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Biggest Threat To


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I think without doubt the biggest threat and problem facing Sikhism are Sikh women/girls. They are really bringing Sikhism into shame with their promiscuous nature and doubt right un moral, un loyal behavior and disgracing all Sikhs with their treacherous actions. Many of These so called Sikh girls/women are hitting new lows every day and new levels of depravity. These girls have no limits at how low they can go and disgrace our religion.

From selling drugs for their Muslim Bfs, to helping Muslim gangs with their criminal activities. To marrying Muslims terrorists in the UK.. Running away from home and converting to Islam and giving Extremist Muslims more ammunition to use in their conversion missions AGAINST Sikhs. Its well reported that one of the London bomb plotters was married to a Sikh girl. They are well and truly the true enemy within Sikhism. And have potential to cause Sikhism more damage from the inside. I wouldnt be surprised if Bin laden had a few Sikh wifes, thats how unbelievable and shocking these girls/women have become. It doesnt matter how many Sikhs are out their. 1 Sikh is worth a million.

They have given Sikhism such a bad name and made a Sikhs a laughing stock of the Asian community. The problem might exist in other faiths but none can ever match the lowly lows and utter down right dishonorable, shameless behavior of a large number of Sikh females.

While Muslim and Hindu girls always love their religion, family and community first and put them first before everything. On the other hand you have Sikh females who do the exact opposite. They put Muslims before their own family, parents, religion and dont give it a seconds thought. And then when the Muslim dude has his fun and leaves the Sikh girl on her own. They come running back.

I dont want to offend anyone in this post and dont want to tarnish all the good Sikh women/girls out there . And I respect the majority of the Sikh women.

But just stating the facts.

In any religion its the women who play one of the most important roles.

Read this and remembervit, Dont bring anymore shame on our beautiful religion. Dont dishouor your families, your religion and your community.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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You're grossly being unfair and your generalization is dangerously off, seems like you have a potential negative predisposition on the issue because of a few things you've seen. Of course there is a problem but it's not nearly as big as you say and to fix it you should be educated yourself (as should we all) in put dharam, Sikhi and ithihaas.

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lol ok i think men are just as responsible yes women are not like those women back in guru jis day who did not hesisitate to have their kids bodies cut and in your laps or stuck on spears, and are encouraging sikhs today to cut hair, mainly because they dont want headache of combing hair... but look at alll the ghand man have caused, inder ghagga, darshan raagi, "singh"sabha canada, missionaries, fake nangs esp on youtube they have a bigg effect... look at the boys in our kaum, cutting hair, smoking, drinking, looking at every female whether their age is of their mothers, sisters in a lustful and wrongful manner, blaming it alone on one gender is not right have you been blind to what men have caused, most trouble is by us, look at your comments its causing girls to think sikhi is against women, which will cause them to run after muslim men ... its wahegurus hukham that this time has come... both are to blame, men who have a majority of voice when it comes to preach have done enough ghandd when it comes to mislead ppl into deras, wrong rehats and false propoganda

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Be real but at the same time don't be so focused on the negative. A lot of people are starting to get back to sikhi, we just need a chard kala attitude and unity.

exactly this is gurus panth, we have not had khalsa raj yet meaning its coming, Sikhs are coming back into sikhi a new age of Sikhs is rising, the number of khalsa has always been in thousands not millions liek census says, guru ji is bringing panth back where it should be... Sikhi is going to rise to top levels very soon, we will see this in our life times.. dont worry to much whats happening now this is wahegurus hukham

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personaly I love my religion and dont get me wrong. Its not a jealousy issue, or I cant get a GF myself ive had many gf's which is wrong but I never converted for someone else, or helped any criminals, or sold drugs for others and didnt date or marry any muslim terrorist, which is what alot of Sikh girls do like its the norm for them. I think these girls just need to wake up and have some self respect.

what the hell.... ahahha lol ahhh alright buddy

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Having loads of gfs and braggin about it on here is wrong and not a action of a SIKH,

Maybe we need to have a re check on what our brothers are doing out there and think I have a sister at home and think I should see this girl I meet I look her in the eye as a sister and nothing else.

I get what your saying and not every girl is like that but it's all about education at home not letting girls out for all hours without questioning where or who they have been.

Maybe you could start some group on tackling this issue to help 'sikh girls' instead of going out with 'girlfriends'.

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1. many pakistani girls are up for a relationship with a singh or two... but often muslims clue up and put a stop to it before it can progress. at other times, they like abit of slap and tickle when they can get away with it. it would be wrong for me to say all pakistani girls but there is a good number of them.

2. @big_tera: you should be very carefull in what you say because what you are actually doing is attaching a very negative stigma to our community. this reinforces negative and untrue perceptions about our sisters which could make situations worse in the long run. for example, if you have low expectations of your children, chances are they will live up to these expectations and underachieve in life.

3. we need to rid the illusion that we believe "all religions lead to God" - this is not Sikh belief.

4. our sangat need to be made aware that communities, inparticular muslims (i deliberatly did not say pakistanis) targett sikh girls for conversions via grooming and other tactics. Our community need to me made aware that muslims are allowed to lie under three circumstances:

i. to save their own life

ii. to stop a husband and his wife from argueing

iii. to bring another into the fold of islam.

i have on much more then one occasion have muslims say to me "i know more about your religion then you do".... however they soon eat their words when ive given them the low down on their own medieval cult.

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