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Call To Sangat: Have You Been Effected By These People?


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Guest KopSingh

5 Singhs (panj Piaare) are the ones to decide on what should be done about the mistakes made by this couple. Punishments have to be in place to stop this couple and other people from attacking sikhi again as this midlands couple have. Panj piaare will decide if the couples' practise have been anti-gurmat and what punishment to give for claiming to be mata bhag kaur, mian meer baba deep singh ji and all the other shaheeds names that they have used in the wrong way. Guru ji has been watching their show and now guruji in the saroop of the panj piaare will announce what will happen to these people. May the truth come out and may the panth learn to stay away from such pakhandis!


personaly i would have them executed! say wat u want about pakistans blasphemy laws, but in the future khalistan (hopefuly), if anyone does any type of beadbi or does blasphemous act, they should be executed and hung upside down at jalandhar/phagwara bazaar, and have chilli powder shoved inside of them... chilli powder i say, so it wil taste nice for the dogs who wil eat their dead executed bodies. we have to think of the welfare of the dogs aswel u kno :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: . ppl like badals/kp gill/sajjan kumar/tytler/amitabh bachchan/gen brar need to watch out in the future

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Loads of these people around, I think you need to get the veers who are doctors and psychiatrists to deal with them. As for others lets concentrate of guru ghars and get them sorted. These des pardes and other indian/punjabi newspapers are full of all these bogus adverts. There are no short cuts in bhagati just do simran and sewa.

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Guest KopSingh

^^Sounds like something a Moghul would say. If khalistan means having people saying things like this, there definitely should Not be a khalistan yet. Only those who have killed their 5 thieves are worthy of being called khalsa.

my friend why u tryna badnaam my post for? u need a deterrent for future crimes. look at beadbi in panjab now, try tellin me, throwin copies of guru granth sahib jis into dirty wells, with alcohol poured on top wudnt merit this punishment? look at wat sant bhindrawale used 2 say wen referring to the person who on purpose threw a cigarette in sarovar in harmandar sahib! he sed that evil person shud of had both his hands cut off, hung upside down with a note sayin this kamina has done this crime, so NO it isnt somethin a mughal wud do, mug.

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personaly i would have them executed! say wat u want about pakistans blasphemy laws, but in the future khalistan (hopefuly), if anyone does any type of beadbi or does blasphemous act, they should be executed and hung upside down at jalandhar/phagwara bazaar, and have chilli powder shoved inside of them... chilli powder i say, so it wil taste nice for the dogs who wil eat their dead executed bodies. we have to think of the welfare of the dogs aswel u kno :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: . ppl like badals/kp gill/sajjan kumar/tytler/amitabh bachchan/gen brar need to watch out in the future

Panthic dushts will have to pay for their deeds and the panj piaare are the only ones who can give the right punishments.the panth can't sit back and watch this..there are many problems in the panth in the time of kalyug n nor can we prioritise which ones to deal Witt first.we all have a duty to make sure all issues are being dealt with simultaneously be it beadbi, guru ghar issues or people like this thinking they are mata bhag Kaur..if u sit back and let it happen..what will we do If ten psycho women like this one from the midlands stand up tomorrow and all start saying we are mata bhag Kaur ji..u deal Witt one pakhandi appropriately n tomorrow,another will think twice before doing such beadbi..u leave them to it.well itll only get worse.thats not the fauj that guru gobind singh Ji made,but one that speaks the truth and fights for justice!

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Loads of these people around, I think you need to get the veers who are doctors and psychiatrists to deal with them. As for others lets concentrate of guru ghars and get them sorted. These des pardes and other indian/punjabi newspapers are full of all these bogus adverts. There are no short cuts in bhagati just do simran and sewa.

Very well put. The fact is, you should call a panchyat in if she built a fence which intruded a couple of inches into another sikh's garden. Unless this panchayat are also world renowned authorities on the issue of mental illness its a bit like sending a milkman to do a bricklayers job.

The couple in question are quite clearly in need of professional psychiatric help. You can't beat the mental illness out of a person by sending a panchyat 'round to give them a stern lecture.

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Very well put. The fact is, you should call a panchyat in if she built a fence which intruded a couple of inches into another sikh's garden. Unless this panchayat are also world renowned authorities on the issue of mental illness its a bit like sending a milkman to do a bricklayers job.

The couple in question are quite clearly in need of professional psychiatric help. You can't beat the mental illness out of a person by sending a panchyat 'round to give them a stern lecture.

Sorry bhai sahib..it's no mental illness when one day u claim to be mata bhag Kaur and when questioned u deny and say u never said it when it's been said to about 20 different people. That's just a cop out and it cannot be out down to mental illness as this woman is far from mental..she's a manipulative, and lying personality..trying to be jathedaar of her own cult. It's not going to happen as when she faces panj..she can't hide!

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a spilt personality disorder/mental health problem would not allow for someone to be so clever. One such affected individual would not know to cleverly manipulate and lie when the panthic leaders are questionning her, but to come out with her bakwaas in her comfort zone. A mentally ill person would not cause such a havock in the panth as she is fully aware that she is doing wrong and knows when to try and find her way out of trouble by lying. People with split persoanlity disorder are a different person when affected,,,shes no different when shes lying to panthic leaders or when shes speaking to individuals as a person. its EGO...and greed! there is no other explanation.shes forgotten that dharamraja is noting everything...thinks shes above the world and even talks to her husband like he cant think for himself and he lets her! But he will wake up soon....guru ji wil do him justice too. poor guy cant even think for himself being with her for 6 years..and has just lost himself in her deluded company!

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