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Freemason Affect Todays Sikhs & Issues Affecting Punjab


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Weather we believe it or not, Freemason's implemented the destruction of The Sikhs/Punjab power in the past 100 years

Implementing committee's/Groups/Cults - Radha Soami/Nirankaris etc

Voting system to punjab in the 1800's

Produced Their own version of Sikh Thought via Maculiffe see http://clanmcauliffe.com/famous/max.html & others that we're paid for their works

Running own schools of Thought removing traditional Indian and brought in British mentality similar to the ones on Red Indian's of America.

Erection of a clock Tower in the Golden Temple site & removal of the Bhunga's (Towers of the Sikh Confederate under Maharaja Ranjit Singh)

"The Freemasonry was established in 1922 at Amritsar, three years before the establishment of the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee. Its first master was Gurdit Singh Arora, a prominent business tycoon of the Holy City."


After visiting The Golden Temple Exhibition in London www.gt1588.com and listening to the talks on the Flooring pattern and the one that now surrounds the parkarma of Harmandar Sahib, asr.jpg seem very very similar and the destruction that has taken place, under the various aristocrats makes me actually feel these guys are onto something that the Sikh World DO NOT KNOW or UNDERSTAND the speakers at the talks have infact have provoked more questions in my mind ...

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Freemasonry has really started to gain popularity with some of our Sikh people and most people are unaware what the true intentions of freemasonry. Freemasons are supposedly uniting all the religions, but behind closed doors what's really happening is preparing for world domination & single faith (Freemasonry is a Jewish front), or is at least controlled by Jews/Zionists for this goal.

The Sikhs who join with freemasonry-sikh are only doing it for wealth (and as you can clearly see the top people at the freemasonry-sikh cult are all businessmen), since there is nothing else to gain apart from receiving money from the elites. Those Sikhs who join, are not told the truth and are fed lies about freemasonry, in-fact everyone in the pyramid scheme of masonry is fed lies by there superiors, only the elite at the top truly know and understand the true goal.

Freemasonry is a cult infiltrating every religion by any means necessary and then taking them down from the inside and attempting to unite the world under there way.

[Don't believe me? Do your own research on masonry, and then you will realise how deep this rabbit-hole goes; way beyond just sikhi]

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With Regards to the Singh Sabha, comment in the talks they actually stated that the movements intentions we're for the benefit of the Sikhs and at that point sikhs we're at a political point of collapse and the Singh Sabha saved mainstream Sikhism, but then had to protect itself by removing every related to any other relgion such as, hindu/muslims, when In fact the Golden Temple included everyone including Muslim Rababi's performing kirtan up until 1947

I learnt a hell of a lot from the talks and will continue to attend

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Sorry Also they mentioned that at the same time the Art's/conservation and geo-politcal damage destoryed heritage through, christian missonary's funded by Freemasons and even showed the Church spire, which if you see www.gt1588.com if you refresh it it a few times and a church built in the parkarma http://www.soas.ac.uk/gallery/gallerygoldentemple/ (see 5th picture) where originally Nau Nihal Singh (son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh) his bhunga was the authorites had complete control that they built a red brick, church and clock tower, on the edge, which shows the amount of power and control.

I am not here to critise any groups or our own people but to present facts that have been untapped and un found until now from various librarys/collections.

Don't just jump to conclusions, find out the information and the picture of our people today begins to be painted !

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With Regards to the Singh Sabha, comment in the talks they actually stated that the movements intentions we're for the benefit of the Sikhs and at that point sikhs we're at a political point of collapse and the Singh Sabha saved mainstream Sikhism, but then had to protect itself by removing every related to any other relgion such as, hindu/muslims, when In fact the Golden Temple included everyone including Muslim Rababi's performing kirtan up until 1947

I learnt a hell of a lot from the talks and will continue to attend

Well that is only the view of the exhibition organisers that there was such a relation to the aforementioned religions in the first place. At the end of the day the only aim of these people seems to be to undo the great work of the Singh Sabha Lehar.

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Gaini Sant singh jee maskeen quoted in one of his katha. That before singh sabha lehar 10% of gurudwaras were under govt agents and rest were under gursikhs and after singh sabha lehar and now 90% parbandks are govt agents and rest are under sikhs.

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Gaini Sant singh jee maskeen quoted in one of his katha. That before singh sabha lehar 10% of gurudwaras were under govt agents and rest were under gursikhs and after singh sabha lehar and now 90% parbandks are govt agents and rest are under sikhs.

Please provide the quote because anyone can twist the quote to their own personal agenda.

The reason why 90% is like that right now is because of the way India is set up. Punjab is being attacked by the central and internally from all the sides, Singh Sabha Movement did wonders and allowed Sikhi to survive. They took out the mahants from Sri Harmandir Sahib and other Gurudwaras where they had girls dancing. It's only natural that it's 90% now, not because of the Singh Sabha Movement, but because of drugs, corruption, alcohol and the media. Imagine if the Singh Sabha Movement didn't happen and how much worse we would be today.

Sikhi is still strong among the panth, but you have to look closely, especially look abroad (outside of Punjab).

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Yes they are trying to control the world (to line their own pockets) and there are also satanists(dark witches and wizards who do jadoo) who work to achieve the same goal for the glory of the darkness- they work within the media etc to brainwash the masses and spread the darkness of ignorance...

Their motto is 'Order out of Chaos' hence they cause chaos then clamp down on society, adding extra security measures etc under the pretence of trying to protect us so they can have a tighter grip on the people and their lives...

But we are already free as long as we have Truth, nothing can take that away from us- it's what they're most afraid of- Freemason's silly and heartless activities are just another reason in this age of Kalyug that we need to get out of the maya slavery as quickly as possible, this extra darkness is needed for an all out strike on Maya- it is Mahakalyug...

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