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yeah i personally know ppl who went to Saanjh a year or two ago, and found out that maharaj ji was being carried around in a teaichii, being rolled around on the ground

Fremont Gurdwara a little while back made an attempt to install SikhRI's Sojhi syllabus in our punjabi school, but parents, teachers, sangat, all joined together to point out the numerous fallacies in the syllabus. with maharaj's kirpa sojhi was removed and hopefully will not be reinstalled. these are the same people affiliated and in support of darsho professor and others who oppose age old sikh traditions, dilluting sikhi until there's nothing of significance left

a singh, one of the couple that went to saanjh and saw the beadbi of maharaj there, noted that many of SikhRI's standards, and their Sojhi syllabus, are nearly identical to those created by bhasaurhia and his cult.

keep it real.

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  • 1 year later...

such people as Harinder singh of sikhri by doing the utmost beadbi carrying SGGS in a suitcase - need to beat up to pulp and their head shoved up their own <banned word filter activated> - this <banned word filter activated> is in the uk doing talks in southall - anyone up for game

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I attended a SikhRI course called something along the lines of 'Becoming an Activist' a couple of years ago and was very impressed at Harinder Singhs fresh outlook and ability to get you to think about things we normally don't think about. He was also on BBC Asian Radio a few days ago talking about 1984 where he impressed me again with his intellectual abilities and knowledge.

Co-incidently I was just listening to Harinder Singh on Youtube right now - See:

- Have a look for yourself and see for yourself the sort of talks he does.

Many posters make many accusations against him and SikhRI, I have not heard anything Anti-Gurmat from him myself.

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Everyone is entitled to there own views, however if these go against gurmat then it's an issue for the panth. Singh moderator on sikhsangat has stated issues with sikhri, I'm sure he isn't lying and so have many others. If we havnt heard anything yet, it's probably because he is new here and wants a following before the crap cones out

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Read this, and if you are in claifornia then i will put you in touch with a person who will tell you whats wrong with this person's ideology and how creepy this guy is. You know people keep saying.. it doesn't take rocket scientist to figure it out but in this case it really takes a naam abiyaasi person to figure out what this guy is upto. Meanwhile, read the above link as i posted and contact him to get the answers to questions that Californian sangat been trying to ask him for years and he always dodging em.

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Please don't take me wrong, I am not saying that the comments/accusations people have against sikhri may not be valid, but I think we need to make sure that these are infact true and not interpretations of smaller things and results of personal vendettas which commonly occur nowadays in local communities to put other who are on the opposite 'party' down.

Can people making these claims please validate these for the benefit of the sangat?

Any pics of them taking GGSji in a suitcase or serving meat in camps?

It might be an idea to email Harinder Singh directly and get these things clarified?

I have heard him speak a few times and cannot think of any examples of him saying anything controversial. That's my personal view, but obviously thats not enough to say that the concerns of other people are not valid.

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USA ia a large country and sikhs are scattered all over and not confined in pockets. Why one should have enemity with harinder singh as he lives in San antonio Texas , aplace about 1500 miles from Califiornia where i live.

They do not consider SGGS as a Guru eternal.That is the reason they carry Guru sahib in siutcase.That is the reason they changed Dohra,

The following is about their syllabus

The “Sojhi” syllabus stresses that Guru Granth Sahib is not the physical form of the Guru and that calling Guru Granth Sahib Ji the physical body of the Guru is equivalent to “idol worship.” It further states that it is inappropriate and “wrong” to do bhog for Guru Granth Sahib. In a 2nd grade chapter about Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Adi Granth, the syllabus mentions that “Granth” means “book” and then mentions that “The book itself is not my King”. This is a dangerous trend and needs to be stopped.

It is unfortunate that Sojhi takes the stance of presenting their Dohra lesson in a way that is inconsistent with Sikh history. It is also contradictory to the Dohra currently being recited at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib and other Gurdwaras.


They are ex Fateh and they were serving meat at camps. Ask Harinder yourself if he takes meat and recommend its consumption.

Moreover this thug opposes Dasam Granth sahib and when goes to india takes help from those academics who stand for Dasam granth pretending he is with them. This is thuggery. His love for panth and its traditions and not the way he speaks English should be our concern.

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