Veer ji, i am not saying Dasam Granth is wrong or as such, but all i was saying is that Guru ji have told us to follow Guru Granth Sahib ji as our main Guru and also are u telling me Dora is wrong? (aagya bhai Akal ki Tabhi chalayo Panth, Sab Sikhan ko hukum hai Guru Manyo Granth. Guru Granth ji manyo pargat Guran ki deh. jo, prabh ko milna chahe khoj shabad men le). Do let me know if u think our Dora is wrong and i like to know the reason behind it. I have yet to hear any arguments over dis until now...

Are u stateting that Dasam Granth is our 12th guru? and why the hell did u even say "There WERE", There is Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

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its sooo annoying to see people type things like "oh we cant compare guru granth sahib ji to dasam granth sahib ji"

the only people that compare the 2 with each other are people who cant accept both.

sri guru granth sahib ji is our guru, can be viewed as akal purkh ji himself.

sri dasam granth sahib ji can be viewed as akal purkh's ji's shakti.

sri guru granth sahib ji = god

sri dasam granth sahib ji = god's shakti.

wat is the problem here. why do we have to look at everything with a small point of view?? all these people crying about stuff dont even know wat they are talking about.

a guru ka singh should be both sant and sipahi.

sri guru granth sahib ji = sant

sri dasam granth sahib ji = sipahi.

they both go hand in hand.

Can we make this guy the administrator on here?

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Again same crap without any refrence.

LSB mentions name of kavi sainapat.kavi sainapat writes in his book " Gur shobha" that Guru sahib gave gurgaddi to khalsa.He does not mention gurgaddi being given to SGGS ji. you are lying as far as kavi sainapat is concerned.

You are saying that doha is written by Guru Gobind singh ji. This is another lie.Doha is not written y guru gobind singh ji. If you think so please give Give refrence for that.

When you say that Guru sahib said that his body is in khlasa.Khalsa cann't be initiated without dasam Granth.That itself gives recognition to dasam granth.

Those who spread nonsensical propaganda against dasam granth in disguise are neither sikhs nor well wishers of sikhs. These people will manifest in different categories with different theories.But their aim is one indulge in subtle propaganda against dasam Granth sahib.Do they not know that dasam granth is deeply embedded in sikh psyche.They know it but they will adopt different postures to spread misinformation.They will quote ardas and when told ardas itself is from dasam granth they will toe a different line.

Again there is no competition between two granths.They complement each other.Do not propagate against bani of tenth master.Those who do are enemies of sikhs.sikhs have woken up to identify them.

Are u stateting that Dasam Granth is our 12th guru? and why the hell did u even say "There WERE", There is Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

there is no need to say that.You do not have to stretch to that.Do you know what is meant by Jog and jugti?If not read and understand.

That is the difference between a sikh and otehr religions. A sikh is not a pujari only. he is a saint soldier or sant sipahi.That is why sikhs have SGGS and dasam granth.

its sooo annoying to see people type things like "oh we cant compare guru granth sahib ji to dasam granth sahib ji"

the only people that compare the 2 with each other are people who cant accept both.

sri guru granth sahib ji is our guru, can be viewed as akal purkh ji himself.

sri dasam granth sahib ji, which is also wirtten by the same guru, can be viewed as akal purkh's ji's shakti.

sri guru granth sahib ji = god

sri dasam granth sahib ji = god's shakti.

wat is the problem here. why do we have to look at everything with a small point of view?? all these people crying about stuff dont even know wat they are talking about.

a guru ka singh should be both sant and sipahi.

sri guru granth sahib ji = sant

sri dasam granth sahib ji = sipahi.

they both go hand in hand.

very well written post and to the point.

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its sooo annoying to see people type things like "oh we cant compare guru granth sahib ji to dasam granth sahib ji"

the only people that compare the 2 with each other are people who cant accept both.

sri guru granth sahib ji is our guru, can be viewed as akal purkh ji himself.

sri dasam granth sahib ji, which is also wirtten by the same guru, can be viewed as akal purkh's ji's shakti.

sri guru granth sahib ji = god

sri dasam granth sahib ji = god's shakti.

wat is the problem here. why do we have to look at everything with a small point of view?? all these people crying about stuff dont even know wat they are talking about.

a guru ka singh should be both sant and sipahi.

sri guru granth sahib ji = sant

sri dasam granth sahib ji = sipahi.

they both go hand in hand.

wow saying comments like "there WERE 2 guru" and stuff is not right thing to do, maybe for u it a 'small point of view'. Please show me where is says Dasam Granth is our guru? if so how come the title is 'Dasam Granth' rather then 'Guru Dasam Granth'.

and again i am NOT against Dasam Granth, but stop saying There Were 2 guru. our Current Guru Ji is Guru Granth Sahib Ji and we should take our hukums only from that ! as according to Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

And i didnt say "respect to Dasam Granth will mean disrespect to SGGS ji", but i am saying, u cant give "Guru Ji" Padmi to Dasam Granth and do parkash at same level of Guru Granth Sahib Ji

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its sooo annoying to see people type things like "oh we cant compare guru granth sahib ji to dasam granth sahib ji"

the only people that compare the 2 with each other are people who cant accept both.

sri guru granth sahib ji is our guru, can be viewed as akal purkh ji himself.

sri dasam granth sahib ji, which is also wirtten by the same guru, can be viewed as akal purkh's ji's shakti.

sri guru granth sahib ji = god

sri dasam granth sahib ji = god's shakti.

wat is the problem here. why do we have to look at everything with a small point of view?? all these people crying about stuff dont even know wat they are talking about.

a guru ka singh should be both sant and sipahi.

sri guru granth sahib ji = sant

sri dasam granth sahib ji = sipahi.

they both go hand in hand.

Good Post Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj Ne Kiya Si-- Mera Sikh Sant Vi Hona Chai Da Hai, Sipahi Vi Hona Chai Da Hai...Great Post

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Again same crap without any refrence.

LSB mentions name of kavi sainapat.kavi sainapat writes in his book " Gur shobha" that Guru sahib gave gurgaddi to khalsa.He does not mention gurgaddi being given to SGGS ji. you are lying as far as kavi sainapat is concerned.

You are saying that doha is written by Guru Gobind singh ji. This is another lie.Doha is not written y guru gobind singh ji. If you think so please give Give refrence for that.

When you say that Guru sahib said that his body is in khlasa.Khalsa cann't be initiated without dasam Granth.That itself gives recognition to dasam granth.

Those who spread nonsensical propaganda against dasam granth in disguise are neither sikhs nor well wishers of sikhs. These people will manifest in different categories with different theories.But their aim is one indulge in subtle propaganda against dasam Granth sahib.Do they not know that dasam granth is deeply embedded in sikh psyche.They know it but they will adopt different postures to spread misinformation.They will quote ardas and when told ardas itself is from dasam granth they will toe a different line.

Again there is no competition between two granths.They complement each other.Do not propagate against bani of tenth master.Those who do are enemies of sikhs.sikhs have woken up to identify them.

Are u stateting that Dasam Granth is our 12th guru? and why the hell did u even say "There WERE", There is Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

there is no need to say that.You do not have to stretch to that.Do you know what is meant by Jog and jugti?If not read and understand.

That is the difference between a sikh and otehr religions. A sikh is not a pujari only. he is a saint soldier or sant sipahi.That is why sikhs have SGGS and dasam granth.

its sooo annoying to see people type things like "oh we cant compare guru granth sahib ji to dasam granth sahib ji"

the only people that compare the 2 with each other are people who cant accept both.

sri guru granth sahib ji is our guru, can be viewed as akal purkh ji himself.

sri dasam granth sahib ji, which is also wirtten by the same guru, can be viewed as akal purkh's ji's shakti.

sri guru granth sahib ji = god

sri dasam granth sahib ji = god's shakti.

wat is the problem here. why do we have to look at everything with a small point of view?? all these people crying about stuff dont even know wat they are talking about.

a guru ka singh should be both sant and sipahi.

sri guru granth sahib ji = sant

sri dasam granth sahib ji = sipahi.

they both go hand in hand.

very well written post and to the point.

ok just tell me one thing -

"aagya bhai Akal ki Tabhi chalayo Panth, Sab Sikhan ko hukum hai Guru Manyo Granth. Guru Granth ji manyo pargat Guran ki deh. jo, prabh ko milna chahe khoj shabad men le"

that is wrong??? Regarding the evidence, can u tell me where it says that there WERE (are? or were?) 2 guru? which 2 guru's please? and where does it say it?

"The Guru accompanied by Khalsa went to the place where Adi Granth had been installed. He opened the holy book, placed five paise and a coconut before it, bowed before it, then went round the sacred scripture five times, bowed every time, and declared it as the Guru for all times to come. Upto this time the holy book was called Pothi Sahib. Gobind Singh named it Granth consisting of two words, Gur and Ant meaning eternal Guru. He asserted: " In future whoever wishes to seek englightenment, guidance and solace, let him read the holy granth. This is your Guru for ever and ever till eternity. " The Guru said that he was entrusting the Khalsa to the care of AkalPurukh (God)"

and all dat is wrong aswell???

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these lil kids keep bringing up the point that sir dasam granth is not our guru. lol. and no body has EVER said that sir dasam granth is our guru.

so for the people who keep saying that sri dasam granth is not our guru, YES WE ALL KNOW THIS.

you people are making urself look like 4th graders. seriously, stop saying stuff that will make it seem like u know wat ur talking about, when in real life, u guys are clueless.





mehtab bhaji, just close this thread. plz.

and another benti to admin sevadaars. cant we just ban all these anti dasam bani people? it would really clean the forum up. no joke.

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wow saying comments like "there WERE 2 guru" and stuff is not right thing to do, maybe for u it a 'small point of view'. Please show me where is says Dasam Granth is our guru? if so how come the title is 'Dasam Granth' rather then 'Guru Dasam Granth'.

By same logic i nsak you where is it written that SGGS our Guru.Show us where.

and again i am NOT against Dasam Granth, but stop saying There Were 2 guru. our Current Guru Ji is Guru Granth Sahib Ji and we should take our hukums only from that ! as according to Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Giving respect to dasam granth does not take Guruship away from SGGS ji. Those who are showing their respect to Dasam granth are the ones who have sacrificed always for the panth.Heretic elements have not stood for panth anywhere so far.

And i didnt say "respect to Dasam Granth will mean disrespect to SGGS ji", but i am saying, u cant give "Guru Ji" Padmi to Dasam Granth and do parkash at same level of Guru Granth Sahib Ji

You change your statement so many times/ Dasam Granth was always n parkash alongside SGGS in old times.Are you sayimng those sikhs were not knowing what to do.

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