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Animals Making Sacrifices

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i've heard it does happen, a bhramgiyani at our gurdwara once told a story in katha, that there were to guru de sikh who were in a jungle and it was raining, and needed a place to rest and shelter, under they found a area where a tiger used to stay (unknowingly that it was a tigers home and rest area) when the tiger came back he saw that both men were at his home and were there because of rain, he then stayed outside his home all night in the rain, throughout the night in the cold, and eventually died... when the 2 sikhs saw that they had a tiger stay outside and he let them stay in their home.... they felt sad and prayed that he be given mukhti, such than when a person was taken with guru tegh bahadur to sachkhand to see this sakhi by the tiger the tiger ( i think in a diff roop now, perhaps as man, not sure) told him this and now was sitting on a throne and having chattars sway over him in sachkhand... the man guru tegh bahadur took,was a fakhir that had questioned guru tegh bahadurs building of the city of anadpur and homes there for ppl to live in thus guru tegh bahadur took the fakhir to sachkhand and he heard the tigers acount

ive also heard when nihangs do chatka and say the last lines of Chandi di vaar "Durga phaat baneya sabbay pordia, fir naa jooni aiya jin eh gaiya" (forgive me for possible inncorections of writing gurus baani) the goat it self bows its head infront of the singh, and is given mukhti because it was a blood sacrifice for gurus sikhs and back in the day when singhs were in jungles it would bow its head because it was feeding guru de Singhs

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I think Mukhti for animals means getting human form. Human form is the greatest of the 84 lakh joonis because it is only in this form that one can do Bhagti of Vaheguru. Mukhti for humans means being free from the cycle of life and death. Within human form, not all humans are blessed with Sikhi. Sikhi is very rare thing. Not even 1% of humans are Sikhs. So as Sikhs we should feel thankful to Vaheguru for giving us human form and on top of that blessing us with Sikhi while in human form since more than 99% of humans are not even blessed with the priceless gift of Sikhi.

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I think a question like this has way too many variables to be answered. What if the animal had killed twice as many lives in his previous janam? Doing x,y,z doesn't necessarily get you mukhti. It all comes down to Gurprasad, wether you save 1 life, or a 1000. Also, each individual situation is different. Osama Bin Laden could have saved a couple lives while fighting for mujhahadeen in Afghanistan, but he also killed thousands of others. Each situation is different and it is all up to Akal Purakh in the end. I am positive that his decision is always just.

However, it does say in bani "Gobind milan kee eh teri baria". Animals can't join sangat and jaap naam. So animals will likely get a human life? Then again, I've also heard of sakhi's were animals in Guru Sahib time attained mukthi. So again, all in God's mauj.

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Say a dog saved another animal or person's life, but in the process the dog lost his life. Would this atma that was in the dog go straight to Sachkand for making such a sacrifice? This just crossed my mind and i thought i would ask the sangat here.

it wud be the karam of that dog that he wud lose his life in that way. it is counted as a pun. but this act of pun was written in the life of that dog. the dog wud have been given this sunjog as a result from actions prior to getting the life of a dog.

it is only in human life that we can do naam to change our karam if bad, or to make it vadh if its good, with naam. its possible that this cud hapen neare the time that the dog is to get the life of a human.

its only in this life that we can get mukti from the chaurasi.

the pun that the dog achieved would get counted in the life as a human and we would see it as good furtune. i.e. being saved from death (for example). this is the human reaping the benifits from the goodness sown when s/he was a dog in the past life, saving another's life.

this is how it happens normally. but there are exceptions. like the tiger sakhi and that life-form, the horse, that guru gobind singh ji has. ( it is a seva to serve guruji. the horse of guruji has done amazing things to get that seva so..). these are exceptions.


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Say a dog saved another animal or person's life, but in the process the dog lost his life. Would this atma that was in the dog go straight to Sachkand for making such a sacrifice? This just crossed my mind and i thought i would ask the sangat here.

No, this human janam is the only way we are able to get a place in sachkandh/Jivan Mukhti.

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No, this human janam is the only way we are able to get a place in sachkandh/Jivan Mukhti.

What about humans that act like animals (chase after maya) there whole life, but one day wake up and make a sacrifice that shows that they understood the root reason of life. What is the difference here for this kind of sacrifice between a human and an animal? If an animal can make this kind of sacrifice, doesn't it say the animals understanding is deep and could be just as deep as a person's?

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scientificay speaking, humans have an unusally large brain for their heads. (it is a bit funny :p i no ). so firstly, i would not go so far as to say that an animal can think like a human. animals have a great capacity to understand behaviour. i love my pet. sumtimes feel that i can communicate with my pet too.

the one thing that seperates humans from animals is choice. we cannot say for sure that animals cannot have intent, but animals wil alwys try to secure its own survival. it may protect the owner, but thats cuz the owner feeds it, and yes, a bond is made. guruji says that its this (human) life that is the way out. not through any other life. (some ask, wot bout aliens ; well if an alien reads gurbani and undestands that it is in this maanas janam that we can get emancipated, then that alien too will get mukti. choice is the key).


if a person is bad the whole of his life but remembers god in the end, then that is again, his sunjog (through chice orreaping a benifit from a previous life. he will have to pay for the bad that has been earned, but some goodnes will also be recieved due to the sacrifice.

depending on the sacrifice, the person might move into his next lfe to meet and reap the earnings from the bad karam, but the 'manifest' of the gud karam could be that he meets sant mahapurash and they (through ardaas) make the bad karam go away. so its all reletive like this.

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