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Death Penalty In The U.K - Are In Favour Of It?

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I was contemplating this situation and looked to 2 possible outcomes with reasoning.

Capital Punishment will only open the door for sharia law in the UK. It must not happen.

Alternatively if it does happen (which I think It wont) then it should only apply to the religions that allow it. So if the offender is muslim then its ok.

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I was contemplating this situation and looked to 2 possible outcomes with reasoning.

Capital Punishment will only open the door for sharia law in the UK. It must not happen.

Alternatively if it does happen (which I think It wont) then it should only apply to the religions that allow it. So if the offender is muslim then its ok.

So what happens if the person in question is born into a Muslim family, but doesn't follow any of the tenets of their faith? He may "look" Muslim but he really doesn't care about his faith? Will he still hang from the rafters?

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The reality is:

These murderers, rapists etc. are simply reflections of Us at our best and worst. We are ALL capable of committing the Worst deeds just as we are all capable of comitting the best deeds...

We are God, God is us, some of our karam has been written that we are not murderers, rapists, etc. but if God wants to change that hukam, he can in a minute, one bad thought-as a result of anger, lust, greed, envy, ego attachment embedded and acted upon is all it takes...

We are capable of Nothing on our own- all of our devotion, bandgi, seva is done by Him and Him alone, so to judge another in our ego would be foolish seeing as it is god who willed them to act this way in the first place, it is all part of his khel, as bad as it may sound- it is the law of karma...

Yes they are all fools, and they do not only deserve death row, they deserve to be decapitated and pressed in oil mills in hell which is what they'll get after death on earth if not worse...

But this is what the darkness of ignorance does, it fools the maya dweller into believing actions like this will have no consequences, if these people truly believed there would be consequences(being torn into pieces in hell etc) they may not have committed these crimes- their foolery lies in them not killing their five thieves- in the court of the lord even bad thoughts are judged- it is the thoughts as well as the deeds of the people that keep kalyug in the state it is...

Like I said before, Sajjan thug mudered many and became a great devotee of baba Nanaks.....The naam and bhagti is a gift from god that can liberate a sinner of even the worst crime, they will pay their karams, but naam washes away millions upon millions of sins- This game is all about discovering who we are and the karmas we reap are deserved, someone needs to dish out this karma and that job goes to those who's karma it is to sin and fall...

Nivair means to love all equally, we cannot harbour hatred against these people as that would be against sikhi- To live in nirvair is to see god in all and to see all to have the potential to become Jivan Mukt one day, we are just mini God's trying to redicover who we are again- we are in fact nothing and until we physically realise that fact we are all great sinners in one way or another...

Who knows if one of these great sinners who are deserved of death row may one day become a great bhagat with the world at his feet, that is part of the glory and miracle of god, all it takes is some words of truth and repentance- then the path of washing away the karams with bhagti and good deeds etc..

How the reciever takes the words of truth words and applies them is up to them..

Some fell in repentance at the Guru's feet, some did not, but what they had in common was that they were All sinners...

Look how many crimes Aurangzeb committed but The guru sent him a letter which caused him to repent his actions.

The Truth may irritate but it sticks for life..

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I don't believe in the death penalty. Who are we to judge?

Only god has the right to take away a life as he is the only one who can give it.

Even these worst sinners mentioned, god will maybe forgive them one day (more than likely in another life time though, but who knows, the hour of grace may strike at any time).

I do believe though in torture as a deterrent for the worst sinners. If they know they are going to have hot iron spikes put into them slowly by members of the public (tie them up in a market centre or something where everyone can get a turn), i'm sure many of them would reconsider sinning.

After all, its these sorts of punishments I have read, that are administered in the hell realms after death. Again though, these hells are not there to condemn sinners but to reform them. The punishments are their bad karma and after receiving such punishment, they are reformed (the subconscious mind remembers the results of certain deeds and in their future lives, they refrain from such acts).

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What about repeat offenders ? or serial killers ?

keep them locked up forever, they might end up meditating in their cell and get some sojhee/understanding! but if the person would have been hung then it would be paap on the heads of those who put capital punishment into place as they stopped the person from getting the chance to do that bhagathee.

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