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Nuclear War (Sant Baba Thakur Singh Ji), Us, Uk Middle East?


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Only God knows the future. <edited>

Guru Raam Das Ji, Raag Gauree 171: I know nothing, and I do not know the future; as the Lord keeps me, so do I stand.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Raag Saarang 1238: No account can be made of the future or the past; who knows what shall be, or what was?

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Kalsingh Jee, you have raised an interesting issue here concerning the future i.e nuclear war, Iran etc.

As human beings, we naturally are curious about the future, the pains and promises it holds and there is no end to speculations and prophesies to this end that have been made even by respected persons, scholars and saints of all religions, not just Sikhism. A Sikh focusses on the here, surrendering past, present and future to Akal Purukh, the Father of the world whose creation this is, who had made, operates and dissolves the world according to His bhana. A Sikh wakes up thanking God and loving God and praying for the bhela /good of the world, and works tirelessly to save the planet, save the environment and spread love and unity in humanity, planting the seeds of Naam and good virtues in eveyone she/he meets.

Thus a Sikh is a humble person, using the mind to do good, to pray and to surrender to God. We have only one brain and it is supposed to be surrendered to God so we become spirit led people living by the order and grace of God. This brain must not become a ground for speculative, erratic, confused, worried, hateful , envious, or spiteful thinking which keeps worrying about the past and future. Rather this brain has to be calm, relaxed, surrendered, joyful, beautiful, loving, kind, forgiving, generous, and never opinionated or desire-churning.

You have to remember birth and death are happening less than every second within you as cells die and are born. A gurmukh sees birth and death inside and outside happening continously nonstop. Only God is stable. Universes are being made and destroyed every second when you have the eyes to see. That death we worry about of our planet is happening I don’t know how many times every minute out there in the vast reaches of space filled with billions and trillions of planets and suns! And that same death is happening at a microlevel within you if you could see faster than I can type this. By the time I have typed this or you have read this, millions of planets would have been wiped out, trillions and trillions of insects would have died and countless births would have taken place from the birth of worms to humans , fishes , birds and all!. That is why we say God is great!

Saints say what they say so that people will wake up and start becoming gurmukhs and if you are an avid reader of Gurbani, this is the focus of Gurbani rather than to map out a timeline future history of this planet!

During Guru Nanak Jee’s time so much would have been happening all around the world but what Gurujee focussed on was to travel place to place writing and singing Gurbani to bring Light to the world and drive out the forces of darkness. That is our mandate as Gurujee’s children.

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Only God knows the future. No pakhandi Baba or Sant knows this.

Guru Raam Das Ji, Raag Gauree 171: I know nothing, and I do not know the future; as the Lord keeps me, so do I stand.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Raag Saarang 1238: No account can be made of the future or the past; who knows what shall be, or what was?

"singh" sabha has to be the foniest and one of the fakest misguiding organization cults in the world, hey missionary pithu watch your words, you ppl could never do even a single thing baba ji did lmao go on with your fake agenda

if the thread opener really wants to talk about this on a forum he/she needs to understand theres to manny ppl on here who going to give their opinion if you want to know go ask singhs who know baba ji or go talk to singhs who have avastha and jeevan to know such gupt knowledge,if you are lucky enough they will tell you.... ppl who wonder can see the worlds status it self today of wht is happening, china ganging up on india, isreal ganging up on iran, african wars spreading.... if you want to know ask singhs personally dont make a thread in where a lot of ppl who want to do basti of baba ji can gang up and try to bash his bachans because they dont like him

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