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Dastar Day Made It On The Bbc News

Paneer Monster

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well done to all the sangat that attended or had a positive input into d day- im very proud of each and every one of you.

the day was a great success.

i have been informed the bbc covered the event (twice)...

on bbc news in the midlands there was a singh dressed in black talking about the event,

and on bbc london news the report was more brief.

I myself have not seen any of these clips.

if sangat has recordings of these clips (and any others) / photos please upload on youtube / flickr etc and link here.


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A news report regarding Dastaar Day

(The report seems to have been written in anticipation of the demonstration though.)

Sikhs in airport 'disrespect' demo

By Ellen Branagh

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Thousands of Sikhs will gather in London today to protest against harassment they say they experience at European airports.

The demonstration, in Parliament Square at noon, will be held simultaneously with others in four other capitals to protest against what Sikhs describe as intimidation and disrespect of their faith at European airports.

They say in recent months there have been growing problems at airports for Sikhs travelling from the UK being asked to remove their turbans despite successfully passing through security scanners.

The campaign is being coordinated by the Sikh Channel, a cable TV station based in Birmingham and London which broadcasts to an international audience.

Abinash Singh and his wife Balraj, from Hayes, west London, recently appeared on the channel describing their experience at an Italian airport where officials forced the removal of his turban.

Mr Singh said: "After the contribution of the Sikhs in the world wars, after the positive contribution made to European society by Sikhs, this treatment is deeply upsetting."

Today's demonstration - in line with similar protests in Brussels, Rome and Madrid which will be connected by a live link and shown on big screens - is expected to be attended by community leaders and Sikh celebrities as well as Wolverhampton MP and former adviser to Tony Blair Pat McFadden.

The group argues that there is no justified security reason for removal of turbans which have successfully passed through scanners.

It is calling on national governments in Europe to investigate the treatment of Sikhs at airports and make representations to their European partners where Sikhs are found to be abused.

A spokesman for the Sikh Channel said: "Reports from across Europe indicate that our Sikh brothers are being forced to remove their turbans at airport security.

"This is a totally unacceptable infringement of our faith, it's also totally unnecessary as turban is no different than any other item of clothing in relation to a metal detector or x-ray machine."

The demonstration will also include retired military personnel and the world oldest marathon runner, Fauja Singh, campaigners said.

Aviation Minister Theresa Villiers said: "I fully recognise the cultural and religious sensitivities surrounding the touching of a Sikh's turban, which is why this Government acted swiftly when the Sikh community expressed concern about new EU rules on the searching of turbans at airports.

"We engaged with community leaders and obtained permission from the European Commission to run a trial that is now under way at a number of UK airports.

"This trial aims to establish whether security standards can be maintained in respect of the screening of religious headwear without the need for a hand search.

"I have also written to ministers across Europe with responsibility for aviation security to explain this trial and to underline the importance the UK attaches to resolving this issue."

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great mahan singh ji. ive seen about 8 articles but theyre all text no pics :(

i found pics here... enjoy!





dastar day italy

dastar day uk

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A news report regarding Dastaar Day

(The report seems to have been written in anticipation of the demonstration though.)

Sikhs in airport 'disrespect' demo

By Ellen Branagh

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Thousands of Sikhs will gather in London today to protest against harassment they say they experience at European airports.

The demonstration, in Parliament Square at noon, will be held simultaneously with others in four other capitals to protest against what Sikhs describe as intimidation and disrespect of their faith at European airports.

They say in recent months there have been growing problems at airports for Sikhs travelling from the UK being asked to remove their turbans despite successfully passing through security scanners.

The campaign is being coordinated by the Sikh Channel, a cable TV station based in Birmingham and London which broadcasts to an international audience.

Abinash Singh and his wife Balraj, from Hayes, west London, recently appeared on the channel describing their experience at an Italian airport where officials forced the removal of his turban.

Mr Singh said: "After the contribution of the Sikhs in the world wars, after the positive contribution made to European society by Sikhs, this treatment is deeply upsetting."

Today's demonstration - in line with similar protests in Brussels, Rome and Madrid which will be connected by a live link and shown on big screens - is expected to be attended by community leaders and Sikh celebrities as well as Wolverhampton MP and former adviser to Tony Blair Pat McFadden.

The group argues that there is no justified security reason for removal of turbans which have successfully passed through scanners.

It is calling on national governments in Europe to investigate the treatment of Sikhs at airports and make representations to their European partners where Sikhs are found to be abused.

A spokesman for the Sikh Channel said: "Reports from across Europe indicate that our Sikh brothers are being forced to remove their turbans at airport security.

"This is a totally unacceptable infringement of our faith, it's also totally unnecessary as turban is no different than any other item of clothing in relation to a metal detector or x-ray machine."

The demonstration will also include retired military personnel and the world oldest marathon runner, Fauja Singh, campaigners said.

Aviation Minister Theresa Villiers said: "I fully recognise the cultural and religious sensitivities surrounding the touching of a Sikh's turban, which is why this Government acted swiftly when the Sikh community expressed concern about new EU rules on the searching of turbans at airports.

"We engaged with community leaders and obtained permission from the European Commission to run a trial that is now under way at a number of UK airports.

"This trial aims to establish whether security standards can be maintained in respect of the screening of religious headwear without the need for a hand search.

"I have also written to ministers across Europe with responsibility for aviation security to explain this trial and to underline the importance the UK attaches to resolving this issue."

Great to get media coverage, BUT Sky News, Press Association, article above etc all put PROTEST or DEMONSTRATION into the headline and write up. Not sure what BBC said as did not see.

Hope this will not jeopardise the Sikh Council UK meeting today in Rome with the Italian Govt. On Friday the Italian Embassy in London said at the meeting the positive decision would be formally confirmed on Monday after the meeting in Rome. They were also pleased the protest/demonstration organised by the Sikh Channnel had become an awareness event. When they read these articles and see the news coverage will the Italian Govt go ahead with the confirmation today? Could this be seen as a weakness on their part and we may have shot ourselves in the foot with the media coverage!

Hope the Italian Govt do not react in this way as they did speak 'on the record' on Friday, but we have taken a risk. The Sikh Federation (UK) immediately responded to the press coverage yesterday morning to point out to the mainstream media this was being inaccurately reported as a PROTEST or DEMONSTRATION to limit any damage.

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Great to get media coverage, BUT Sky News, Press Association, article above etc all put PROTEST or DEMONSTRATION into the headline and write up. Not sure what BBC said as did not see.

Hope this will not jeopardise the Sikh Council UK meeting today in Rome with the Italian Govt. On Friday the Italian Embassy in London said at the meeting the positive decision would be formally confirmed on Monday after the meeting in Rome. They were also pleased the protest/demonstration organised by the Sikh Channnel had become an awareness event. When they read these articles and see the news coverage will the Italian Govt go ahead with the confirmation today? Could this be seen as a weakness on their part and we may have shot ourselves in the foot with the media coverage!

Hope the Italian Govt do not react in this way as they did speak 'on the record' on Friday, but we have taken a risk. The Sikh Federation (UK) immediately responded to the press coverage yesterday morning to point out to the mainstream media this was being inaccurately reported as a PROTEST or DEMONSTRATION to limit any damage.

Always look on the bright side of life! Have some faith in your sangat, they have sharda, they did ardaas for your meetings and wanted to be part of this sewa too. Believe it or not we're not against you. we're with you too!

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As reported on Friday (Media Punjab) and Saturday (Daily Ajit) the Sikh Council UK were taking a rep from the Sikh National Dharam Parchar Committee Italy with them to today's meeting in Rome with the Italian authorities.

Have just heard from Italy that the Indian High Commission has insisted on Jasbir Singh Toor attending the meeting as one of 'their' reps. [Jasbir Singh toor is the person who issued that infanmous letter to certain Italian airports selling out the Sikhs and the main person organising the event in Rome!] Indain High Commission are sending their Amabassador and deputy to the meeting. If the meeting is positive no doubt they will say the INDIAN GOVT did this for Sikhs. Hence the reason to put things out on Friday/Saturday via the Punjabi media regarding the 'on the record' meeting on Friday with teh Italian Embassy in London.

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