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Jkd, Wing Chun Or Eagle Claw?


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Nope, this is just another means of advertising for Niddar Singh. Where does the OP ask about shastar vidiya? If he is from Brum, I am sure he knows about Niddar, yet his post asks nothing about shastar vidiya.

You posted pretty much exactly the same thing as your 1st post under the username maharaj in the thread on martial arts in the closed section. Please don't attempt to deny it. Your writing style is the same, your claims about your training are the same, you even made another account in the name shah when "maharaj" has aknowledged his name as being Arjuna Shah, lol.

You've clearly joined the forum with multiple accounts to advertise your master. This kind of deception is one of the examples of cult-like behaviour from nidar's chelay that I am talking about. It's also incredsibly disrespectful to the members of this forum who have seen fit to put you on quality control for your previous posts.

The thing is, nidar may have a useful art (albeit likely made up - if it is such an ancient art, why did he change its name sevewral times after he put up his website?), but it's this kind of disgusting behaviour from his students that will mean that I never attend any of his lessons.

My martial lineage is none of your concern, and my knowledge of Sikh history and Sikh scripture is strong enough to know that Nidar's so-called lineage cannot be substantiated and that his website is full of errors or outright lies in an attempt to portray Sikhi as a subset of hinduism.


Bro this is how the process normally works, take this as a model way to reply, you ask a question I answer, if it’s a valid question. Most of yours aren’t, but I will help you anyway.

Here's the answers to your questions:

1) Where does the OP ask about shastar vidiya?

Answer 1)

He asked about three martial arts. I done wing chun for a long time, Silat I learnt was

not pure it was in combination with JKD and eagle claw I said I beaten up two of hari

singh students, I still stand by that. Shartar vidya last time I checked was a martial

art, and is taught in Birmingham. So it does not take a genius to see why I mentioned it . Also there are number of singhs from Aston Uni, where the op is at, that come to the Akara. So he could also train outside of normal akara times. Simple logic

Lets look at your generic advice, "Go visit each teacher, attend a few lessons, and pick the one you enjoy the most. At the end of the day, if you do not enjoy your art, you will give up training. ". Thats good advice, a bit like telling person to suck eggs, no value i.e. obvious

Where did you get that Iron hand BS about WC? (Thats a question? lol They condition there hands but not to the extent of Iron hand people. You might as well have copied & pasted from wiki, it would have been better lol)

2) "Your writing style is the same, your claims about your training are the same, you even made another account in the name shah when "maharaj" has acknowledged his name as being Arjuna Shah, lol." Don't know what the lol is for are you going mad? (Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question)

Answer 2)

Thank you for saying the claims about my training are the same. Because that’s the truth.

Yes I had setup a number of accounts. Maharaj was my first and only one. But got

blocked. (please see my answer to question three)

3) "You've clearly joined the forum with multiple accounts to advertise your master. This kind of deception is one of the examples of cult-like behaviour from nidar's chelay that I am talking about. It's also incredibly disrespectful to the members of this forum who have seen fit to put you on quality control for your previous posts."

Answer 3)

Is that why I could not post as maharaj because I'm on quality control, I wish someone

told me early. It was a real pain setting up the other accounts. Thank you. If I have

disrespected any one by this behaviour I'm sorry. However, you know I'm based in Ilford, come down by the way my name is Arjun Shah.

Two question here "cult-like behaviour from nidar's chelay" and "advertise your master".

Let me tell you I will be posing other stuff apart from martial arts. For example, Why

did the number of singhs increase by more than three fold under British rule? What did Maharaj ranjeet singhs battle standard look like?

You said multiple account show a cult like behaviour, which I already explained , that I did not know I was on quality control. Also Niddar Singh does not need advertising, he been in the Times Newspaper (online), taught in Germany, and US. So you really think me harping on about shastar vidya will help him. Your a bit naive. There was a time that efforts were being made to show you the great martial traditions of our North Indian culture. However the saying about the toad in the whole applies to people just like you.

Also the saying about the a dog but can't remember it. lol Now shastar vidya is being

demonstrated to other true martial artists, with great success. So in comparison to what your opinion stands on shastar vidya, doe not merit a response. Check out Pat O'mally JKD, Kali and Silat grandmaster. He also teaches US law enforcement.

If you really want to look at cult behaviour go to any Gatka akara, slowly brainwashing the kids into taking Amrit and then marching for khalistan. lol

4) Niddar may have a useful art albeit likely made up - if it is such an ancient art, why

did he change its name several times after he put up his website?

Answer 4)

I'm guessing you referring to, Chatka Gatka. There was a saying coined by our

grandfather Gurudev (sorry can't remember all the saying), "Chaka is Gatka, Gatka is

Chatka". Do you get it? (Think hard) lol

Also you might be think of: shastar vidya, sanatan shastar vidya, sanatan hindu sikh

shastar vidya. Word hindu was added to scare people like you away. The use of sikh and hindu are ment for simple people as yourself to overly describe Sanatan Shastar Vidya. Also it allows gora to easily identify it as india art with out watching a demo.

5) kind of disgusting behaviour from his students that will mean that I never attend any of his lessons.

Answer 5)

What disgusting behaviour? Having multiple account. lol

That’s not disgusting, This is disgusting:

A person joins this forum, states clearly his name and location. List his whole martial

arts bio. Shows evidence of world class martial artist rating shastar vidya, these are

martial artist with over 30 years training inviting him to come and give seminars. Gives evidence of museums that Niddar Singh has work for. List publications like Times online, Reuters which carried article on shastar vidya. Not to mention Martial Art Illustrated that have written about him on a few occasions. By the way in a few months he will be in combat.

Still you say it cannot be substantiated. WOW

Nothing wrong with saying Niddar Singh made up the art, or it's Silat or it's that. But

what do you base your conclusion on? I ask again what’s your lineage, how long have you trained? Who taught you about sikhi?

6) Nidar's so-called lineage cannot be substantiated and that his website is full of

errors or outright lies in an attempt to portray Sikhi as a subset of hinduism.

Answer 6)

Answered most of this in question 5. Website full of errors, I've seen your other post

you will get a response their.

To be honest your level is so low. You may consider converting to a middle eastern

religion were things tend to be more black and white i.e. one god, one book mentality.

It will be easier for you.

Tell me if I missed out anything.

Now please respond in kind to my following questions:

1) Where did you get the Iron hand training about WC?

2) Shastar Vidya a lie (u used the words albeit likely made up), what do you base your conclusions on?

3) I ask again what’s your lineage? (martial arts)

4) how long have you trained?

5) Who taught you about sikhi? (feel free to ignore question 5, as any question on sikhi is too personal)

Waiting for your reply? Please stick to the format question and answer. A true singh does not shy away. Also I'm not demanding as I have no right, but punjabi/indian culuture does teach to offer in kind i,e, As I have done. Unless your to gora.

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Wow, you really don't get it, do you? If the moderators of the forum have seen fit to put you on quality control due to content that the Sangat found offensive or inappropriate, it is considered ill-mannered to come back under a different username to again divert a thread with the same advertisements for Niddar Singh in a thread that has nothing to do with him.

Where did you get that Iron hand BS about WC? (Thats a question? lol They condition there hands but not to the extent of Iron hand people. You might as well have copied & pasted from wiki, it would have been better lol)

See William Cheung's Wt lineage for one that teaches Iron Palm conditoining for one.

If you really want to look at cult behaviour go to any Gatka akara, slowly brainwashing the kids into taking Amrit and then marching for khalistan. lol

No, encouraging the taking of Amrit is not brainwashing. It is the way of life set forth by Dasmesh Pita for his Singhs. As to Khalistan, well the same Dasmesh Pita who has given SIkhi rehat and Amrit has told us to establish Sikh Raj, a Raj that will be made with Shastar. Furthermore, the decalaration of the Independence of Khalistan was made in 1986 by the Sarbat Khalsa at Akal Takht in accordance with the wishes of the Khalsa Panth.

Also you might be think of: shastar vidya, sanatan shastar vidya, sanatan hindu sikh

shastar vidya. Word hindu was added to scare people like you away. The use of sikh and hindu are ment for simple people as yourself to overly describe Sanatan Shastar Vidya. Also it allows gora to easily identify it as india art with out watching a demo.

I'm glad you agree that "Sanatan Hindu Sikh Shastar Vidiya" is an invention of Niddar Singh.

List his whole martial

arts bio. Shows evidence of world class martial artist rating shastar vidya, these are

martial artist with over 30 years training inviting him to come and give seminars. Gives evidence of museums that Niddar Singh has work for. List publications like Times online, Reuters which carried article on shastar vidya. Not to mention Martial Art Illustrated that have written about him on a few occasions. By the way in a few months he will be in combat.

Still you say it cannot be substantiated. WOW

Appearing in a magazine is not evidence of anything except that he has a decent publicist. I call his art a lie because there is no evidence of his lineage.

Ignoring the obvious nonsense about his art coming from Shiva, Kalamukhas and Kapalikas, Naths and so on, there is no evidence that his lineage is true except for NIddar's claims. If NIddar expects us to take his lineage claims seriously, who are the other people that learned and taight the art? What are the names of his classmates? Can any of them confirm that they were taught the same art from the person who Niddar claims was his Gurdev? Furthermore, what are the names of Nidar's Gurdev's classmates? Can they confirm that they taught the same art? Where are the other people teaching the art or acquainted with it?

Niddar claims that his art descended from various Saivite sects. Well, where are the teachers of those sects teaching the same or similar art as Niddar? Niddar claims his art predates Sikhi. Can he provide a shred of evidence from the living descendants of the traditional Rajputs that they learned or practice the same art as Niddar?

5) Who taught you about sikhi? (feel free to ignore question 5, as any question on sikhi is too personal)

Waiting for your reply? Please stick to the format question and answer. A true singh does not shy away. Also I'm not demanding as I have no right, but punjabi/indian culuture does teach to offer in kind i,e, As I have done. Unless your to gora.

It's pretty clear that your knowledge of Sikhi comes from Niddar, and I am glad that you have confirmed for the sangat here that Niddar truly does seek to mislead others with his on distorted version of SIkhi.

Annd please don't try to tell me what a true SIngh does or ho a real Punjabi acts, because it's clear you kno nothing about either. Unless since your last post as maharaj where you said you were a Gujurati and a Hindu you have suddenly discovered your true lineage in hich you are no a Punjabi and a Sikh?

To be honest your level is so low. You may consider converting to a middle eastern

religion were things tend to be more black and white i.e. one god, one book mentality.

It will be easier for you.

LOL, there is only One God in Sikhi.

You are welcome to try to rebut the post I made on the Shastar Vidiya, but given your penchant for insults like "your level of Sikhi is low" instead of evidence based on Gurmat, don't feel bad if I don't take you seriously. Perhaps you should stick to Hinduism since you clearly kno nothing about Sikhi. :-)


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everything said about shastar vidya is a lie, watching those videos its a waste of time

maharaj or what ever your name is i call bs on your so called martial arts training and claims, you clearly have zero understanding of martial arts

when it comes to jkd or wing chun or eagle claw i say you watch the first ufc videos from 93 to 95 and the old pride videos and many videos from brazil, these traditional martial arts are great in movies but don't work that well in real life against muay thai and boxing and wrestling

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"waste ur money and Time on these . MMA is best for street fight . And i will advice u to first learn Boxing and wrestling then MMA all these chao mao looks good but are not effective"

Bhai Sahib Ji. How many martial arts have you actually learnt or fought against? How many street fights have you had, what qualifies you to make such an irresponsible and ignorant statement? It's exacly this sort of irrational teenage mentality that spoils Sikh forums and pushes away any intellgient people who actually may have something worth sharing.

If you want to see the effectieness of any of these martial arts and many many more, I would be more than happy to help you make acquaitance with practitioners.

Boxing is very good, and extremely effective on the street if one has maastered it, but how many people actually become good boxers. Look at the professional arena and your question is answered, There are actually street styles of boxing taught in the Phillipines (where modern boxing movements originate from- via the Navy that was located there during USAs short bid for dominance). The twisting ducking, uppercutting and downward attacking motions are all derived from blade fighting techniques. Prior to the Filipino US innovation in boxing, boxing was a very linear, direct fighting art (see pics of the early Jewish and Irish communities in London fighitng for respect on the streets in gentlemanly bare knuckle boutsat the turn of the last century). Boxing sadly fails against Blades for obvious reasons - but is great as an open hand style (if mastered).

MMA is a sport. Yes it can be used in the street to good effective - against one unarmed person, but the training is tuned towards one to one and rules i.e. you can't rip someone throat out, you can't burst their eyeballs, you can't snap their joints, you can't apply nerve attacks etc etc etc. What you practice is what you do. It is also not designed for multiples - largley because it encourages grappling (commitment to one person) so do the maths, what would the 2nd, 3rd person be doing whilst you are gettign the 1st in an arm bar...? Lastly, it is not designed for weapon attacks.

This takes nothing away from MMA or Boxing, both teach excellent skills like judging distance, closing the gap, speed, strength, striking/controlling methods etc etc, but the objective is rule bound. If you want to compete, then excellent, if you want to learn how to defend yourself against extreme violence, which more than likely will include smashed bottles, knives even swrods/basebal bats, then you are more likely to have more success in a combat art.

Eagle claw, Wing chun etc are battlefield skill, designed to make a quick kill or permanent disability, if learnt fully/coorectly, these arts still provide the same abilities.

Eskrima in its many forms is unique in the martial arts of the world, because it is the only one which is still applied daily on the street. Visit Phillipines and you will understand what I mean. Until very recently, death matches or live challenegs with sticks or bladeswere common place, they still happen to much lesser extent today. These arts are live/real, proven on the street (even now).

This isn't an attack on any art or any practitioner, but when talking on public forums, esp Sikh ones, people should learn to be responsible as youngters get influenced. Kindly don't compare apples with pears.

There are no rule or referees on the street. Whatever you practice is what manifests (intentions).

all these claims of what traditional martial arts can do are just claims that were proven wrong during the first ufc's and in brazil and in early days of pride when every martial art was put to the test in no rules combat and boxing muay thai brazilion ji jitsu wrestling came out on top against all these martial arts

when it comes to dealing with weapons i say carry if your worried about someone attacking you i say get your gun licence and carry cause 9 out of 10 times your not going to successfully defend against a nut with a knife who knows how to street fight, if your up against a crazy ghetto mexican and he pulls out a shank best way to defend yourself is stab him or shoot him first

good gym in birmingham


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Wow, you really don't get it, do you? If the moderators of the forum have seen fit to put you on quality control due to content that the Sangat found offensive or inappropriate, it is considered ill-mannered to come back under a different username to again divert a thread with the same advertisements for Niddar Singh in a thread that has nothing to do with him.

See William Cheung's Wt lineage for one that teaches Iron Palm conditoining for one.

No, encouraging the taking of Amrit is not brainwashing. It is the way of life set forth by Dasmesh Pita for his Singhs. As to Khalistan, well the same Dasmesh Pita who has given SIkhi rehat and Amrit has told us to establish Sikh Raj, a Raj that will be made with Shastar. Furthermore, the decalaration of the Independence of Khalistan was made in 1986 by the Sarbat Khalsa at Akal Takht in accordance with the wishes of the Khalsa Panth.

I'm glad you agree that "Sanatan Hindu Sikh Shastar Vidiya" is an invention of Niddar Singh.

Appearing in a magazine is not evidence of anything except that he has a decent publicist. I call his art a lie because there is no evidence of his lineage.

Ignoring the obvious nonsense about his art coming from Shiva, Kalamukhas and Kapalikas, Naths and so on, there is no evidence that his lineage is true except for NIddar's claims. If NIddar expects us to take his lineage claims seriously, who are the other people that learned and taight the art? What are the names of his classmates? Can any of them confirm that they were taught the same art from the person who Niddar claims was his Gurdev? Furthermore, what are the names of Nidar's Gurdev's classmates? Can they confirm that they taught the same art? Where are the other people teaching the art or acquainted with it?

Niddar claims that his art descended from various Saivite sects. Well, where are the teachers of those sects teaching the same or similar art as Niddar? Niddar claims his art predates Sikhi. Can he provide a shred of evidence from the living descendants of the traditional Rajputs that they learned or practice the same art as Niddar?

It's pretty clear that your knowledge of Sikhi comes from Niddar, and I am glad that you have confirmed for the sangat here that Niddar truly does seek to mislead others with his on distorted version of SIkhi.

Annd please don't try to tell me what a true SIngh does or ho a real Punjabi acts, because it's clear you kno nothing about either. Unless since your last post as maharaj where you said you were a Gujurati and a Hindu you have suddenly discovered your true lineage in hich you are no a Punjabi and a Sikh?

LOL, there is only One God in Sikhi.

You are welcome to try to rebut the post I made on the Shastar Vidiya, but given your penchant for insults like "your level of Sikhi is low" instead of evidence based on Gurmat, don't feel bad if I don't take you seriously. Perhaps you should stick to Hinduism since you clearly kno nothing about Sikhi. :-)


He is under quality control, that spoils all the fun....

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"i say if your going to train in martial arts then train in the best and train hard muay thai for standup boxing for fist fighting ji jitsu and wrestling for ground and for weapons krav mega".

Just passing by. And will make a few points Singh Sahib, out of genuine concern (I don't have a habit of banging my head against brick walls).

Muay Thai is a sport - albeit traditional Thai one. Kickboxing is its western propogated diluted child. The father and grandfather of Muay Thai is Muay Chaya and Muay Boran (Combat Arts). The Par-dada of Muay Thai is Bokator - probably one of the most ancient and lethal hand to hand arts in all Asia. To find genuine teachers and practitioners in the arts of death (rather than sport) is not easy.

Ju Jitsu is not made for the street. The street reality is multiples and weapons, Ju Jitsu does not train for these. Ju Jitsu is comparable to Pehlevani - a royal sport, it (or that from which it and Judo are derived, yes the Gracies have much Judo in their art) would have had the same status in Japan during the Shogunate rule as Pehlvaani (Persian inspired) or its pure Indian predecessor, Malla Yudha, had in royal ancient India.

Krav is very modern, and can be very energy intensive, this is not a rule for true weapons based arts (which Krav is certainly not). Krav is an ideal example of an art taught to the army and/or police. Simple, quick to learn, effective. It cannot be compared against arts which have been continuosly developed over centuries and take many years to learn. Systema is more effective against weapons because it has taken the princples of many traditional arts including weapons based arts. I know Masters that teach regular armies and special forces from wealthy kingdoms, the ability of the average soldier (who is generally drawn from a poor uneducated background) and the amount of resource (time and money) the army is prepared to put into open hand combat trainining for its soldiers, is minimal.

Weapons based arts rely on intelligent footwork, postitioning, excellent body mechanics, depeption, baiting, silent control, softness, use of total body energy rather than strength (efficiency).

As of late even Israel is finding greener grass, and have been sending their elite to learn the Asian arts in replacement of Krav. Lesser known styles of Ninjitsu (non Dr Hatsumi) are one of the favourites at the moment.

The world of martial arts is massive. The more you delve the bigger it gets. it all starts off with the McDojos and the greatly advertise/well known/popular arts, ones that have been made famous by certain movies or movie starts etc and most of all, the world of sport. It eventually ends in a plethora of systems which the owners feel no need to propogate, because the reason they were so dangerous and successfull, was because the owners kept them gupt. If asked a question, one can find the answer. If one never hears the question, there will never be a need for an answer. The reason the ancients kept their art gupt, was so the enemy would never have an answer for it in battle. That which is 'seen' and 'learnt' can be responded to. This is why nearly all traditional warrior orders across Asia, including Nihangs, have historically kept their vidya gupt.

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"i say if your going to train in martial arts then train in the best and train hard muay thai for standup boxing for fist fighting ji jitsu and wrestling for ground and for weapons krav mega".

Just passing by. And will make a few points Singh Sahib, out of genuine concern (I don't have a habit of banging my head against brick walls).

Muay Thai is a sport - albeit traditional Thai one. Kickboxing is its western propogated diluted child. The father and grandfather of Muay Thai is Muay Chaya and Muay Boran (Combat Arts). The Par-dada of Muay Thai is Bokator - probably one of the most ancient and lethal hand to hand arts in all Asia. To find genuine teachers and practitioners in the arts of death (rather than sport) is not easy.

Ju Jitsu is not made for the street. The street reality is multiples and weapons, Ju Jitsu does not train for these. Ju Jitsu is comparable to Pehlevani - a royal sport, it (or that from which it and Judo are derived, yes the Gracies have much Judo in their art) would have had the same status in Japan during the Shogunate rule as Pehlvaani (Persian inspired) or its pure Indian predecessor, Malla Yudha, had in royal ancient India.

Krav is very modern, and can be very energy intensive, this is not a rule for true weapons based arts (which Krav is certainly not). Krav is an ideal example of an art taught to the army and/or police. Simple, quick to learn, effective. It cannot be compared against arts which have been continuosly developed over centuries and take many years to learn. Systema is more effective against weapons because it has taken the princples of many traditional arts including weapons based arts. I know Masters that teach regular armies and special forces from wealthy kingdoms, the ability of the average soldier (who is generally drawn from a poor uneducated background) and the amount of resource (time and money) the army is prepared to put into open hand combat trainining for its soldiers, is minimal.

Weapons based arts rely on intelligent footwork, postitioning, excellent body mechanics, depeption, baiting, silent control, softness, use of total body energy rather than strength (efficiency).

As of late even Israel is finding greener grass, and have been sending their elite to learn the Asian arts in replacement of Krav. Lesser known styles of Ninjitsu (non Dr Hatsumi) are one of the favourites at the moment.

The world of martial arts is massive. The more you delve the bigger it gets. it all starts off with the McDojos and the greatly advertise/well known/popular arts, ones that have been made famous by certain movies or movie starts etc and most of all, the world of sport. It eventually ends in a plethora of systems which the owners feel no need to propogate, because the reason they were so dangerous and successfull, was because the owners kept them gupt. If asked a question, one can find the answer. If one never hears the question, there will never be a need for an answer. The reason the ancients kept their art gupt, was so the enemy would never have an answer for it in battle. That which is 'seen' and 'learnt' can be responded to. This is why nearly all traditional warrior orders across Asia, including Nihangs, have historically kept their vidya gupt.

martial arts like krav mega and ji jitsu come from traditional martial arts

they take out what doesn't work and use what does work from different martial arts and thats how modern martial arts are created

muay thai and all martial arts evolve out of other martial arts and the new martial arts are much better then traditional martial arts

this is what will end the debate the first ufc and pride and brazils vele tudo tournments had no rules fighting to see what martial arts were the best, the martial artists from ji jitsu muay thai boxing wrestling backgrounds destroyed kung fu fighters and every other martial artists

all these martial arts you said are very good arn't that effective against martial arts like muay thai and ji jitsu and this was shown in the first ufc's pride's and all the vele tudo tournments Thats why people who are experts iin combat sports laugh at these traditional martial arts that you talk about and advise to train in things like krav mega which is used by the israeli commandos everyday and these guys are some of the best soldiers in the world and thats why they advise to train in things like muay thai and boxing for street fighting and standup and for ground in ji jitsu and wrestling

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