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Freemason Affect Todays Sikhs & Issues Affecting Punjab


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This GT convention was held by the niddar sanathanist nangs who are very anti British anti Kharhkoo anti Khalistan and anti Singh Sabha may I remind everyone before the Singh Sabha Movement we had idols INSIDE Sri Harmandar sahib they removed them an in effect saved us from being sucked up by Hinduism

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Freemasonry has really started to gain popularity with some of our Sikh people and most people are unaware what the true intentions of freemasonry. Freemasons are supposedly uniting all the religions, but behind closed doors what's really happening is preparing for world domination & single faith (Freemasonry is a Jewish front), or is at least controlled by Jews/Zionists for this goal.

The Sikhs who join with freemasonry-sikh are only doing it for wealth (and as you can clearly see the top people at the freemasonry-sikh cult are all businessmen), since there is nothing else to gain apart from receiving money from the elites. Those Sikhs who join, are not told the truth and are fed lies about freemasonry, in-fact everyone in the pyramid scheme of masonry is fed lies by there superiors, only the elite at the top truly know and understand the true goal.

Freemasonry is a cult infiltrating every religion by any means necessary and then taking them down from the inside and attempting to unite the world under there way.

[Don't believe me? Do your own research on masonry, and then you will realise how deep this rabbit-hole goes; way beyond just sikhi]

P.s you can kep preaching but the Reality Is alot of people on this forum are so complacent that they will refuse to believe they are any sort of danger, they'll continue their arguments and debates not realising they could be at deaths door.


Look what just happened in Norway, my young relatives were supposed to be at that camp, they go every single year but this time they had already been on holiday so sat it out...

They are always telling me how beautiful, safe and peaceful oslo is(it's been voted best place in the world to live more than once), and have lived such priviledged lives and in one day, everything they know went down the drain... Their friends were killed and parts of their amazing city blown up

Our problem is that instead of preparing for death, i.e by dying while still alive- we are still living in hopes and desires, when that time comes for our departure we won't be ready and able to accept it wholeheartedly- and in the case of matyrdom, we won't be able to accept that whole heartedly either- that is not accepting hukam and the whole point of sikhi is to accept hukam- his will- it is how we become truthful...

Kiv sacẖi▫ārā ho▫ī▫ai kiv kūrhai ṯutai pāl.

So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away?

Hukam rajā▫ī cẖalṇā Nānak likẖi▫ā nāl. ||1||

O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. ||1||

Acceptance of hukam is True Love, for whatever god does is seen to be sweet and His love for us is apparent to us(i.e he is doing everything to us for our benefit)- Our lives are just stories and the more we accept that every moment is perfect without reacting in Maya(5 thieves) the more truthful we become....

The gyan of god is that we become psychologically sound in all circumstances, how else did could the gurus and sants accept the hot plate of matyrdom... The hot plate is god, the attacker is god, so there are no suprises, no fear, no highs or lows, just Him everywhere/ just the balance/Truth being served....

We can't really want anything other than Him and he is All- so really, we already have him, we just need to realise it and His true state(no image, formless/ all pervading) and accept that his story for us is perfect and is pushing us closer to him with each lesson learnt...

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When the Great Guru Granth Sahib is The Anhad shabad, how can one be in fear of anything, this topic is regarding the hidden history that have moulded the poor state of Punjabiyat, into the form it is in today, for a faith that has had so much damage done to it, IT'S ABOUT TIME WE RECLAIMED OUR HISTORY, but in order for this to happen from the branches, the root's must be exposed and in this case external forces, way before, 1920's singh sabha, 1984 happened, one must see the international pressures that had been faced by our community after the collapse of the Sikh Kingdom that spread to Afganistan, which concurrently note:, but the Americans in 2011, the Russians in the 90's tried Maharaja Ranjit Singh took over it, how did he do that when the days of no telephones,modern weapons we're not available, the politics and people such as Great leader how did he rule such vast area's within his foothold's of Lahore & Amritsar uniting people via language/faith.

To see the spys in his court that we're sent and the occurrence of his family's death, makes one wonder (WHO WAS THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND THE DESTRUCTION)

Why was the boarder line drawn 1947 split with in a 30 miles radius spliting the two major threshold's of sikh power ?

Southall youth:fyi, please read the following and see the universality

"Sri Guru Granth Sahib contains 5894 hymns. Guru Arjan contributed the largest number of 2216 hymns. Besides the hymns of other Gurus, he also included 937 hymns of fifteen other saints and eleven poet laureates of the Guru's court whose compositions tallied with the gospel of the Sikh faith. Here, the Hindu, the Muslim, the Brahmin, and the untouchable, all meet in the same congregation of holy souls to create a truly universal scripture for our world.

From the linguistic point of view, Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a treasury of the languages of its times that communicated well with every segment of the society. The language principally employed is the language of the saints, evolved during the medieval period. Based upon the local dialects, it was leavened with expressions from Sanskrit, Prakrit, Persian, Arabic, Bengali and Marathi etc. This language allowed for variations and still enjoyed wide currency in Southeast Asia. Its appeal is found in its directness, energy and resilience. In addition, the Guru designed a phonetically complete gurmukhi font to meet the need of inscribing the multi-linguistic scripture that is also musical. "


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Also what lead up to the Indian Mutiny which wasn't just modern punjab based the issue is far deeper to do with the East India company <<< Who started this & how was the control established ?


The East India Company traded mainly in cotton, silk, indigo dye, saltpetre, tea, and opium. The Company also came to rule large areas of India, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions, to the exclusion, gradually, of its commercial pursuits; it effectively functioned as a megacorporation. Company rule in India, which effectively began in 1757 after the Battle of Plassey, lasted until 1858, when, following the events of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, and under the Government of India Act 1858, the British Crown assumed direct administration of India in the new British Raj. The Company itself was finally dissolved on 1 January 1874, as a result of the East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act 1873. The East India Company often issued coinage bearing its stamp in the regions it had control over.

The Company long held a privileged position in relation to the British Government. As a result, it was frequently granted special rights and privileges, including trade monopolies and exemptions. These caused resentment among its competitors, who saw unfair advantage in the Company's position. Despite this resentment, the Company remained a powerful force for over 250 years.

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This GT convention was held by the niddar sanathanist nangs who are very anti British anti Kharhkoo anti Khalistan and anti Singh Sabha may I remind everyone before the Singh Sabha Movement we had idols INSIDE Sri Harmandar sahib they removed them an in effect saved us from being sucked up by Hinduism

Being from the USA, i still had a feeling this was going to happen (given what i've read about the sanatan fake nihangs in the UK). I made a post saying they were trying were going to try to legitimize the muhangs who put in idols and stuff on the g5 amritsar thread and I guess i was right.

Sad. Singh Sabha Movement was a good thing, anyone who says anything else needs to reread history in a Sikh way. It's because of the Singh Sabha movement we have so many Sikhs all around the world who are sincere to the old puratan ways.

They had a few flaws, but it was a lack of implementing a few old maryadas, but they did not do anything bad. Instead, they helped rid of these evil people from our Gurudwaras.

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When the Great Guru Granth Sahib is The Anhad shabad, how can one be in fear of anything, this topic is regarding the hidden history that have moulded the poor state of Punjabiyat, into the form it is in today, for a faith that has had so much damage done to it, IT'S ABOUT TIME WE RECLAIMED OUR HISTORY, but in order for this to happen from the branches, the root's must be exposed and in this case external forces, way before, 1920's singh sabha, 1984 happened, one must see the international pressures that had been faced by our community after the collapse of the Sikh Kingdom that spread to Afganistan, which concurrently note:,

And yet until we get to a high level of bhagti, we always will live in fear.....

The killer in Norway was someone who supported groups associated with Freemasons, they have their connections in police, law, media, political groups, they try and put some of their people basically anywhere and everywhere there is power, they get off on killing people and causing Chaos to achieve order(scaring the crap out of us so we wet our pants and become dependant on them and watched more closely- Big Brother style......, that serial killer was trained properly in England before going back to his own country... He knew all about the knights templar etc, he was married to the masonic cause, and every single Sikh by now should know who they are because they are the Aurangzebs of this era but more dangerous times a thousand if not more....

They assumed control of not only of India but the Entire World a while ago, they have been planning attacks etc for a while now, they have underground bunkers etc...

What I'm saying is that to get rid of all this negativity to go back to an age of Satyug, we need more Brahmgyanis, more bhagats more committed to naam(naam=attunement to Truth frequency), physically applying gurbani, not just reading paath- truly All fearless and All loving beings.... it takes one star to light up the sky...

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I personally don't believe in massive conspiracies by Jewish backed free mason's and all that. So I won't comment on that. But to those who doubt the Singh Sabha Movement is shameful.

About a decade after Maharaja Ranjit Singh's raj the sikh population fell to approximately 1.8 million. We were literally on the brink of dissapearing. It was in large part due to the Singh Sabha that this all turned around. I don't have the numbers infront of me, but the growth in sikh population during Singh Sabha are staggering. I bet a lot of our families sikh heritage can be traced back to the movement. We should be indebted to those Singhs forever.

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I personally don't believe in massive conspiracies by Jewish backed free mason's and all that. So I won't comment on that. But to those who doubt the Singh Sabha Movement is shameful.

About a decade after Maharaja Ranjit Singh's raj the sikh population fell to approximately 1.8 million. We were literally on the brink of dissapearing. It was in large part due to the Singh Sabha that this all turned around. I don't have the numbers infront of me, but the growth in sikh population during Singh Sabha are staggering. I bet a lot of our families sikh heritage can be traced back to the movement. We should be indebted to those Singhs forever.

Boleeeee sooooniihaaaal sat sri akaaaaal!

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I don't know about Freemasonry attack on Sikh Panth is true or not. But attacks on Sikh Panth is happening since 1849.

1.Right after the fall of the Sikh of the Sikh state in 1849, when Sikhi asools were declining amongst the Sikhs, Baba Ram Singh Jee tried to bring Sikhs back to the basics of Gurmat. But the British decided to put a stop to this and finished his real mission and installed a dehdhari Guru to rule over the Namdharis.

2. Then when Singh Sabha movement happened trying to revive Sikhi asools amongst the Sikhs, the British supported the Sikh Snaatanists as a counter measure to curb the rising influence of the Singh Sabha Lahore. Thankfully Singh Sabha won against the british Backed Snaatanists of Khem Singh Bedi,

3.Then next attack on the Sikhs was through the Mahant Sanaatanist controlled Gurdwaras all over Punjab who were bringing in Bipran asools in place of Sikh asools in addition to also hasasing Sikh women who would go the Gurdwaras and also openly discriminate against the so called low castes. That is when Guru Jee blessed the Panth and started the AKali movement which liberated Gurdwaras all over Punjab against overwhelming opposition of the Mahants who were backed by the British and it's army.

4.When it was time for the British to leave, the once great Shiromoni Akali Dal was infiltrated by traitors who did everything to prevent Sikhs from getting their own independent homeland. After 1947 the list of Sikh traitors and betrayals is so long that you can write books.

5. But the most recent attack on the Panth is by the Kala Afghanis who are in reality created by the GOI to infiltrate the Panth and create divisions and prevent Sikhs from focusing on the real issues of the Panth like getting justice for 1984 and subsiquent massacres, doing prachar of Gurmat amongst Sikhs and non Sikhs. Just as Sikhs overcame the Snanatanists during the Singh Sabha and Akali movement so shall we triumph over the new threat of the Kala Afghanis.

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Singh Sabha was a great movement, but was predominantly a Jatt movement, which worked in favour of many and marginalised others, before the movement of "Singh Sabha Gurdwara's" began to settle with the pioneer's of new countries.

In 1947, alongside Mastar Tara Singh, Sikh population had no numbers so have to lower caste's were paid to take amrit and all main gurdwara's for when the voting issue came number's would be higher sadly, it failed and we are left in out sorry state

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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