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I was at my local gurghar yesterday and was horrified to hear from a younger singhni im close to about how she went to a sikh camp in wolves recently and was punched in the face by another singhni because she was questioning and debating about some sensitive issues in the panth.

to add insult to injury they are now hounding her and threating in case she presses charges (which we have all told her to do) WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE? Where was you Guru when you raised you hand to hit someone innocent???

SOrry to rant here sangat jio but im sooooo dissapointed with the downward direction that some of our youth are taking and yet they thrush themselves at the forefront of camps and sewa to teach others about sikhi.......

What is happening to us as youth.....we are supposed to love and respect each oether, be equivilent to charan dhoor and keep unity and pyaar amonsgt the panth?

something we all (including myself need to think about)


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Youngsters who have little understanding of Sikhi doing what kids do at that age. But instead of fighting over boys or their favourite band, it's over panthic issues which is - from a certain perspective - quite commendable as they have a passion for Sikhi, but on the other hand its pretty pathetic as they obviously have no idea about Sikhi brotherhood and respect.

So basically they're like other kids of their age. So where does Sikhi come into their lives? Is it just for show? All this at a Sikhi camp! Stuff like this makes me so angry.

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Youngsters who have little understanding of Sikhi doing what kids do at that age. But instead of fighting over boys or their favourite band, it's over panthic issues which is - from a certian perspective - quite commendable as they have a passion for Sikhi, but on the other hand its pretty pathetic as they obviously have no idea about Sikhi brotherhood and respect.

So basically they're like other kids of their age. So where does Sikhi come into their lives? Is it just for show? Stuff like this makes me so angry.

We had to suffer the pain of watching our elders punch the pugs of each other during Gurdwara elections or heated panthic discussions The hope was that the youth learnt to manage and accept differences in opinions in a Gursikh way!

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We had to suffer the pain of watching our elders punch the pugs of each other during Gurdwara elections or heated panthic discussions The hope was that the youth learnt to manage and accept differences in opinions in a Gursikh way!

True. I suppose they're emulating the examples of their learned elders. :lol:

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Physical attack is very bad. Majority of our youth are in downward path; they are more involved into politics/gossip, hot temper culture rather than having nimarta and sehaj sikhi. They are more into groupism, ghetto type hooliganism attitude. Particularly in UK they are more divided into various groups. They are more into listening to rap hip-hop culture rather than listening to something soothing.. Sikhs are not supposed to be hot headed punchers. It is easy to become "wannabe gangster" than adoptingshanti sehaj attitude.

Though not related to this thread but i would suggest young people to think twice before taking any step. I always suggest everyone to never align yourself with any group no matter how good or panthic they seem to be.. Stay neutral and stand with Sri Akal Takht Sahib. In my personal life, whenever someone try to say something -ve about taksal or akj or any other group, i just nod and leave before they even finish their first sentence.. Sometime it is hard for me to hear them doing backwaas as i deeply respect these jathabandis but believe me walking away is a good thing to do.. Don't lend your ear to them.. If we stop giving them attention, they will never start such conversation in front of you. However, if someone say -ve about our gurus or gurbani then its total different story..

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I doubt anyone would just hit someone without some provocation... But anyway, its just plain silly to press charges. We're all brothers and sisters and sometimes we have little fights but we should sort it out like brothers/sisters too.

Get them to sit down and talk, learn from it, become closer and move on.

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This is taught from the older people (and i don't mean uncles). I am talking about youth from 16-30. I have seen it too often. Young guys sitting around acting like "defenders of the faith". These days so many Sikhi "Veechars" amongst youth are about controversial topics. Youth are taught not to question anything, and if someone disagrees, they are anti-panthic and need to be dealt with. Its so pathetic. I have first hand seen this attitude. Young guys wanting to "teach a lesson" to someone else who questioned something, or has different views from them. I remember the good old times when the youth were not even aware of all these controversial issues, and just got together to talk about Spirituality, read Bani etc...(like 7-10 years ago). Nowdays, it seems youth are more concerned about what maryada others follow, and making themselves feel good because they have found "the perfect path". So sad.

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I remember the good old times when the youth were not even aware of all these controversial issues, and just got together to talk about Spirituality, read Bani etc...(like 7-10 years ago). Nowdays, it seems youth are more concerned about what maryada others follow, and making themselves feel good because they have found "the perfect path". So sad.

I fully agree with your comments above. Things seemed so much less complicated 7 years ago!

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This is taught from the older people (and i don't mean uncles). I am talking about youth from 16-30. I have seen it too often. Young guys sitting around acting like "defenders of the faith". These days so many Sikhi "Veechars" amongst youth are about controversial topics. Youth are taught not to question anything, and if someone disagrees, they are anti-panthic and need to be dealt with. Its so pathetic. I have first hand seen this attitude. Young guys wanting to "teach a lesson" to someone else who questioned something, or has different views from them. I remember the good old times when the youth were not even aware of all these controversial issues, and just got together to talk about Spirituality, read Bani etc...(like 7-10 years ago). Nowdays, it seems youth are more concerned about what maryada others follow, and making themselves feel good because they have found "the perfect path". So sad.

Well said.

Too many Sikhs (mostly young ones) have become pre-occupied with political issues - often with little understanding of what is causing these problems. The worst are the ones who have a very smug, self satisfied attitude about just how 'holy' they are and how bad everyone else is!!

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Deviating from the original premise of the topic ever so slightly, but doesn't Sikhi need a "thug" element to protect itself from a) other hostile faiths who have taken the p*** for far too long, and b) instill fear into - frankly - besharam chancers within our own faith who delight in besmirching and distorting Sikhi?

If we were all hippy, daisy-wearing Sikhs preaching love to all and sundry, everyone would be taking the mick and there'd be a feeling of "We can say whatever we want - they can't do anything". I'm just thinking out aloud here - feel free to disagree. But please, no violence and definitely not the face - I've been moisturising (my forehead and upper cheeks) lately. :D

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