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Why Do Sikhs Lack Self Defence Training

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If you don't like your surroundings or your own Singhs, then get out of that bed and make a difference. This continuous self-loathing some Sikhs seem to have is not a good thing to carry on. Your comments are ignorant because you're generalising and writing based on your own prejudices . "The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose."

I'm saying it how it is pal, or at least how I perceive it. And I dont feel the need to get out of bed and make a difference. I'm not a guy that pretends that he is some kind of holy crusader warrior, picks fights with other communities, the authorities, police, or worse still members of my own religion, only to get my backside kicked due to my own inadequacy.

I dont consider it self loathing.. more like loathing of people that act like idiots. So clearly, you have labelled me as a pessimist. As an optimist, do you wanna share what you see that I dont?

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I think it would be great to create a way to attract teacher's and student's of Gatka. If this is difficult to do, then perhaps instituting different martial arts programs would be beneficial. I think that Krav Maga would be ideal as it is an unarmed system of defense which was created after WWII by the Jewish people so that no Jewish Man or Woman would ever be repressed again. It is growing in popularity, teachers are becoming easier to find, and it is a real world means for Sikhs to defend themselves and others!

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I think it would be great to create a way to attract teacher's and student's of Gatka. If this is difficult to do, then perhaps instituting different martial arts programs would be beneficial. I think that Krav Maga would be ideal as it is an unarmed system of defense which was created after WWII by the Jewish people so that no Jewish Man or Woman would ever be repressed again. It is growing in popularity, teachers are becoming easier to find, and it is a real world means for Sikhs to defend themselves and others!

Will it show you how to protect your kesh (hair and beard)? They have techniques when long hair is pulled. But how does this apply to a turban and beard. I know Jews have beards, but they can trim a bit. Also what many believe is a disadavantage in empty hand ie. turabn and beard, how can this be turned into advantge and be used to confront armed and empty hand situations. This should also include ground defence. If you going to practise a gora art make sure you can adapt it to yourself. Else you are waisting time and money.

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why do they lack self defence training

sikhs arn't as brave as they were 200 years ago and to many of them don't know how to fight in any form

with self defence such an important aspect of sikhi why arn't more sikhs in the army boxing mixed martial arts

**** To busy down the pub or chasing women , getting smashed out their faces for a glass+++

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Kally <banned word filter activated> are you doing on this forum?...if youve come on here for a anti- justice agenda then you will meet stiff resistance...i advice you to reconsider the reasons of why you have chosen to join this forum...i see youve already been put on quality control....maybe thats a hint to you...sometimes you have to shut that big mouth of yours!....and sarabjeet s i hope you burn in narak for insulting a singhs shaheedi...maybe if you got your gay <banned word filter activated> of your chair in mumbai you could of helped your sikh brothers protest...oo yh i forgot your not sikh...but your on a sikh forum..that brings me to the question what the hell are you doing on this forum...as we say in my part of london....jog on (PiSs off)

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yes, it does. i am a fool to be associating with non-pathnic dardhi sell-outs.

it's the saddest thing, in fact it's heart-breaking to see the state of our youth. hypocritical, self loathing, passive, selfish.. no loyalty to the panth what so ever. The shear volume of hypocritics in the panth is now at epidemic levels.

I tell you something, we only got history books left to see how Sikh once were.

In uk today, i can honestly say there are about dozen at most Singhs who are actively engaged in stopping beadbi, who care about going to protect the honour of our sisters from peados & perverts..and those actively engaging and supporting shaheed pariwaars

The rest are a bunch of walt disney pretend sikhs, who may as well be buddhists... no no even buddhists stood up for their rights..

The number of useless arguments on these threads and the pointless topics for me just confirms our priorities.

I am truly saddened at the state of the Panth right now.

The abuse of our young sisters and the beadbi of our Guru - happening in uk right now will come back to haunt us. all those that call themselves sikhs will be answerable to dharam raaj on day of judgement, you turning a blind eye right now may work here.. wont work in the after life...

your fake bana's and fake shaster has surely fooled 100's of people here, but not when your standing in front of Kalgidhar..

carry on arguing, mocking, self loathing.. tamasha dekhi jao. parr lekha vi jaroor dehna pehna.

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